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Samlor hit my car - police want me to pay...

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Hi Simon, through my personal experience I didn't think you have any chance of Winning against a thai. I had a thai lady drive straight into me on my bike "I had right of way"  and a police man witnessed everything. The damage to her car, windscreen smashed, big dent on the bonnet. Damage to my bike not much. Damage to me, slight fracture to my spine. 37000 bht hospital bill. Insurance covered. Cut one short I was lucky to get away with  50/50

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46 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Other posters are correct. Do NOT go to the police station. They may well try throwing you in the cells to scare you into paying up. Get your insurance guy to go down there and make a counter demand to compensate them for the damage. Give him your witnesses details and let the samlor driver know if he wants to push his luck, that it will end up costing him amounts he can't afford. Many attempted shakedowns stop quite promptly when they realise you are not an idiot who will freely distribute cash.

Agree.  If the OP has Class 1 insurance, they should take care of everything and I mean everything.  I had a friend who was in an accident with a motorcycle and this friend was at fault.  Still, the insurance company paid for everything. 

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44 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Turning left some years ago m/bike tried to overtake on inside ,i had been signaling ,they tried it on with me ,no go, talk to my insurance broker you were undertaking , dont give an inch .

ps first class insurance .

Undertaking is legal in Thailand.

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33 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I agree that you should let your insurance deal with it. Meet with your insurance rep again and be clear with him what you want - no guarantees that he will not comply though. Its very likely that the Saamlor driver has nothing more than the compulsory insurance so you won't get a baht from him. You will lose out in any case if he's not insured as your insurance will pay the repairs to your vehicle but your insurance will cost more when you renew it. 


Insurance in Thailand can seem (and often is) crazy to those used to western style insurance.  I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was on the back of a motorbike taxi in Bangkok when a car taxi pulled out on us.  We went straight into the side of the taxi, I was launched over the top, breaking the motorbike taxi rider's shoulder as I went.  There was no question of who was to blame but payment was a different proposition. The car taxi had 3rd class insurance - I kid you not. I had various injuries and was off work for 6 weeks. My total claim, including hospital bills and time off work was 1.3 million - I received 100,000 - the maximum payable under the taxi driver's insurance and I had to fight for that. I was sure that the taxi driver should have had special insurance for his line of work, at least comaparable with 1st class - apparently not. Unbelievable for someone from a western country but it seems, normal in Thailand.


I was advised to take the taxi driver to court and sue him, he had land somewhere. A little investigation revealed that the man rented the car along with 2 others - each doing an 8 hour shift. He came from the countryside and was working in Bangkok to support his family.  I decided to put it down to experience - compared to him I am reasonabbly well off and didn't want to make his life any harder than it already was. The real fault lies with both Thai law that allows inadequate insurance and the owners of the taxi (cartel/taxi mafia).


A hell of a lot of vehicles in Thailand, especially older vehicles (mainly driven by Thais), only have the compulsory insurance so if they hit you, you're insurance is likely to be paying most of the bill, regardless of blame.  It may be wrong but its how it is.

" You will lose out in any case if he's not insured as your insurance will pay the repairs to your vehicle but your insurance will cost more when you renew it. "

It shouldn't cost more, since OP was not to blame. That means guilty party has to pay. If no money or insurance own insurance company will pay but recoup from guilty party. And if also then no money, that is problem for insurance company, not for OP.

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1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

But reckless driving is not.

Very true, but undertaking does not always mean reckless driving.

Edited by stevenl
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26 minutes ago, stevenl said:

If no money or insurance own insurance company will pay but recoup from guilty party. And if also then no money, that is problem for insurance company, not for OP.

That has not been my experience - I even had to pay more for my bike insurance because the previous owner had made a claim.  When talking about car insurance in Thailand, I've often heard people say "in Thailand, you insure the car, not the person" - argue though I did, the insurance company would not ignore the fact that a claim had been made on my bike so I guess that there are benefits and disadvantages to a system where the vehicle is the major consideration rather than the person.

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7 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Update to this - I enlisted the help of a good Thai friend who spoke with my insurance company.  He said that the police had been in contact with him to suggest that I was doing something wrong with my driving ==> a clear attempt at a shakedown.


