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Brexit supporter Johnson far ahead in contest to replace British PM

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58 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The good news is that he has obviously found his way back to his barber shop.

I think his girlfriend has been giving Bonking Boris a makeover.

9 minutes ago, fishtank said:

I think his girlfriend has been giving Bonking Boris a makeover.

As my mother used to say, Boris always looks like "..he's been dragged through a hedge backwards".


I compare him with David Cameron, who's dress and grooming were always what would be expected of a Tory prime minister.


I know that there's much more to a person than appearance, but in many ways that's a big part of how we are judged. If I turned up at a job interview looking as dishevelled as Boris often looks, I wouldn't expect to get the job.


I'm thinking of Jeremy Hunt as being what a Tory PM would be like, maybe the next PM, given the history of favourites not winning this race.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Yes, Stazi Merkel and Oedipus Macron are the thinking mans leaders.

First of all inform yourself about the meaning of Stasi - not Stazi - I think you don't know anything about that time and open your mouth just for getting attention. 

Also I would prefer Oedipus than Narcist Boris. 

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5 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

First of all inform yourself about the meaning of Stasi - not Stazi - I think you don't know anything about that time and open your mouth just for getting attention. 

Also I would prefer Oedipus than Narcist Boris. 

On ignore ...........

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3 minutes ago, blazes said:


This so-called IQ question about apples demonstrates how utterly nitwitish is the notion of IQ.  I suspect that most of us on here, if asked out of the blue, would answer as Boris did.  Erm, one apple of course. 

Gotcha you idiot.  Why don't you listen more carefully to the words of the question?  Uh, what???  oh, yeah, I see ....etc etc

But how many on here, so anxious, like puppy dogs, to wag the tail of hatred, would, like Boris, have been able to graduate from Balliol with a degree in Classics?  Not many I would guess.


I am not saying he will make a great PM, but I am saying that he will be superior in intelligence to most of the hacks asking him questions trying to trip him up.  



What you say about trying to trip people up is true.


However, Diane Abbot is clearly not that bright, but she graduated from Cambridge with a degree in history. Is Oxbridge necessarily an indicator of intelligence, or is there a political aspect to it? I suspect Ms Abbot was the token black person.


Then there's recent news of people in the States paying bribes to get their kids into college. Also, people in Britain outraged that people from foreign countries might be paying money to pass exams, all of us old Thailand-hands know that this never happens, and that any suggestion that it does can only be down to waycism!?

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Guest Jerry787

lets this guy run mad for a no deal and bring Britain on its knees, they really deserve it.



2 hours ago, fishtank said:

Got it in one. Problem is that while this idiot is feeding his ego the country goes even further into the mire.

Taking the currency with it.

According to Brexiteers the country overwhelmingly voted for this, the will of the democratic people. They only forget a mare 48,11 %, who voted against… British democracy: or you are appointed ( House of Lords) or.. got the most voters in your Barony ( sorry: constituency) and with that, got all. Pound already leads the way: Nov 2015: € 1,43 now € 1,12

2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

The gvt is ultimately responsible for the BBC and how it's funded, and if you're telling me that that need not be the case, I don't believe you any more than I believe any politician (weasel-words). Another thing being, it sounds like you believe what Boris says, when he's been shown to be a liar in the past.

Conveniently this tax-band has MP salaries just inside the proposed cuts, although the expenses that they steal from the public purse are probably are tax free, of course.

Britain still has a national debt of around £2 trillion (a similar amount to Italy), how are Boris' tax cuts going to change this?

Free TV licences for over-75s had been paid for by the Government, but the BBC was meant to take over the cost by 2020. Instead, this week the broadcaster announced it would scrap the plans, and up to 3.7 million pensioners would have to start paying for a TV licence.


Don't suppose you believe that either do you?


I notice that you can't defend the rubbish you wrote about Boris giving himself a tax cut, you just change what you wrote and that start going on about the national debt which was never mentioned in your original post. Typical deflection tactics.

