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Dani is back in the news and the boys in blue haven't learned a thing, you would have thought that the respect they got during the lockdown and anti vax protests would have kept them on the straight an narrow, seems not, Vic police took a snap shot of Dani at the racers and circulated it around the brother hood with captions attached, "she" said she was disappointed in the behaviour, out with her girl friend gave permission for the press to photograph her.....but was on the side sporting an off the shoulder black top nice toned arms i might add and no face shown....The Vic Police are looking into the matter and you can expect some heads to roll.....again....meanwhile the Saints are looking for an experience senior assistant coach, Dani has some solid experience at North and Eagles so there you go......


Well i can say without doubt that the iPad is still draining like a sink full off water, switching to web pages instead of apps cut back on the sites i read and woosh....still pooooooo....but how to tell them there "wrong"?


Well in a stroke of good luck last week and on the off chance popped into a mall and not only picked up a light blue iPhone 256 gig max pro and boy is it a cool brick.....as heavy as, the dacks certainly do a sky dive on one side worse in shorts, but i love the big screen....no more squinting....the iridescent light blue is cool too....finally got away from white or silver though last phone was black....Jb wanted to flog me an iPhone cover case for 60$ bless there little hearts......i picked up 3 silicon in blue grey and burgundy from AliExpress for the sum total of 12$ prior....ho its fast too.......And the AFL shop was near by and managed to get a Demon premiership t-shirt for 35$ in sexy grey think the club are selling them for 40 plus 10 delivery......was a good day shopping....


Newcastle United finally appoint a new coach/manager, Eddie Howe, only decent guy left actually, the 5 in front of him all kindly turned them down, well Eddie was expected to go to Scotland and take over Celtic, but he turned them down.....like who turns down Celtic? well it seems Celtic are a basket case at the moment so they went to japan and got Ange P,  ex socceroo coach, like he wasnt going to turn them down....and good old Ange has Celtic in 2cd and hot on the tail of Rangers in the 2 team town....so go Ange, Anyway poor Eddie has a horror December coming up, faces the top 6 something like that will need to pick up some points with whats left of November if there hopping to get some half decent players in the January transfer window.....Newcastle would have the most money in all of football former owner Mike Ashley despised as he was for not spending much on transfers and making the club stay solvent actually left United in a very health position, with Fair Play rules that govern how much a club can spend on transfers etc Newcastle can splash the cash like no other.....and i mean like no other, they can out do PSG and Man City combined....


Controversy out of the Browns this last week.....Odell Beckum Jr got cut...OBJ to the world was waived in other words cut, delisted got rid off.....was the best wide receiver when he arrived 2.5 ys ago leaves with tail between his legs, claims by pop OBJ that Baker Mayfield dont throw the ball to his son was somewhat over blown.....yes i watch all Browns games and yeah Baker dont throw him the ball much but it might have something to do with the fact he dont get in great positions to begin with and lets be honest here OBJ hasn't set the world on fire either since he put on a brown top...drops the ball a lot.....well Baker and co came out and cleaned up this week....pumping the Bengals who have been looking good this year....OBJ was taking up space men, oxygen thief......leaves with 8 million big ones to be paid this season, if he gets through the waiver period he can double dip in salary assuming another team can afford him....OBJ came out and said he wants to go to Green Bay ummm....there a very conservative managed team.....would surprise me if he landed there......


Its back to gloomy weather here in the Corvid state......just when we are free to get out and about it becomes your typical Melbourne  all over the place weather.....

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21 minutes ago, Radar501 said:

Paine may have been the best WK/batsman in the land way back during Sandpapergate when he was offered the captaincy, but a few others have romped past him since.   Now that he has fallen on his sword as skipper, I think his position in the First XI is untenable.   


The Pommy bowlers and the Barmy Army are less than subtle with their sledging and would give Paine hell, and that could be a major distraction to the team during the Ashes.


Alex Carey should have replaced him two seasons ago.   There ya go.   Back on topic.


Alex Carey GWS.jpg

Ball tampering just won't go away.


** Apologies for the Jon Ralph tweet not being edited.

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For Fj, https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/my-old-tribe-and-my-new-dani-laidley-s-debt-to-her-north-teammates-and-the-club-s-to-her-20211118-p59a38.html a nice feel good story just before Xmas and a month before pretty much every restriction in the Demon city of Melbourne is lifted....


Ta ta ta ta.....not into cricket, oh no....i love it....says 10CC....but i dont love it it puts me to sleep....https://www.theage.com.au/sport/cricket/say-it-ain-t-so-joe-paine-scandal-such-a-shock-after-key-role-in-cultural-clean-up-20211119-p59agw.html read all about the text messages.....now i know how this went....someone gets into trouble so they bring up something else to deflect and there you go....


