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Thailand’s tourism – stormy weather ahead


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3 minutes ago, lapamita said:

tourists down,,,,, ohh wooooww, they find out after 3 years of decline



good luck the 30% less ,is from the low number last year,so its not a lot more down,bcs already was down


and they dont relize the problems  still


f.....ing crackdowns on condos, umbrellas e cigarette, on bars, on no beer on beach   to whatever bullshit

and mounting rubbish ,dirt , polution and traffic

and its becommng a poilce state...never seen anywhere so many checks for whatever


party over


NO PARTY NO MONEY...................... pattaya was the city of fun,.,,and not the wish of brainless politicans who think its

- a marine paradise

a sport paradise

a familly resort

or even the

high end lady campaign 2018 pattaya



waste of shit


change ??????  no  , or only when its to late, brains need to long to workit out



I  give a  shit on, bcs already sold nearly all, bought hom in turkey..and atthe moment in marine paradise in NOSI BE  ...thats a marine paradise,with good party and prices same phuket 30 year ago


31  years in thailand comming to an end  for me..........................


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Seeing as no-one believes TAT, how about UNTWO? Or are the United Nations liars and incompetents too?




As I'm fairly sure that no-one (or very few to be fair to the open minded on here) will open this link because they might have to revise their opinions and feel a bit put out (i.e. lose face, a much derided Thai characteristic here on TV), here's a few figures from the UN.


The Chinese tourist spend in 2018 was 19.8% of the worlds total tourist spend, $258bn. Zero dollar tourists eh? Cah! A mere quarter of a trillion dollars. Add together spends from American, British, Australian and Canadian tourists (i.e. English speaking nations) and together they pip the Chinese by $14.1bn.


However, UNTWO found that 4/5 or 80% of tourists travel within their own region, so it's fair to say that the Chinese lumped a lot of cash into the Asian tourist economies and the English speakers didn't. More than half of the worlds tourist revenue was spent in Europe.


Vietnam, the new Mecca for the visa dodger, showed a year on year inbound tourist increase of 29.1% but it started from a low number compared to Thailand and anyway, bearing in mind the above, the increase was mainly Chinese anyway. Thailand ranks tenth in the world overall visitor arrivals with 34.5m. China is fourth with 60.7m. France is still top. 86.9m.


So why isn't Thailand begging the whiteys to come more? Well according to the UN, they don't spend enough money, or visit often enough.

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Hey lighten up at least some Indians still enjoying it here.

So milk that out while it last !

meanwhile whole industries feeling the pain : Real estate, Condominiums, hotels, shops, malls, restaurants staff, jobs , language schools, international schools   etc etc.

a country relying on tourism should try everything to attract overseas visitors long and short term !

Whats the advantage for smogging out foreigner visitors who than have to relocating to Vietnam Cambodia?


Edited by Destiny1990
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6 hours ago, nuckyt77 said:

Get the Baht back to where it belongs. At a third world country's rate towards the Yen, the dollar and the Euro.  Like a previous poster said: I am not willing to pay higher prices here then when in Europe. I think that the Thai government should learn that contrary to what they think most Europeans, Australians and Americans can count. 


This country is just getting too expensive for the much needed tourists. And with tourists I do not mean the  "share 1 soda with five" Chinese groups or the "girl-sharing" Indian boys I see parading along Beachroad in Pattaya.


Tourist do not care who is in charge here or how long it takes to form a new government but they do care if they feel cheated. All of my European friends of which many have been coming since many years now not show up. Because of the political situation ?...oh no that they are used to by now.  It is the Baht rate and as long as that keeps like it is....... most will stay away or cut their trip short and move elsewhere. 

Well said.  And USD has also nosedived.  Trade wars have helped Vietnam economy—hurt Thai economy.  Why?  Because Thai government has chosen to align itself with the wrong side.  Hint: starts with a “C” and ends with an “A”, and it ain’t California...

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"He predicted that tourist revenues for 2020 would reach 3.7 billion baht with a 10% growth."