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8 hours ago, blazes said:

Good.  We're on the right track now.....


Yes - the pound's falling, the Footsie is falling, and likely will continue heading South as markets react to the idea of the proven liar, proven no-idea, crap spewing upper class twerp looks like getting the job he graves but which he has little skill or intelligence to do!


But he's promised tax cuts for the wealthy, a no deal Brexit to the loonies, and as an American citizen can bugger off when the shit-hits-the-fan and the UK goes down the drain!


But hey, clearly the spineless Tory MP's and the 124k Party members know what's best for the country and all those market traders, currency traders, financial experts and economists are wrong. 

4 hours ago, blazes said:


This so-called IQ question about apples demonstrates how utterly nitwitish is the notion of IQ.  I suspect that most of us on here, if asked out of the blue, would answer as Boris did.  Erm, one apple of course. 

Gotcha you idiot.  Why don't you listen more carefully to the words of the question?  Uh, what???  oh, yeah, I see ....etc etc

But how many on here, so anxious, like puppy dogs, to wag the tail of hatred, would, like Boris, have been able to graduate from Balliol with a degree in Classics?  Not many I would guess.


I am not saying he will make a great PM, but I am saying that he will be superior in intelligence to most of the hacks asking him questions trying to trip him up.  




IQ is recognized by experts the world over. But because dumbo Boris can't be bothered to think on a radio program you rubbish it! So did you pass o levels, a levels, bachelor, masters and doctorate degrees? Or are they all rubbish too?


Pretending that everyone might find the questions tricky is sophistry in this context and based purely on trying to make Boris look better.


He obtained a degree at Oxford, after being educated at Britain's most expensive school where he had a reputation for being idle, lazy and complacent. He was criticized whilst Foreign Minister for not bothering to read his briefs. As a MP and public commentator he makes it up as he goes along and shows a very thick skin approach when confronted with the numerous lies he has told regularly.


Should make a first class Tory PM!!

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20 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yes - the pound's falling, the Footsie is falling, and likely will continue heading South as markets react to the idea of the proven liar, proven no-idea, crap spewing upper class twerp looks like getting the job he graves but which he has little skill or intelligence to do!


But he's promised tax cuts for the wealthy, a no deal Brexit to the loonies, and as an American citizen can bugger off when the shit-hits-the-fan and the UK goes down the drain!


But hey, clearly the spineless Tory MP's and the 124k Party members know what's best for the country and all those market traders, currency traders, financial experts and economists are wrong. 

Yes, they're all wrong and all in it for their own interests, or victims of Remainer propaganda. 
There's one job for Boris to do - deliver Brexit without the Merkle/May Surrender Treaty.
You had all better prepare for whatever Armageddon you imagine. If you haven't done so over the last three years, that's your problem.

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4 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

What you say about trying to trip people up is true.


However, Diane Abbot is clearly not that bright, but she graduated from Cambridge with a degree in history. Is Oxbridge necessarily an indicator of intelligence, or is there a political aspect to it? I suspect Ms Abbot was the token black person.


Then there's recent news of people in the States paying bribes to get their kids into college. Also, people in Britain outraged that people from foreign countries might be paying money to pass exams, all of us old Thailand-hands know that this never happens, and that any suggestion that it does can only be down to waycism!?


I have to confess that you've got me there.  Diane Abbott is living proof that Cambridge (or at least the "women's only" college, Newnham) lets in someone even dumber than Nancy Pelosi.  (Amazingly, she seems to have graduated with a 2/2 or "Tutu")

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10 hours ago, blazes said:

Good.  We're on the right track now.....

I wouldn't back Boris the buffon.

I would prefer Nigel Farage. He deserves all the work he put into Brexit, failing that I like Dominic Rabb.



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11 hours ago, blazes said:

Good.  We're on the right track now.....

