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Trump torpedoes meeting with Democrats, blasts Pelosi's 'cover-up' accusation

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4 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Et tu brute?  Sound bytes from msnbc or cnn...


Semantics...a planning session to proceed or not on impeachment...

And the winner is????

No impeachment inquiry at this time.  I wonder what his mood would have been had the decision gone the other way.  Would he have pulled out a gun and shot Nancy Pelosi expecting that his base would still support him?

  • Haha 2
15 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

And the winner is????

No impeachment inquiry at this time.  I wonder what his mood would have been had the decision gone the other way.  Would he have pulled out a gun and shot Nancy Pelosi expecting that his base would still support him?

Trump is not that merciful...he wants the entire country to see the progressive dementia of the Dems weak leader... ????

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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

So Democrats come BACK to the White House, as mutually agreed three weeks ago, prepared to take action for the American people with what everyone agrees is a solid Infrastructure plan, and what does trump do? Behave like a recalcitrant 11-year-old who has clearly had is way forever, and storm out of the meeting.


I think most of us who are parents would be gravely disappointed if our children behaved this way. That we are talking about a 72-year-old man just makes this incident more disappointing. I really feel for the folks who wasted their vote on this "experiment".


Even when the republicans were barking at the Whitewater/Travelgate door President Clinton was able to compartmentalize and move forward with the job of making things better for Americans.


trump has his eye on one thing; making things better for himself.


The end of his presidency will be far uglier than Nixon's. No David Frost around for a feeble attempt at redemption.







he will not go gently into that good night.  he will have to be literally dragged out of the White House like Julian Assange. oh where is the Bard that we need him, or at least the good Dr.

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7 hours ago, Emdog said:

"...a previously unscheduled Rose Garden appearance.."

So is safe to assume that he just happens to have permanent signs out in rose garden "no collusion" etc?

 His walk out and staged tantrum are similar to young child who hits his head, waits for mommy to show up, and then bursts into crying and wailing session.

 Nancy may have used "the I-word" and he couldn't contain himself? He's called demos traitors, treasonous, enemies of the people, etc etc on public forums....

Who's the snowflake?

it was a quick Kinko's rush job.

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For high crimes and misdemeanors.

American president on STRIKE!




Don’t get it twisted. Trump is the one with the picket sign.


It’s often said that when our founders wrote the Constitution, they had a leader like Donald Trump in mind when they included various safeguards for our liberties and against abuses of presidential power.

I think that gets it wrong. The framers could not have imagined a president like Trump.



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Trump ..... King of the fodder supply-chain, mint for late night comedy, a gold mine for cartoonists.


What a legacy !

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Off-topic, troll posts removed along with replies.   Meme's, by the way, are not a reply.   It's a discussion forum, not a comic book.  


Wayned I agree with you I think the term is trump delusion syndrome it’s were a seemingly normal person is in compleat denial  donald now is calling Nancy Pelosi crazy and calming again to be a very stable genius just pathetic 


Well, trump had a full-on meltdown on Thursday, he's getting close to a "Commander Queeg-like" performance soon.


Clearly, Speaker Pelosi has gotten under his paper-thin skin.


I agree with the Speaker, trump's family needs "take the car keys" away from dad, a difficult thing to do as those of us who have witnessed declines in our parent faculties can attest.


I used to feel sorry for the voters who actually believed he cared about them and would help them. Now I do feel for him and his family. What a sad way to go out.


Mine are sincere "Thoughts and Prayers" for the Trump family.



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The thought of Trump in the White House for another 18 months is terrifying. Pelosi has ripped back the curtain and voiced what the majority of Americans already think: that the President is involved in a cover-up, the President is unstable, and the President struggles to fulfill the duties of the office. My confidence in her leadership is surging.


Image result for nancy pelosi young
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When you have to refer to yourself as a "Stable Genius" - what does that even mean? - , insult your opponents with schoolyard-level insulting nicknames and trot your staff out to say publically that "you were calm", the war is lost.


trump's own (inner) dragon lit him up. Self-immolation is always ugly. He's a cinder.



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11 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Stable Genius

I would love to see Trump take a modern day IQ test.  Most of them are pattern and number sequence  recognition .  I imagine that he would tear the test up after the first question because he didn't understand it!

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5 hours ago, wayned said:

Trump is , right now, announcing that he is using $16B of taxpayers money, yours/mine, to but votes for 2020.   He is bailing out the farmers from a situation that he created by his "beautiful" tariff plan.  He also says that the $16B will quickly be recovered by the "trillions" of dollars that the US will be getting from the tariffs.  What he fails to explain or possibly understand is that China is not paying the tariffs, the US consumer is paying the tarrr4ifs with incresed cost of product, personnel layoffs and business closures.   I can't believe people believe his BS!

Either Trump is incapable of adding 2 + 2 and getting 4 or he is just plain lying again and trying to fool the public about where the tariff cost is born. Any person with any business experience whatsoever would know that tariffs are an import charge levied at the border upon arrival. I assume that every member here knows this, Trump must know it, thus, he is just a liar (or plain stupid).


As others have pointed out, tariffs increase the cost of imported goods. The Government of the importer collects the tariff, goods cost the importer more (landed cost), the higher price is passed along to the end-user. Yes, it substantially increases the government coffers (and takes from its citizens).


Gawd, how did that lying, stupid buffoon ever get elected?



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Sadly, and yet again, today's headlines are focused on the "playground insults" exchanged. This is exactly what Trump wants and it brings the discussion down to an infantile level, again something he revels in.


The Democrats haven't really figured out a good strategy against this Trump tactic which he has used countless times to good effect. It is truly straight from reality tv. It works because a huge chunk of the electorate lack the time, the interest or the intellect to delve further into these stories and all they get is the tabloid headline about who called who what.


And the media just print it as they need eye-catching headlines. "Trump walks out of infrastructure meeting" won't pull in many readers.

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6 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Sadly, and yet again, today's headlines are focused on the "playground insults" exchanged. This is exactly what Trump wants and it brings the discussion down to an infantile level, again something he revels in.


The Democrats haven't really figured out a good strategy against this Trump tactic which he has used countless times to good effect. It is truly straight from reality tv. It works because a huge chunk of the electorate lack the time, the interest or the intellect to delve further into these stories and all they get is the tabloid headline about who called who what.


And the media just print it as they need eye-catching headlines. "Trump walks out of infrastructure meeting" won't pull in many readers.

Really? You think that's the takeaway for most people? Not Trump's refusal to work on vitally important legislation until the Dems stop all investigations? In other words Trump putting his concern for himself over the welfare of the nation?

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