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Drinking can be deadly


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I feel an alcohol duty increase coming very soon



if Thailand was actually worried about deaths of its citizens they would do something about the carnage on the roads - the world No1 Hub of road deaths and accidents - a record to be proud of, problem is it costs money to do something about it - Subs are more important not to mention the massive corruption 


The only the police ever bag on the roads are bodies instead of bagging the lawbreakers while in the act

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1 minute ago, smedly said:

f Thailand was actually worried about deaths of its citizens they would do something about the carnage on the roads - the world No1 Hub of road deaths and accidents - a record to be proud of, problem is it costs money to do something about it - Subs are more important not to mention the massive corruption 


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any change...



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4 minutes ago, smedly said:

I feel an alcohol duty increase coming very soon

There is a lot of very cheap alcohol consumed by Thais and surely it would be best to tax that heavily (a tax targeted at the main cause....apart from the stupidity) BUT the chances are that the likes of wine will also suffer if an increase occurs!!


Not good for the likes of wine lovers who already suffer from an overtaxed product.

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Alcohol addicts do not want to hear their drug is dangerous, and most people who aren't addicts and are literate, have tapered right off. Like the tobacco lobby, millions were spent trying to suppress the health information but people are starting to wise up that alcohol is the worst drug of all. Trouble is that in some countries, getting pissed is their national sport and it's hard for kids to grow up without it being forced down their throats with peer pressure. Then if alcoholism runs in their families it only takes a few sessions for the start of a lifetime of addiction and eventual misery.

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

I feel an alcohol duty increase coming very soon



if Thailand was actually worried about deaths of its citizens they would do something about the carnage on the roads - the world No1 Hub of road deaths and accidents - a record to be proud of, problem is it costs money to do something about it - Subs are more important not to mention the massive corruption 


The only the police ever bag on the roads are bodies instead of bagging the lawbreakers while in the act


They are more comfortable promoting abstinence.......it is a Buddha no-no.


Bad driving not really covered by the precepts, as it is difficult to identify deliberation rather than carelessness/stupidity/incompetence/irresponsibility as the cause of the resultant harm (deliberate harm a no-no).


A lot of things get "dismissed" in their culture/society because of their rooted, historical......."tenets"?


We have different historical/philosophical roots which, although many think they have moved on from them, still exercise an extremely powerful influence (often unacknowledged or ignored) on the Western way of "being".


We do not have their history (and do not want it), they do not have ours (or want it).


We're different.


We have different social/cultural "DNA".


It will take a long time before we "coalesce".






Edited by Enoon
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Yes we all know that, but if you drink one glass of beer (b-vitamin) and one glass of wine (antioxidants) daily it can be healthy, not deadly. 


You just have to remember: Only one glass. Repeat after me : One glass. 


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You know what's even more deadly than drinking? Breathing oxygen. Aerobic respiration produces free radicals which damage and degrade the body - people who breath oxygen have a 100% mortality rate.

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4 hours ago, madmitch said:

Do they really need to tell us that 100% of deaths from alcohol-reelated disorders are caused by alcohol?



The sum of all other causes is actually 219 percent.

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15 minutes ago, SteveK said:

That's not true - didn't you know that you can drink a bottle of red as long as you drink a bottle of white immediately afterwards, the two cancel themselves out leaving you feeling great.

Gonna try that one tonight ????

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1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:
2 hours ago, 30la said:

If I die because of the alcohol I drank, it's not a bad death, certainly better than death from cancer caused by dirt in the air!


By the way: Not drinking is definitely deadly!????

MM having seen people die because alcoholic liver disease, (when nursing) I would not be certain that it is "not a bad death" 


if you worked with alcoholics then you know it is a losing battle trying to reason with them (self deluded in denial)

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Worldwide, 3 million is apparently 1 in 20, giving a total population of 60 million. Of that number, 2.3 billion are regular drinkers. Huh?


Also, there are about 540,000 minutes in a year. So 3 million people dying a year is a lot closer to, uh, lets see, ah yes, they are right about that one.

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7 hours ago, madmitch said:

Do they really need to tell us that 100% of deaths from alcohol-reelated disorders are caused by alcohol?

In the words of the immortal philosopher René Descartes  "I drink, therefore I am"


The Philosopher's drinking song, by Monty Python.



Edited by BritManToo
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Safer than breathing. Estimated more than 3 million die from pollution realated disease globally. Logic would then have it that walking to the shop to buy a beer is more dangerous (not taking into account the brainless idiots behind the wheel or on motorcycles) than ibibing said beer.

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