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Shelf Stackers


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Is it me or imagination that shelf stackers here seam oblivious to customers
Yesterdays trip to Tesco was greeted with a wall of boxes cages and so many shelf stackers in every food isle it was impossible to do much shopping the number of operatives was of course doubled as half were working on their texting skills and completely oblivious to customers and offering no assistance or safe passage through the maze of boxes strewn over every walking surface.
The unwillingness to move or acknowledge my existence with a hissy fitting 5 year and a trolley by the 70+ stackers was further compounded at the checkout with only 6 of the 20 odd tills maned and massive queues.
There are many things I love about Thailand but customer service never got started here [emoji848] 
I just kick them out of the way, and the empty boxes.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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21 hours ago, NancyL said:

I was amazed when we first arrived here to learn that the shelf stacking occurs during business hours.  Where I come from it is normally done before or after open hours.

I think a lot of the problem stems from the fact that the shelf stackers are not actually employed by the Supermarkets. They are employed by the product manufacturers whose product they are stacking.

Thats why there always seem to be so many of them at one time blocking the isles.

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Try going in the big stores on a mobility scooter, then you will know how brain dead the shelf stackers are.
Saturday in the local big C, at the computer section, bloody idiot parked a pallet trolley directly behind me, i couldnt move, called after him he completely ignored me and walked off.
A T hai man shopping had to move the trolley so i could get out.
Smash through it next time Col!!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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23 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Had the same grumble in Big C yesterday, stock and pallet truck completely blocking an entire section.

Common occurrence in Makro, pallet dropped in the centre and boxes strewn around producing an almost slalom course.


Staff oblivious of customers.

I was in a book store yesterday, it is just as well I wasn't looking for a book, every aisle where the books were, and I mean every one had children sitting on the floor reading books, there was no way anyone would get past without kicking them out of the way.


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11 hours ago, robblok said:

I never seem to have those problems, maybe I live in an other Thailand or just go around without caring much about it. (not an option for Collin). 


It could also be that I shop at different hours, most of my shopping is done at the Makro, and if they block one aisle there are plenty of ways to go around them. Given the working hours of most Thais I understand why they don't do it before hours. The shops stay open quite long already.


When i was young i stacked shelves and it was usually outside of business hours but at that time our business hours were not as long as those in Thailand now. 

True Rob, look at the 7-11s, they are open 24 hours a day, and the shelves have to be stacked.

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


At the Makro I go to they actually block off the aisle with a rope. Hard finding a way around that. As for the hours they are open, labour is so cheap here that paying for people to work during the hours they are closed and/or overnight wouldn't break the bank. They just don't care whether or not customers are inconvenienced.

I am not that inconvenienced maybe other foreigners are but Thais certainly are not. If the Makro closes an Isle I go to the next and go around it. I might have to walk a few 100 meters more but that never killed anyone. 


I think the issue is blown out of proportions, not for less mobile people of course but for us able bodies people moving around a bit should not be that much of a problem. 


Maybe I am just easy and don't expect perfection.

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1 hour ago, Rod the Sod said:

It is not about recruitment, nor training. It is about good management, which makes me laugh to even say it, because....it simply doesn't exist here.

That will probably be some of the people whose parents paid for them to graduate from High School.

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

I am not that inconvenienced maybe other foreigners are but Thais certainly are not. If the Makro closes an Isle I go to the next and go around it. I might have to walk a few 100 meters more but that never killed anyone. 


I think the issue is blown out of proportions, not for less mobile people of course but for us able bodies people moving around a bit should not be that much of a problem. 


Maybe I am just easy and don't expect perfection.


I think the problem is not being able to get to the shelves because the way is blocked by boxes and trolleys etc. It isn't a case of being able to get to those shelves via a circuitous route.

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


At the Makro I go to they actually block off the aisle with a rope. Hard finding a way around that. As for the hours they are open, labour is so cheap here that paying for people to work during the hours they are closed and/or overnight wouldn't break the bank. They just don't care whether or not customers are inconvenienced.

