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Iran says it seized British tanker, denies U.S. brought down drone


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Iran says it seized British tanker, denies U.S. brought down drone

By Parisa Hafezi and Steve Holland



Undated handout photograph shows the Stena Impero, a British-flagged vessel owned by Stena Bulk, at an undisclosed location, obtained by Reuters on July 19, 2019. Stena Bulk/Handout/via REUTERS


DUBAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran said it had seized a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz on Friday but denied Washington's assertion that the U.S. Navy had downed an Iranian drone nearby this week, as tensions in the Gulf region grew again.


Britain said it was urgently seeking information about the Stena Impero tanker, which had been heading to a port in Saudi Arabia and suddenly changed course after passing through the strait at the mouth of the Gulf.


Iran's state news agency IRNA quoted a military source as saying the vessel had turned off its tracker, ignored warnings from the Revolutionary Guards and was sailing in the wrong direction in a shipping lane.


"We will respond in a way that is considered but robust and we are absolutely clear that if this situation is not resolved quickly there will be serious consequences," British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told reporters.


Hunt said Britain was "not looking at military options, we are looking at a diplomatic way to resolve the situation."


The Revolutionary Guards have not captured a second tanker - the British-operated, Liberian-flagged ship Mesdar - in the Gulf, Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency reported, quoting regional military sources.


The Mesdar had turned sharply north toward Iran's coast on Friday afternoon but then changed course again and headed westward away from Iran, according to Refinitiv tracking data.


Relations between Washington and Tehran worsened last year when U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned a 2015 nuclear deal between world powers and Iran. Under the pact, Iran agreed to restrict nuclear work, long seen by the West as a cover for developing atomic bombs, in return for lifting sanctions. But sanctions have been imposed again, badly hurting Iran's economy.


Trump said he would talk to Britain about the report of the British tanker being seized in the Gulf.


Relations between Iran and the West have been increasingly strained in recent months over security in the Gulf, U.S. sanctions on Iran and Tehran's nuclear programme.


Military incidents in the Gulf have increased international concern that both sides could blunder into a war in the strategic waterway, which is vital to world oil supplies.


Oil prices gained on Friday, trading above $62 a barrel, after the latest spike in tensions along the waterway.


Iran shot down a U.S. drone in the Gulf in June and British naval forces seized an Iranian tanker in Gibraltar on July 4 on suspicion of smuggling oil to Syria.


The U.S. military said on Friday that unarmed surveillance aircraft were in international airspace, monitoring the Strait of Hormuz and had been in contact with U.S. ships in the area.


"We have patrol aircraft operating in international airspace monitoring the situation within the Strait of Hormuz," said Lieutenant Colonel Earl Brown, a U.S. Central Command spokesman.


Iran and the United States were at odds over a U.S. assertion that its Navy had shot down an Iranian drone on Thursday in the Strait of Hormuz because it had come too close to a U.S. warship.


GRAPHIC: Map of tanker's route - 32EB5Yv




Trump said there was no doubt the U.S. Navy warship Boxer had destroyed an Iranian drone but Tehran showed video footage that it said disproved the incident even happened.


“No doubt about it, no. We shot it down,” Trump said.


Speaking about Iran, he said the United States hopes "for their sake they don’t do anything foolish. If they do they will pay a price like nobody has ever paid a price.”


Trump said on Thursday that the Boxer, an amphibious assault ship, had destroyed an Iranian drone because it had flown to within 1,000 yards (914 meters) of the ship in a "provocative and hostile action." A U.S. official said the drone was brought down by electronic jamming.


But Iran said all of its drones were accounted for.


"All drones belonging to Iran in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz ... returned safely to their bases after their mission of identification and control," Abolfazl Shekarchi, a senior Iranian armed forces spokesman, was quoted by the semi-official Tasnim news agency as saying.


He said there was no report of any "operational response" by the Boxer and Iran's state television broadcast a video showing aerial views of ships that it said disproved the U.S. assertion.


The television station said the footage, which came from Iran's Revolutionary Guards, and the timing notations indicated the pilotless aircraft was still filming after Washington said it had been downed.




