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"They must have gone to the temples instead!" - Pattaya as dead as a dodo in the holidays


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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

They should talk to TAT who keep saying tourist numbers are up .

keith101 they should talk to themselves as to how they have fleeced and abused tourists.five or six fellows beating up one person does not send the right signals to others.

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30 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

You Marcus know how to spin all news into good news.

Yeah hop in at Hopf reservation isn’t needed!

By saying hundreds of restaurants along the beach and on walking street I'm spinning a story into good news?  More like truth.  Pattaya has many good restaurants and many mediocre to bad ones.  Ask a local and find the good ones.  JT's been talking about them for 10 years.  

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What to believe, Sports Minister Weerasak Kowsurat says that there are no problems with tourists, they come in large numbers and expects an increase. The Baht fort is no problem!
And then this: "They must have gone to the temples instead!" - Pattaya as dead as a dodo in the holidays!
Where is the truth? There is not even a middle ground, dead is dead!
As usual, TAT and Minister of Tourism tell of beautiful fairy tales adorned with dream numbers, the fighters on the spot see the naked and cruel reality!

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1 minute ago, gillap said:

I am a Canadian and I have been in Pattaya 8 years now! I used to get 30b per dollar then...but weakness of the Canadian dollar and strength of the Baht have reduced my buying power in Thailand by more then 25%! I am lucky now if I get 23b to the dollar! When tourist travel to areas of bargains they'll certainly look at the cost of their holiday and go where they get most for their dollar! Add trip advisor discouraging comments plus friends whom had past bad experience in Thailland...you have a recipe for disaster!

It would be if any of that was printed in Mandarin or Hindi.  

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Countless trips to LOS since 1994. I visited Pattaya once in 2004 and pretty much decided after an hour of being there, having teeth pulled is a more pleasant experience.

Perhaps others are starting to catch on

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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

They should talk to TAT who keep saying tourist numbers are up .

Great idea but the problem is one has to listen while the other talks, then if they still can't agree they have to agree to disagree. Can it be done? 

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1 minute ago, nchuckle said:

There are far more of us disgusted to get a nauseating blast of some selfish idiot's cigarette smoke. If your life is ruled by cigarettes you need to re-evaluate your priorities...not to mention your health regime.

My choice. Glad you are happy with the new rule on not smoking on the beach. Smokers aren't happy with it and the beach vendors aren't happy with it.


BTW. I think "far more" is a gross exaggeration. Most non smokers don't share your extreme and irrational view of smoking.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Speedboat operator Uthit Attasaengsee painted an even greater picture of gloom. No one was taking recreational trips on his boat and business was down 80% year on year he reckoned. 

He called on someone, somewhere to do something about it. 

Well, clean up the beach then, since you got nothing else to do and a cleaner beach would be something to appeal to tourists, which are your bread and butter.

I'm not holding my breath, though.


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5 hours ago, JayBird said:

He needs to adjust his business model to cater to the changing demographic of visitors.

What would the influx of Indians want?

Adjust his business model??

No. It's always been done this way and it's so much easier to make sure the tourists adjust their ideas. The adjustments are based on price rises every year so the tourists just have to accept that.

Thailand is the only place that tourists go to, why would they go to other places?

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1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

Food was always sub standard in any open restaurant by the beach.  Go inside at Hopf next time and have a good meal and locally produced wheat beer.  That's what the locals do.  Or go away from the beach and eat at a decent French restaurant.  

Must be either fake or an illegal operation if produced locally in Pattaya, Microbreweries are illegal in thailand. it is very important to protect Chang and Singha pissbeer for the Guvment.




All of them are brewed in Cambodia, Vietnam and co - truly local.

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They did it to themselves (with a lot of western help)... too many big businesses and conglomerate bar/entertainment groups trying to manipulate tourist expenditures. Glad to see it's on the verge of crashing down on their heads. 


Pattaya is nothing more than a man's playground, it will never have the infrastructure to support more. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they can recover from this pipe dream.

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18 minutes ago, Beggar said:

This is the downside of Pattaya's wide new beach - compared to before it looks empty even if there would be more tourists than before. 

Yes this explanation makes the most sense.

The beaches only look more empty because they have been made more wide.

You nailed it Sir.

But how about that speed boat operator saying his bookings are 80% down?

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2 hours ago, MrMo said:

Next week they will tell us that business is down by 130%.   I have found it difficult to find a Thai who has a clue as to how to calculate percentages.


To be fair, I do recall during 'the "Icelandic Cod War" of whenever, a Billingsgate fishmonger did report on the BBC News that fish supplies were down 200%.

There's nothing wrong with using more than 100% if used as an expression of how far something has dropped or increased.


If you caught 1000 cod one month compared to 900 the previous month then catches are up 10%


if you then caught 2100 cod the following month then catches are up over 105%

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