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Pattaya tourism: Never fear the millionaires are coming!


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2 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Yeah right, why would the rich go to soneva kiri in koh kood, Trisara and sri panwa in phuket or samujana villas etc on samui IF they can go to thailands biggest shithole called Pattaya. 


There's plenty of high end hotels and resorts in Thailand but they are all FAAAAAR away from Pattaya, for sure not because those hoteliers are idiots and accidently overlooked the best location in thailand ????

Yes, Hilton, Dusit, Sheraton, Holiday Inn all stayed away!

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Pornphan told Siam Rath that in the period of 2016 to 2022 there would be an 8.1% rise in millionaires around the globe. 

How old is this story - 2016 or even before?

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

With the number of millionaires in the world increasing daily

Jesus how dumb can they be, I  guess  anyone owning a house in a major western city these days is a  millionaire, small London houses are +  that.

Which currency are they actually  basing their genius marketing ploy  on? Dong? or  this  one, personally  I wouldnt be seen dead with "millionaires" It TRILLIONS or  nothing for me


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The person who wrote this article clearly lives on a different planet.  Has he not read the many reports regarding the drop of Tourism in Thailand and I dont's see the high end tourists going to Pattaye, unless they want to slum it for a while!

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36 minutes ago, gamini said:

exactly, the attraction of Pattaya is its sordid low life, the last place a millionaire would visit. 

Like Jeffery Epstein.  Never go.  Many wealthy people live in and around Pattaya including Thailand richest family.  That you don't know means you are uninformed not that they aren't there.  I'd suggest that the most sordid low life types are the ones with money.  Check out Robert Kraft (owner of superbowl winner) one of Americas rich and famous caught at sleezy massage parlor.  Pattaya would be a step up for this creep.

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A delusional dreamer. This guy could not possibly be further off the mark. Why?


The decision to turn away from Western tourism, and focus almost exclusively on Chinese and Indian tourism was a mistake of historically monumental proportions. The TAT is barely making any effort to lure Westerners. And in my opinion they are the big spenders. I read surveys about the average Chinese tourists, being at the top of the list of big spenders. But, this is average. And the big spending Chinese do not come to Thailand for a dozen different reasons. The wife wants to buy a luxury handbag. The same Gucci bag that she likes is $3,500 in Singapore, London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, or Dubai. In Bangkok that bag sells for $9,000. 


At a five star hotel, this same wealthy Chinese couple want a great bottle of wine. They see a good vintage of a great bottle, which would sell for about $500 retail, at a five star in any of the above cities for $1,000 on the list. The same bottle, if it was available (highly unlikely) in Bangkok, would be 100,000 baht, or more. And if it was available would the hotel have a sommelier who was qualified and fluent enough, to explain the wine, and the various vintages available? I have not found that in the past here. I have been to high end restaurants where they knew nothing about the expensive wines on the list! Nothing! The lack of expertise here is a big factor in discouraging wealthy tourists who come here, from returning ever again. 


So, why does this guy Pornphan Rattanaphitaksakun think anything is different, now? What is it about Pattaya that will lure these fat cats? All of the Michelin 3 star restaurants? All of the well priced luxury goods? All of the world class wine service? None of that exists here. Anywhere in Thailand. 

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Being a millionaire used to mean you were rich.  But it really isn't that much money anymore.  I read an article not too long ago that you needed 25 million or more to be considered rich(talking US dollars).  

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Then the Thai's will tire of the millionaires and move onto the billionaires granting them easy access immigration. Then, they will move on from the billionaires who just aren't rich enough and are not quality tourists to the squillionaires and the billionaires special access and preference will be removed.

Then, they will move on to the bagillionaires and you know how it goes from here. ????

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

With the number of millionaires in the world increasing daily they will be flocking to Pattaya in the coming years, said Pornphan Rattanaphitaksakun, the manager at the Mason Hotel.

Does it ever end?

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