The United States has blamed Iran for a series of attacks since mid-May on shipping around the Strait of Hormuz.

Tehran rejects the allegations.


The United States has reimposed economic sanctions to throttle Iran's oil trade and pressure Tehran to renegotiate the nuclear accord, discuss its ballistic missiles and modify its regional policies.


Tehran on Thursday signalled a willingness to engage in diplomacy with a modest offer on its nuclear work - ratification of a document prescribing more intrusive nuclear inspections if Washington abandoned its sanctions.


But a senior Trump administration official dismissed the offer by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.


Zarif appeared to have no decision-making ability and that Washington "would not consider anything from him serious," the official said.


Asked whom the United States would need to hear from in order to have negotiations over Tehran's nuclear programme, the official said: "I would say the supreme leader or the president."


Trump remained open to negotiations with Iran without preconditions on its nuclear programme and will maintain a tough economic sanctions regime on Tehran in the meantime, the official said.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States needed Iran to "come to the table" for negotiations.


(Reporting by Steve Holland in Washington and Parisa Hafezi in Dubai; additional reporting by Idrees Ali in Washington, Reuters staff in Dubai and Kate Holton and Jonathan Saul in London; writing by Alistair Bell; editing by Bill Trott and Grant McCool)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-07-20



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25 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Which side is lying the most? Sadly in these days of untruth, we have no idea.

i think that way too.  trump has to maintain his tough guy image so he could be making this up. 

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Iran may well have shot themselves in the foot as although the ship was UK registered, it was owned by a Swedish company and crewed by Indian, Russian, Latvian and Filipinos.


The EU sanctions on Iran were not as strong as the the Americans but can see EU imposing sanctions in line with America within days.


What next? blockade of Iran? banning Iranian ships from European waters? banning Iranian owned or operated flights from EU airspace?  banning flight to and from Iran from EU airports?

Edited by Basil B
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6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Arm the ships with mercenaries. Some of the coolest vids on Youtube are of gung-ho mercenaries on huge ships letting rip on pirates off the Somali/Eritrean coast. What I can tell you is, when the hail of large caliber bullets start raining down on nutty bad dudes in small boats, their bravado evaporates rather quickly!


Somali pirates might be a little different to Iranian revolutionary guards, but sure, that utuby webby thing sure has some good old fashioned gung ho mercenary stuff on it.... and the mercs always seem to win, so it’s a no brainer really.

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

Oral has reverted to the old tryed and true method of taking hostages 

that's how Persia/Iran works, actions they speak loud than words and they are known for not being too much of talkers, unfortunately dialog with them will not achieve anything other than wasting time

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1 minute ago, meand said:

Iran agreed to much tighter oversight on their nuclear programs for US lifting sanctions.


Sanctions are essentially "bombs" that kill women and children, slowly. So they are somehow much more acceptable. 


US denied the offer. They clearly want a war. Iran has AGREED to be completely monitored and shut off from any nuclear development. 


If you read the news, actually read what is going on, it is easy to see who is war mongering and profiteering here, and who just wants to be left alone and go about their business. 

Actually, as I understand it, that protocol for tighter inspections was going to happen anyway. Which kind of further undercuts the lies told by Trump that they were secretly cheating. Just like George Bush and friends asserted that Iran was building weapons of mass destruction even though the agency in charge of inspection said they had found no evidence of such.

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3 hours ago, Ozman52 said:

Just about every tanker in the world has written in big red letters across their superstructure the words NO SMOKING. And it's not because the owners are anti-tobacco. 

If standing on top of a fireball waiting to ignite isn't enough reason not to fire small arms, consider that the patrol boats are also armed with a variety of weaponry ranging from heavy machine guns to missiles and torpedoes. 

Damn.  All this time I thought it was there to stop stoned sailors from falling overboard..  :cheesy:

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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Trump said there was no doubt


9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“No doubt about it, no. We shot it down,” Trump said.

Always assume that the real truth is completely opposite to what that idiotic liar says.
Provide PROOF...

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