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Johnson warns EU against any 'Napoleonic' tariffs in no-deal Brexit


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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I thought it was as you asked the question 


quote " On 6/29/2019 at 6:47 PM, stevenl said:
Are you one of the many who said the Scottish question should also be asked to other UK countries?"

Ok, again: is he one of the people who said the question of Scottish independence should also be asked to other UK countries? 

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

That doesn't say how to leave, i.e with what conditions. It's akin to asking a couple if they want to split up without any idea of who gets what. And when one partner feels 52% for to 48% against splitting up, I wager that partner would want to know what he/she would get if they called it a day.

A dumb referendum question.



That is as maybe..... but it was the question nonetheless.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:


 “Most people do not want to leave this so called Union” where do you get this fact from? What you should have said is,in your closed mind opinion.

The reality here in the U.K is that most people are becoming increasingly more anti E.u. But again that’s just my observation and opinion.


Well, he is stating that his opinion is based on 'most recent polls', whereas the poster he was reacting to and yourself are basing their opinion on 'my observation'. And then accusing others of having a closed mind? Sad.

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7 minutes ago, bannork said:

A nation should not be held hostage to an unsophisticated question that offered no clear way forward if the answer was yes. 

The nation is being held hostage by remainers, not an unsophisticated question. The question was quite straight forward really.

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You are one of these that are including babies, children and under 18s, oh and lets not forget the people who just couldn't be bothered to vote. If we say that 52% voted to leave and 48% voted to remain we will know where we stand with each other, let's not spin numbers eh.
The rest of your post is all speculation, 'only leavers lied,' of course the remainers are as pure as the driven snow.
Here is a recent poll that refutes your claim.
No-deal 28%. That's worse than the recent Euro election. No?

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

The nation is being held hostage by remainers, not an unsophisticated question. The question was quite straight forward really.

It's easy to make a question, much harder to answer.

As seen from the recent poll quoted a few posts back, there are those who prefer a soft Brexit, those who prefer a May Brexit, and then those who prefer a hard Brexit.

And of course those who want no Brexit at all.

The question was quite straightforward, unfortunately the answer could never have been so.


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3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

The question of IF we should leave the EU has been answered, and is still evident in that poll (57%).  So if there is a 2nd referendum it should only be about HOW we leave. 

So set up the referendum, how do we leave? Presumably all the Remainers will vote for the soft Brexit, softer than May's, so that's the winner, 59%.

We could include May's option too, making a total of 72%. 



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