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Big Joke latest: Embattled former top cop takes off for America


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On 4/19/2019 at 12:21 PM, hotchilli said:

Neither does half the southern population of USA.

You referring to the predominance of Mexican-Americans and blacks in that "southern population," I suppose.

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I hadn't given it much thought... But.... We haven't heard much from or about 'BIG JOKE' for several days now... Almost a week....

I didn't give it much thought although every time I saw something about him, I read it....

Today, a friend (expat) called me and asked if I heard anything about BIG JOKE lately.... and I admitted I hadn't......

My friend said he was having coffee with some men Thai friends and BIG JOKE was mentioned (one Thai friend is an attorney)......

One friend said.... HE IS DEAD......... This is Thai business people talking....... 'He's been done in"..... "He never was booked to America".... It just got me thinking that (TIT) this is Thailand.......... Maybe these guys know something we don't....

Me and the friend are not ready to accept this yet...... BUT ......

I am personally watching closely for any 'new' reports about him..... I hope soon we WILL hear more ABOUT HIM........

ONE more personal thought I have had....... was wondering if he could have set out to seek 'Political Asylum' after being threatened in Thailand.........

I HAVE NO FACTS...... I'm just 'thinking-out-loud' and sharing it.......... I HOPE we will learn that I AM WRONG..... BUT .... the story today got me thinking too much..........

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I doubt he is dead , the people want an explanation for this anyway, he was very popular among most Thais. 

So when the return date is May 1 , we'll soon know what happened. 

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On 4/24/2019 at 10:27 PM, balo said:

I doubt he is dead , the people want an explanation for this anyway, he was very popular among most Thais. 

So when the return date is May 1 , we'll soon know what happened. 

Like the outcome of the election his return could be delayed indefinitely.

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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

Did he get back from his holidays then?

Apparently.  Although I've seen nothing to confirm that.  Only an article saying he was supposed to show up for his new job, but I've seen nothing saying he did.  Yet. 


Are you among the doubters?  That he faffed off to the US and isn't coming back?


Personally, I'm agnostic.  Could go either way.  Although if pushed, I would lean toward return, not abscond. 

Edited by 55Jay
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I seriously doubt Mr. Big Joke, was allowed to visit America.   As much as he enjoyed the limelight, there would have been a lot of photos posted documenting his visit.  


I further believe, wherever he has been since being demoted could not be considered a vacation even to the most naive of posters on this site.      

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