Once a long time ago i got stuck on jury duty being the 3rd time i was called in i thought id like to get  a case.....as it turned out it was a nice juice sauce case....carnal knowledge it was....oh yes...the good stuff....well what append was this young woman was out with her boy friend one evening when police pulled them over, boy friend maybe known by the boys in blue they asked to look in the boot....surprise surprise.....booty from someone else's house.....had a garage full of it at home as well.....the said young lady was looking like going down with the looser boy friend so....."my step dad screwed me" she said....to try and make herself out to be a victim .......so there you go....I really dont get it why these guys let there little head do all the thinking....


The jury was made of of all men 35 and younger......i got picked early so watched with a lot of interest on the process....The case hardly got going and we spent a lot of time locked up each day over 2 weeks...the gang pretty much had him convicted so it goes to show you you only have to point the finger and your done like a dinner.....might surprise you but i didnt have an opinion.....i kinda "got it" when i heard about the car boot full of stolen goods....though i watched enough of Perry Mason to know the defence had to work over time to change the  jury's mind...


There were some problems like they kept adjuring the case then easter came so they wasted my two and half weeks and discharged the jury....

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 Well there you are another top 6'4 WA swingman heading to Demon city, pick 19, al la "Egg Jackson" can play back forward, back and on the ball.....Notice the family in lovely warm WA in shorts  with the sun shining outside....none off that sort of thing here men......

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38 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

 Well there you are another top 6'4 WA swingman heading to Demon city, pick 19, al la "Egg Jackson" can play back forward, back and on the ball.....Notice the family in lovely warm WA in shorts  with the sun shining outside....none off that sort of thing here men......

Your boys have done well there Uncle Alex.

I rate the kid.

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1 hour ago, Will27 said:

Your boys have done well there Uncle Alex.

I rate the kid.

Our next pick was a tall as well.....with good credits.....are we going to look like the Tigers of the 60s?


Hard to get excited when we dont know what we got untill we got 3 ys later...but it sounds like Rooyen will play firsts sometime 2022....and if there smart they will start him on the wing....

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On 12/3/2021 at 1:48 PM, AlexRRR said:

Well we were all asking ourselves and now we know....that silky lean Demon machine that use to mop up down back and bang it out into the clear Marty Hore a fan favourite will be training with North this summer, in the, they say hope,  unless he lost a yard  over his knee injury will be down back for the Shinboners next year.....a nice cheap pick up thats sold as a rock, only 25, nice smile, and all round nice guy.....

Good news if it works out,if we are to be competitive someone needs to replace Walker down back.


Off topic - with not much sport on last week i started watching the tv series the crown.

Not sure what others think but the more i watch it the more i see Nathan Buckley playing prince Phillip.????

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/5/2021 at 7:25 PM, farmerjo said:

Good news if it works out,if we are to be competitive someone needs to replace Walker down back.


Off topic - with not much sport on last week i started watching the tv series the crown.

Not sure what others think but the more i watch it the more i see Nathan Buckley playing prince Phillip.????

Well Fj Marty is no David Beckham but he can bend it....nice solid type that will add strings to a worn out broken down bow....Hope you give him more of a chance than you guys did with Tyson.....


As for being bored in the off season.....well.....Newcastle United with squillions to spend in the Jan transfer window assuming they can find someone willing to come on over and will need to bring bodies in as there like going down the gurgler fast.....Eddie has made them better....they score goals now but....his style also leaks them....


Meanwhile in the NFL its frustration season......Washington are kicking above its weight....just hanging on by a slender thread to a wild card spot....my other teams....as you know 2 conferences and like 8 divisions....Bills.....well there good but.....lost in over time to Tom Brady and the Bucks after coming back hard in the second half...there not really beating teams they will be coming up against in the playoffs....that they should be....


Browns...oh dear i haven't watched this weeks game yet but i think they fell over the line....wish they wouldnt flash scores etc up on the games im watching....on struggle street, Baker all banged up, shoulder not throwing one, foot and something else.....looks like he has been wrapped up something like transformer man to get him on the park...Browns need to sign him up soon.....4th year and will jump from a rookie contract to that magical starter QB contract that will be around 30 million a season....we are in the wrong business.....the press are mixed about this......anyway the alternative is Case Keenum...so id suggest to them to pay the 30 million....And take the offensive calls off the head coach hes made some shockers.....


Broncos......well there just like hanging around.....neither good nor bad....cant blame John Elway anymore as he has left the building....well you can he put the team together.....anyway im pretty sure Fangaio how ever you spell his name is going to be one of them NFL coaches beheaded 15 min after the final whistle of the season....blood on the gates as you leave the stadium.....


Patriots......well theres a sneaky feeling there going to go deep into the play offs, Mac Jones QB extrodinare falling to pick 15 in the draft like no one could believe, expect to go by pic 3 everyones fuming....as the Pats are the Tigers Eagles and Hawks combined of there modern era....only threw 3 times against the Bills 2 weeks ago and won easy......


