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Is our use of the Internet to blame for climate change?  


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1 hour ago, lupin said:

and the billions of emails alone sent daily can instead be sent at a speedy 60 - 90 days using trains/planes/horses/cars/trucks and ships... with zero carbon footprint

And stop eating baked beans.

Forgot, cut down more trees for paper making or use plastic letters.

Edited by overherebc
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Whilst there maybe some truth in this it would be such a minor one as to be negligable,coal,gas,oil,the main problems,anyway don't worry things have gone to far already,tipping point arriving soon, ,read Mark Lynas "six degree world" that's where we are heading.

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3 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

I read somewhere that if the internet were a country it would be fifth on the list of highest energy users 

Reading something.... gotta be true or they couldn't write it. Try to find source for this absurd bit of misinformation

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1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:


“While it's true that greenhouse gases emissions are the main culprits of climate change'


Is it? I thought co2 makes up only 0.4% of the atmosphere and of that small amount 97% is naturally produced and only 3% of that 0.4% is man made. Man made global warming is a myth, caused by the internet is just a joke.

NO, man made climate change is very real !

It's just completely different than you think or what they want you to believe.


.. and Co2 is 0.04% not 0.4% !



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3 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

I read somewhere that if the internet were a country it would be fifth on the list of highest energy users 

And what about bitcoins? They also cost loads and loads of energy to be mined.

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The issues for Climate Change and Global Warming are far more complex, and debates get 'heated' very quickly so I'll say no more...except...I wonder if all those attending walked to the venue?

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4 hours ago, Chazar said:

Too many people is the cause the internet has probably saved countless  billions of tons of paper waste....................except in Thailand where youll  need  10  copies of everything, signed, then stamped.

That organisation is  nuts.

Might as well plug this one again: https://populationmatters.org/


Sir Attenborough has a good one as well. 



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How many diminished, 8 billions of people, the factories, the vehicles, all the animals that we raise to feed ourselves, the many fireworks and then the huge fires to burn waste, fields and forests.
It seems to me that this organization and many others do not like to be more and more transparent!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Is our use of the Internet to blame for climate change?  

No, it’s our arrogance and unwillingness to change our behaviour, the desire for cheap and disposable options, the demand for convenience over sustainable, combined with the greed of those profiting from environmentally destructive industries, that are responsible.  

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Meanwhile, what Thailand and the world can do is to minimise the Internet usage and delete unnecessary digital data from smartphones, cloud system, computers and the Internet system, Acharavadee said, noting these actions could quickly ease the problem.

And this information is provided to you through The Nation, which recently ceased publishing its version in hardcopy and went all digital. Where to start, then, with that "unnecessary digital data," hmmm?

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1 minute ago, Jane Dough said:

I saw some burning going on at a Buddhist temple. Plenty of pollution there.


What was that all about?



They were probably roasting a politician. Beware the particles are toxic. Inhaling might lead to acute political poisoning.

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