What do you expect how ppl benefit with a hard Brexit? The clock can't be turned back to pre EU days.

Would love to hear. I'm not a Brit and I'm not really pro EU myself. Just curious.

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11 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Boris will win but I prefer Stewart or Hunt. Luckily for any of them Labour is all over the place and Corbyn a 1970s left over.

Boris probably will win.I'm always intrigued when people - usually people with little of his intelligence or charm- call him a buffoon.He seems to be getting things remarkably right if that was so.He is a bit lazy I suspect and he seems to have lost his mojo.


The one to watch is Rory Stewart - though he still seems to be a very long shot, he is closing quite impressively.Most Tory MPs don't rate him.Still as one commentator puts it:


"Watching the trajectory of Rory’s campaign I was reminded of a short story by Tolstoy. It concerns a strange man approaching a village from a distance. At first, the villagers assume from his eccentric hand gestures that he is mad and dismiss him as nothing to worry about. Then, as he gets closer, they realize he is sharpening a knife. By the time he is amongst them, it is too late."

  • Haha 1
26 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Boris probably will win.I'm always intrigued when people - usually people with little of his intelligence or charm- call him a buffoon.He seems to be getting things remarkably right if that was so.He is a bit lazy I suspect and he seems to have lost his mojo.


The one to watch is Rory Stewart - though he still seems to be a very long shot, he is closing quite impressively.Most Tory MPs don't rate him.Still as one commentator puts it:


"Watching the trajectory of Rory’s campaign I was reminded of a short story by Tolstoy. It concerns a strange man approaching a village from a distance. At first, the villagers assume from his eccentric hand gestures that he is mad and dismiss him as nothing to worry about. Then, as he gets closer, they realize he is sharpening a knife. By the time he is amongst them, it is too late."

"Watching the trajectory of Rory’s campaign I was reminded of a short story by Tolstoy. It concerns a strange man approaching a village from a distance. At first, the villagers assume from his eccentric hand gestures that he is mad and dismiss him as nothing to worry about. Then, as he gets closer, they realize he is sharpening a knife. By the time he is amongst them, it is too late."


Yep, that's Boris and you're living in the village of Brexit-cum-Whatever. 


A debate on Sky news as I type is worth airing as it involves fellow candidate Sajit Javid. It appears he was omitted from a banquet during Trumps visit in circumstances that are far from clear and have been denied by both PM May and no 10.

Could it be that someone took the decision to keep him a arms length for fear that Trump might think he was Citizen Khan and give him the hairdryer?


(Not entirely serious but has had me thinking ????)



22 hours ago, nahkit said:

Free TV licences for over-75s had been paid for by the Government, but the BBC was meant to take over the cost by 2020. Instead, this week the broadcaster announced it would scrap the plans, and up to 3.7 million pensioners would have to start paying for a TV licence.


Don't suppose you believe that either do you?


I notice that you can't defend the rubbish you wrote about Boris giving himself a tax cut, you just change what you wrote and that start going on about the national debt which was never mentioned in your original post. Typical deflection tactics.

If in the future Boris were to be a backbench MP, and that were his only income, he would've given himself a big tax cut, also for his backbench mates.


If you think that the government could have no say in TV licences for the elderly you're wilfully deluded. The board of governors of the BBC are government appointees, Nicholas Soames MP is a member of the board.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Not sure why you think that.

Shipping costs from China or the USA are usually cheaper than from Germany.

Can't see that Europe has anything that the UK can't source cheaper from the rest of the world.


Multiculturalism is a failed experiment, the lower quality culture always drag standards down to their primitive level. Cultures need to be kept strictly separated, or your home country will be destroyed.

1. With your shipping costs you are wrong.

2. Your second statement is exactly,

word by word what Nazi Goebbels has proclaimed in his racial laws in the Third Reich. 

Other cultures are primitive.

You obviously belong to the Herrenrasse.

For your inhuman world view, you should be ashamed.

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