Squid game......6.7/10....dont bother watching series 2 men....


Netflix....recomend the movie "The Forgotten Battle" strongly recommend "The Siege of Jadotville" nice slant to this one.....Irish UN peacekeepers  true account on duty in Africa...


District 9.....off beat Sth African sifi.....Cyfer something like that, will need to search the net for that one....very very good si fi in the modern era... and Anon......another nice sifi i strongly recommend.....

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Get your pennies counted Fj..... unfortunately its American made so you know reliability is an issue..... https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/13/business/rivian-r1t-motortrend-truck-of-the-year/index.html Rivian R1T, right out of that Fahrenheit 451 movie.....its got a lot of things i like.....dont know about the headlights of course.....ho by the way it looks like there is a remake of that movie....see the original....reminds me not only of that truck but of East Germany 1960.....and Julie Christie is in it.....i recall her.....dont you worry about that....i have a thing for blondes....all my life....and asians....


Well i had a squig at the new 2022 Mazda B-50 on youtube last night....will check it out when i land there and you know has all Isuzu running gear and tech, bit more flash in the cabin area, looking up the specks on Zigwheels Thailand notice no cruise control....and thats top of range model....ummm must be a print error surely.... 


Since we are not far off the move now men.....popped into a local Isuzu dealer here and checked out the D-Max....my god its a monster, its long.....going to be a worry parking that....in BKK.....nice and high....good view for perving on women in there cars at the lights.....was a nice add on bonus back when i had the Hilux 4X4 twin cab, which would still be my preferred set of wheels if they had the tech....i will check them out too.....


Well decided to bite the bullet and rid myself of stuff....so both laptops are going, yes that gamer is going....and my 13" macbook pro which was the top spec laptop from Apple in 2017....going.....but there is a silver lining in all of this....the new MacBook Pro M1 16" is a pure monster, you can build your 14" to the same specks but decided on the bigger laptop so i wont need to buy a monitor.....we are shedding.....like a snake....shedding....of course it costs as much as a house, cant believe the price....but it will run my game.....thats the price you pay to have something to do.....actually my 13' runs the game too, just, but i had to cut leagues to get it to be acceptable, its not really on, anyway the M1 chip is like 5 bulldozers all in one....FM needs a lot of processing power and the new MacBook top speck has it and more, it will fly you to the moon as well.....


Started the process of getting rid of clothes.....a boot load went to the salvos monday....gee its hard....like you start with what dont fit or you dont like anymore....of course i have a lot of clothes, well i am single, use to go out a lot and never got out of the habit of shopping....My daughter is just waiting like a vulture to get at a couple of draws.....she knows i have good taste.....there are some expensive Hugo Boss t-shirts in there....she has 2 boys....i cry now to think  how much i spent on them t-shirts.....i do recall one black one cost me 120$ a long time ago worn maybe 3 times...and its just your normal everyday style....but it feels like your walking on air.....and the cut....elevates you to star quality except im about 10kgs heavier now....so you know.....grand sons are getting them...them kids who only know Xbox wouldnt give a rats about how it feels....


My life in 3 suite cases.....how does it feel? well it dont feel good as Jetstar cap you at 2 suite cases, so im going to have to look for another airline, but to think....everything you own is in 3 suite cases and carry on.....The pain the pain of it all.....My mum once said to me, she thought i was unsettled you know, actually the whole family think im unsettled, well i really dont have to many attachments any more i can tear myself away froms material things, must be learning all about Buddhism men, i can walk away form things easy, once divorced renovated a Californian Bungalow....was a lovely place but they couldnt get it into there heads i needed a new adventure and moved out to the sticks and build a new place....and they couldnt see i was over cleaning and wanted to downsize and do a reno all over again...not too mention living overseas for a year.....yeah maybe i do look unsettled.....but im not....hahaha...



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You know......its just not fair......50 odd years of NOTHING.....i didnt get to enjoy a couple of years of you know being contenders....win the flag in a season from nowhere....now have to stress all year long to see if we can at least get up again......oh me ho my.....all the enjoyment pulled from under me......


So what to do?...... well the AU pub in soi 11 is going to be a home at least for next season.....a number of ummm trim ready to play waitress  ready to go ..... i noticed for other times.....that D max wont be going downtown i can assure you....

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I like watching the big guy in this internet football show, a Newcastle united supporter...... 

Going down the gurgler fast....so it seems....can the Toons pick up enough players in the January transfer window to save there bacon.....have a listen to his description of his team......reminds me of the the Demons before this year.....


Once in a BKK sports store about 10 years ago i came across an English guy looking for some NU gear. we had a brief chat, he said being a Newcastle United supporter was pure suffering......i could relate to that......


Well poor Eddie Howe takes over with games against the top 4 clubs late in december so you know the story.....embarrassing....

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