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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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The older I get the less I know. Life can be pretty simple when you are told what to do.  Then you have two comfort choices. Compliance or revolt whatever is your comfort zone.


Saying I don’t know or understand is a much harder life IMO. So take the red pill or blue pill — up to you.


In a moment all of us are gone so does it really matter? 

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First you should tell me the definition of God, so that I can say if I believe or not. I certainly believe in a God that people like Einstein also believed in. But I don't believe in that God that you can find in some holy books. We should first understand what we mean by God. There might be more than thousands definitions.

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4 minutes ago, cyrus9 said:

First you should tell me the definition of God, so that I can say if I believe or not. I certainly believe in a God that people like Einstein also believed in. But I don't believe in that God that you can find in some holy books. We should first understand what we mean by God. There might be more than thousands definitions.

You have heard me sing then.....????

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15 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

It is a little beyond your grasp.  Like I said go talk to a monk.  I'd suggest the forest variety. You don't really want to debate Buddhism here do you?  Are you a Buddhist scholar? 

Here's is a link for your edification  What do Buddhists mean when they say "life is an illusion?"

Maybe you should make an appointment for yourself, enlightened one.

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9 minutes ago, cyrus9 said:

First you should tell me the definition of God, so that I can say if I believe or not. I certainly believe in a God that people like Einstein also believed in. But I don't believe in that God that you can find in some holy books. We should first understand what we mean by God. There might be more than thousands definitions.

Very true..there are thousands of definitions.

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12 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

The devil is in the details.

In Tran's case it is


"Continual destruction in the foretop,the pox above board,the plague between decks,hell in the forecastle and the devil at the helm"


From a review written by a fellow Ubon Ratchathani admirer of his singing..????

Edited by Odysseus123
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On 4/14/2019 at 9:31 PM, CharlieH said:

No offence to those that do,  but for me, its just  "an invisible friend for adults".


Science tries to reply to the question "how" and people will never be tired to find replies

Religion tries to reply to the question "why" and people will never stop to try and find replies

...don't mix both

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On 4/14/2019 at 9:38 PM, quandow said:

I believe life had some sort of intelligent design, and as I've pulled human remains out of a submerged plane crash and observed the lack of life, there is something about humans having a soul. It's even been weighed. As much as the method used to weigh the soul was sloppy science, I think the bible is sloppy narrative. Jesus was a short dark guy, not the European with flowing brown hair currently selling His book. It's been rewritten so many times with so many inconsistencies that it's difficult to fathom anyone taking it 100% seriously. There ARE many good parables, the lessons are good standards to apply to your walk through life. Do I believe we were created? Yes. Do I believe in the Judeo-Christian interpretation of God? No.

Intelligent design really!! The nerve that controls the gills in a fish travels from brain in a loop round part of the stomach. The same nerve in a giraffe that evolved into the voice box and larynx does the same!! If there was intelligent design it would have taken the shortest route. Also without the parables, much the same as the Buddhist teachings 500 years earlier, we would all be  thieving murderess adulterers???? You only have to look at some of the Amazon tribes that have no religion to realise that even uncivilized people living together get along ok.


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I dont believe in a creator God who made the universe. 

Sorry I have tried discussing it with him but he never answered.

And I was sincere.


But I do believe in doing good and that there is goodness in this world and that goodness is like a light and is full of love and all the kindness people attribute to God. 

The goodness that exists in people is infact the most beautiful thing in this whole world.

Imagine how dark it would be in your life without it. 


Are there good and bad actions is the real question you need to think about.

What is good and what is bad. 

What actions if undertaken will lead to happiness and benefit for oneself and for others.

How can we add more goodness, love, kindness and peace to the world as it appears to be an unlimited resource that is sustainable and reliable. 

How can we reduce the amount of bad actions in this world that lead to pain and suffering for ourselves and others.

This is the real questions I think we should ask. 

I think we are responsible in large measure for what we experience in our lives and how our lives affect others and this is a better explanation of what is going on than any I read in theistic books. 

Collectively we are all responsible for the light and darkness in the world. Which would you prefer?


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4 minutes ago, gregk0543 said:

I dont believe in a creator God who made the universe. 

Sorry I have tried discussing it with him but he never answered.

And I was sincere.


But I do believe in doing good and that there is goodness in this world and that goodness is like a light and is full of love and all the kindness people attribute to God. 

The goodness that exists in people is infact the most beautiful thing in this whole world.

Imagine how dark it would be in your life without it. 


Are there good and bad actions is the real question you need to think about.

What is good and what is bad. 

What actions if undertaken will lead to happiness and benefit for oneself and for others.

How can we add more goodness, love, kindness and peace to the world as it appears to be an unlimited resource that is sustainable and reliable. 

How can we reduce the amount of bad actions in this world that lead to pain and suffering for ourselves and others.

This is the real questions I think we should ask. 

I think we are responsible in large measure for what we experience in our lives and how our lives affect others and this is a better explanation of what is going on than any I read in theistic books. 

Collectively we are all responsible for the light and darkness in the world. Which would you prefer?


All humans are not equal in thought regarding that that you have written....Ask any ISIS member about your theory....Think even Hitler was religious but to late to ask him about his stuff..

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20 minutes ago, gregk0543 said:

What is good and what is bad. 

That depends upon ones definitions of "good and bad".

Personally I am happy to help others where/when I can WITHOUT being threatened by some deity (for not doing so) or rewarded by some deity (for doing so).

Death (and the hereinafter) does not worry me, only the manner of my death scares me. I will deal with the hereinafter at the time should it exist.

Therefore, for me, there is no "god" of religion.  

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26 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I go the the wat and listen to the forest monks every month.  Don't really need an appointment as they talk with me often.  

Does buddhism have a god? ???? Or is buddhism a way of life?

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