"The optimism is based on hopes and prayers rather than any of the ‘problems’ actually being fixed."


Just about sums it up as a typical TAT statement


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10 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Hand out 40 THB for 1 US $ from tomorrow onwards .....and by the end of the week, guarantee all the taxi cheats will have their cabs full of tourists !....and be more nice and polite with all the decent visitors and do not only bootlick one specific type of tourists....immigration boys also need to chill down, be nicer and stop harassing with their redtape...and then maybe..?

45 bath\€ and many euros would start travelling towards thailand again. At 33-34 Baht it isn't sustainable to travel to Thailand on any frequency and that is just what Pattaya has had in large numbers, frequent return business. 

And also the artificial inflation in the beer bars and agogo's is turning off many young and middle aged men who once came for the wonderfull attitude of the girls and the very modest cost of room accomodation and food. 

At the moment the flights to bangkok are dirt cheap, but if they go back to prices like they were 10 years ago, tourism would get hit even harder, then all hopes for thailand lies indeed with Indian, chinese and russian travellers (including arab).

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6 minutes ago, Andy Rawai said:

I'm in Koh Samui, I have been here many times but never have I seen a lack of tourists like now. Resort I'm in is running at 10% capacity. Sad

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

Dont be sad , enjoy . The peak of low season is the best time to be in Thailand and duh of course your resort is empty. Post back again in high season lol

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3 minutes ago, madmitch said:

I think you'll find the backpack market is well down. They didn't help matters by trying to sanitise Khao San Road

utter rubbish anecdotal nonsense. This pic is stamped 2019 


koh san.jpg

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Most normal tourist who come and go on a shortstay are not aware of:


foriegner deaths, Immigration crackdown, entertainment crackdown, tourist visa crackdown, air B&B crackdown, higher fines for traffic offence..on and on.


many of my normal friends back home who could be potential Thailand tourist not even know their exchange rate to Baht is way down..

thats how much they are bothered to study any Thai issues before a holiday.


probably the more simple explanation is household death is sky high in many countries. 

and when that happens people holiday in their own country or closer.



a lot of farang here must be really infected with this government issued virus of the thinking 

"Thailand is the worlds dream destination"


ask any Thai..they will tell you!

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47 minutes ago, Andy Rawai said:



53 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Seeing as no-one believes TAT, how about UNTWO? Or are the United Nations liars and incompetents too?




As I'm fairly sure that no-one (or very few to be fair to the open minded on here) will open this link because they might have to revise their opinions and feel a bit put out (i.e. lose face, a much derided Thai characteristic here on TV), here's a few figures from the UN.


The Chinese tourist spend in 2018 was 19.8% of the worlds total tourist spend, $258bn. Zero dollar tourists eh? Cah! A mere quarter of a trillion dollars. Add together spends from American, British, Australian and Canadian tourists (i.e. English speaking nations) and together they pip the Chinese by $14.1bn.


However, UNTWO found that 4/5 or 80% of tourists travel within their own region, so it's fair to say that the Chinese lumped a lot of cash into the Asian tourist economies and the English speakers didn't. More than half of the worlds tourist revenue was spent in Europe.


Vietnam, the new Mecca for the visa dodger, showed a year on year inbound tourist increase of 29.1% but it started from a low number compared to Thailand and anyway, bearing in mind the above, the increase was mainly Chinese anyway. Thailand ranks tenth in the world overall visitor arrivals with 34.5m. China is fourth with 60.7m. France is still top. 86.9m.


So why isn't Thailand begging the whiteys to come more? Well according to the UN, they don't spend enough money, or visit often enough.

The "whitey" ex pats who live here spend on average about half a million baht a year (500,000 baht), and they still want rid of them - appears that they are targeting the "super rich"who will spend millions, and stay in the 5* Plus hotels and resorts - as to what will happen to the middle to lower end tourism - "Good Morning Vietnam" etc etc etc!!!


"So why isn't Thailand begging the whiteys to come more? Well according to the UN, they don't spend enough money, or visit often enough."