On Saturday, I, the insurance agent and my Thai friend will go to the police station. together, with photos that I took at the scene which clearly show the samlor and driver right on my side of the road (ie well across the centre line), as well as the skid marks as I swerved to the left to try to avoid him.  If he hadn't hit my car, he would have continued out of control until he hit the kerb of the pavement on my side of the road!


 The insurance guy also doesn't want to pay anything to the samlor driver from my class 1 insurance because he also agrees that the guy was 100% at fault...  


How much does the other guy want?

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I would advise you to get car camera, if someone crashes into you

it explains everything, you even get discount from insurance co.

if you have one.

regards worgeordie



And what exactly is the OP going to prove with that well-intentioned but fundamentally useless bit of advice IN THIS INSTANCE?

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6 hours ago, jvs said:

Does the other guy have a license?insurance? tax?

If not he had no legal business being on the road.

Samlors are waived from road tax and insurance requirements so good luck with that one.


In three separate car accidents that friends of mine have had where a drunk samlor driver was 'at fault', the police let the drunk samlor driver drive away so good luck with that one as well.


There's a few 'luh-mahk' farangs in Ban Nork that have a samlor so that they can go drinking for the very same reasons as stated above.


They are deemed as transportation for 'poor people' so they need compensated by people with more money whenever they are either incapacitated or damaged regardless if they caused the accident or otherwise.



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15 hours ago, simon43 said:

The ambulance arrived and took the man to hospital.  The traffic police arrived and marked the road, took photos of the scene, made a note of my contact details and left.  My insurance guy arrived promptly (I have class 1 insurance) and efficiently noted everything and is currently arranging for repair of my pick-up.


Now the local police have contacted me and said that I need to come to the police station to arrange to pay for the man's hospital bill and repairs to his samlor!!

Did your insurance guy arrive before or after the police? 

Anyway - all contact with police regarding this accident should be done through the insurance guy. Best is if you let him do the talking and you just sit and listen, and reply through him as well.

In cases where the accident is between a "lower class" vehicle and a "higher class" vehicle (as in your case - pick-up vs tuk-tuk) and the "lower class" driver is injured and have only the compulsory insurance, the police will ask the insured guy to help cover some of the medical costs of the injured person out of compassion. It is not unusual and happens even if both parties are Thai. The way and amount is negotiable and this negotiation should be done by the insurance guy. If you refuse the police have the option to send the issue to court and they can arrest you on the spot until the trial. However, for this reason your 1st class insurance has a set amount for bail money (I think it is 50K) but it takes them about 24 hours to get the money to the police, so it will be good idea to have the bail money ready so you can immediately post bail by yourself. Please note that such negotiations can take time and more than 1 meeting with the police so it's not like "pay now or go to jail" thing, but if no agreement on the first meeting your insurance guy can ask for an appointment for the next meeting and you will not be held at the police for now.

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Bit uncleared as to what you were doing?  But not all insurance agent are the same just like what we expect out of the police? 

Some agents like for Bangkok Bank think like the police and actually side and want their company to pay because you are a farang then raise your rates thereafter this is the easy solution just like what the police expect.

If you go down they will turn the problem upside down and make up all sort of things that has nothing to do with the actual driving code. Usually they will say " wreckless driving with no actual proof " You should pay it will make you feel better even bringing in religion. This is one of the major problems police trying to be judge and jury and not knowing from right or wrong. 

In the end, it is really about standing firm they hope and expect like so many to be scared and back down the reason they continue to do what they do thinking they are helping but in reality making it worse. If your agent agrees with you and goes down to speak make sure he or she knows if this can't be resolved then contact your lawyer surely the truck driver company will stand firm with the police.

Regardless, your story seems like the truck was tailgating impatiences and trying at the last second switch to a lane trucks have no business using?

Edited by thailand49
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When you say Samlor? Do you mean the bike and sidecar made from tubular steel? 


I have one, well I bought it for the wife, i use it occasionally - I always thought they are illegal vehicles. 


Every year I have to remove the sidecar and take it for inspection, but I would suggest most locals dont.


Jus’ saying .. 


Good luck

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