Well your correct but they do look seriously at costs, every baht of extra costs (e.g. More security on shift when dozens of people in the store at night time) reduces their margin. Capitalism at work. 

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It’s out of order. All those wealthy Thai stackers blocking’s my access to the booze shelf. Do they not know how busy i am? 

Going by some of the grumpy foreigners they are probably not stacking shelves but barricading themselves in preparing for the next “idiot” comment 

Edited by Kadilo
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24 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

I find these young pretty girls in short dresses hawking the latest beauty product complete with a non-stop commentary on a microphone to be a big distraction as well. ????

I am also conscious of the girls in the beauty product aisle. I go to the next aisle for stuff and can never find what I'm after and sometimes get lost in that area.


Yesterday I was in the herb area, and noticed that a pack of Rosella was 60 baht for 45 grammes. In the 'help yourself' area Rosella is 650 baht a kg. A bit of difference there.


The store commentary was saying "attention - promotion is now" in excellent English.

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I've worked filling shelves daytime and after hours back in the day. My old store managers would have gone ballistic if we had so many aisles customers couldn't get a trolley through, with stock scattered across the floor for customers to trip over. As a worker you want to get the job done as quickly as possible but you need to do it with minimal interference to your customers which wasn't happening yesterday in the store I was in. We used to manage to get the job done efficiently with only a fraction of the staff you see here. Poor management.

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I think the problem is not being able to get to the shelves because the way is blocked by boxes and trolleys etc. It isn't a case of being able to get to those shelves via a circuitous route.

Ah ok never had that problem, must be lucky. 

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I am not that inconvenienced maybe other foreigners are but Thais certainly are not. If the Makro closes an Isle I go to the next and go around it. I might have to walk a few 100 meters more but that never killed anyone. 


I think the issue is blown out of proportions, not for less mobile people of course but for us able bodies people moving around a bit should not be that much of a problem. 


Maybe I am just easy and don't expect perfection.

And if the product you require is in that particular aisle ? Happened to me not long ago and NO I was not gonna drive 45 minutes home and come back another day, I had already wasted enough time.........

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9 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

And if the product you require is in that particular aisle ? Happened to me not long ago and NO I was not gonna drive 45 minutes home and come back another day, I had already wasted enough time.........

I ask them to give me the product, did that a few times. If I can be bothered about it. But the Makro is less then 10 minutes away from me.  Normally where i shop they lock off just a small portion of the aisle so a bit of pointing and done. Would be different if they blocked the whole aisle. 

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On 4/9/2019 at 8:07 PM, Golden Triangle said:

It doesn't matter which store I happen to be in whether it be Big C, Tesco, Homepro or a multitude of others, always the same, aisles blocked by boxes or mobile ladders, staff sitting on the floor glued to their phones playing games or chatting with friends via Line or whatever, and ask the staff a question ???? get a funny look as if to say you expect me to know anything, stupid farang LOL 


Strange planet we live on here in LOS.

the problem is that farang look at this in a logical way ........

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On 4/9/2019 at 8:46 PM, colinneil said:

Try going in the big stores on a mobility scooter, then you will know how brain dead the shelf stackers are.

Saturday in the local big C, at the computer section, bloody idiot parked a pallet trolley directly behind me, i couldn't move, called after him he completely ignored me and walked off.

A Thai man shopping had to move the trolley so i could get out.


Hey Colin, how about a cow catcher on the front of your scooter. I bet you could shove the trolleys and the staff out of the way if you got a bit of speed up first:


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On 4/10/2019 at 7:59 PM, beautifulthailand99 said:

I find these young pretty girls in short dresses hawking the latest beauty product complete with a non-stop commentary on a microphone to be a big distraction as well. ????

A distraction??????? Quite the opposite I'm sure. The girls I mean, not the voices.

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