"Whiteys" don't have the money to spend IN THAILAND  because of the abysmal exchange rate, which is probably why more is being spent on European holidays (40% of International Tourism) and as far as Asia and the Pacific is concerned (as you have already pointed out) Vietnam is up 29%)


As far as visiting often enough is concerned, firstly, most working "whiteys" only get a few weeks holiday annually, and consequently can only have one "long" (2 -3 weeks) holiday a year, and would prefer to spend that where they get better value for money, and are more appreciated!



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12 minutes ago, madmitch said:

I think you'll find the backpack market is well down. They didn't help matters by trying to sanitise Khao San Road but in general it's the cost and the fact that Thailand has long lost its appeal as an "exotic" destination now seen a mainstream tourism place where their parents have probably been on holiday. Other places in Asia and South America, especially Colombia, are now the backpackers' favourites.


My famiily run a guesthouse and can only reiterate what's been said above; it's the worst low season we've experienced with many nights completely empty. The past few years we've had good trade from tour guides for the Chinese groups. That market has all but disappeared. This time last year we were getting bookings for the high season most days; at the moment it's more like one a week, despite good ratings on Booking.com and Tripadvisor. It is not looking good and we'll be discounting if things don't look like picking up soon; the problem is so will everyone else! That won't attract new tourists, simply bring less baht into the economy.

Booking.com always recommending you drop your prices, dont see them drop their commission rates 15% to 18%

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8 minutes ago, sambum said:


The "whitey" ex pats who live here spend on average about half a million baht a year (500,000 baht), and they still want rid of them - appears that they are targeting the "super rich"who will spend millions, and stay in the 5* Plus hotels and resorts - as to what will happen to the middle to lower end tourism - "Good Morning Vietnam" etc etc etc!!!

White boys spending 1300 baht per day INCLUDING rent money. Very little being spent after rent  and even the chineses are forking out way more than that. Cheap charlie Expats are a dying breed as the world tightens visa restrictions to keep them out!

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6 hours ago, Snowyrivers said:

Apart from all the nay sayers, Thailand is a great place but not in the rainy season! How stupid do you think the modern educated traveller is? They know half the restaurants are closed, Ko Samui is like its shut shop, the girls in Pattaya and Patong have taken holidays back home in Isan.

They will be back in the high season maybe a little wiser and maybe a fewer number but TAT needs to clean up its act now. Customs clearance times, rip offs with Taxis etc etc.


The food, the culture, the magnificent natural attractions and the lifestyle are what tourists want not the bars and girls as much as they were in the past!


Time for Thailand to be active in the tourism race or loose the race to Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar or the pacific Islands!


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7 minutes ago, madmen said:

White boys spending 1300 baht per day INCLUDING rent money. Very little being spent after rent  and even the chineses are forking out way more than that. Cheap charlie Expats are a dying breed as the world tightens visa restrictions to keep them out!

Them white boys are over spending I can live on less than 500 baht per day and thats including beer

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11 hours ago, LongTang said:

The storm is already here and the boat is SINKING !



Yes You are Right We All Know its Sunk And they Keep Saying Next Month Will Maybe Be Better There is Not Any Next Month This is How it Is and has been over the last year Accept it .

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20 minutes ago, sambum said:


The "whitey" ex pats who live here spend on average about half a million baht a year (500,000 baht), and they still want rid of them

I'd like to see some peer reviewed evidence to that effect. That's a daily spend of Bht1369, By no means large potatoes. When the same figure was pinned on a Chinese tourist, you'd hear the howls in the queue in HMC Immigration Office.

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57 minutes ago, Traubert said:

The Chinese tourist spend in 2018 was 19.8% of the worlds total tourist spend, $258bn.

And in which countries was it spent in? 


And.. where did UN get their data from? I'm guessing it's ... TAT. 

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4 hours ago, Winky Wilson said:

Thai immigration’s message was for foreigners and retirees to go home or somewhere else, we don’t want you here. This along with currency manipulation, dangerous air pollution, and corruption really setup a black hole for the kingdom. 

what are you talking about.

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