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Returning to UK to work at 62 - advice please?

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Sorry to hear of your circumstances.

I went back to UK in 2014 but could not get a credit rating despite having been with the same bank for 40 years.

I found a very suitable appartment to rent, that had a warden on duty during the day anear my childrens


Sorry to hear of your circumstances.

Apologies, hit wrong key with earlier post.


I am now in my 70's.

Most of my work / life has been outside the UK since the late 1960's especially from 1983 onward, including working freelance.   Unfortunately 'too much work experience' was not a good thing to have and I found myself almost unemployable.

Came to work in Thailand in 2001 as a freelance advisor.  I went back to UK in 2012 and 2014 but could not get a credit rating despite having been with the same bank for 40 years.

I found very suitable apartments to rent each time, one had a warden on duty during the day and not far from my childrens places.     Even when I agreed for a six months rental deposit I still couldn't get an agreement.


A few pointers that may help, but as most people have already mentioned "England ain't cheap" to live, especially when you take utilities, water, gas, electric in to account.

Do you have a good credit rating ?

Are you classed as resident in the UK ?     I am not so, my state pension is reduced.

Are you still registered with a doctor in the UK ?  this may help with residency.

If you return there could be a benefit with acceptance of your current status if you tried in the place you were last resident.

If you return contact CAB as soon as possible irrespective of the area you may finally wish to settle.

Depending on your circumstances you may wish to consider council housing.

If you intended moving there with your family this would open up a range of questions that people here may be able to offer advise with.

It is surprising what we can do work wise if the need arises.


Good luck.


  • Like 2
16 hours ago, jimballard said:

Thank you for your replies. The problem is not just the visa. As a family we no longer have enough each month. We are now at about 35kv each month. I underdtand the pound my drop more. I need to get income to send to thailand to supplement private pension and support family. If i can earn enough in uK to keep myself and send 10k a month to the family it will be ok until state pension kicks in.

35Kbht sounds plenty.

I can live on that including an 11k/month mortgage and one of my kids at university.


Why do you need more?

  • Like 1
What's wrong with the non o multi from Suvannakhet?
5,000bht and no financials, lasts 15 months.
What else do they need to go with the paperwork for that, medical etc
1 minute ago, madmen said:
5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:
What's wrong with the non o multi from Suvannakhet?
5,000bht and no financials, lasts 15 months.

What else do they need to go with the paperwork for that, medical etc

Original Marriage cert plus signed copy, signed photocopy of wife's ID card and house book.

Passport photo and signed copy of passport ID page.

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16 hours ago, Mikisteel said:

8 years before retirement age in UK.


You sure you have not got stuff lying around that could prop you up over 400k here?


Seems like you got a bit coming in already each month and your not that far from the 400k requirement anyway.


How's your credit in the UK? 





Lack of credit history may be a big problem when renting, what about being a lodger ? should be a lot cheaper. You may have to be in the country 6 months before you are able to get benefits, always say you are there (UK) for good. I haven't been back for over 40 years, I would find it daunting. You have children, couldn't you get a visa for supporting a Thai child ? a lot cheaper.

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, jimballard said:

62 years old and married and living in Isaan backwater for 10 years. Got house and old truck. Two children under 10 years old. I have not been in the UK for 12 years.

Sorry to hear about your problem which is spreading to other expats.


I'm an Ozzie and looked at the government website as a plan D if I ever needed to go back, now I don't know if your government has something similar or not, but ours has family assistance, i.e. they give you fortnightly payments per child, of I think it's like $186 per child under 12 and $237 per child from 13 to 19, although they must be in school or studying, as long as they are your dependents, your good.


So might be worth looking into, our government also provides rental assistance to add to the above, about $182 per fortnight, plus supplements if you lodge your tax return on time, and when I did the calculations, it came to $30,000AUD or about 17,000 Pounds Sterling if I returned with all the kids (4), still not worth it for me, because that would even cover the rent that I would have to pay out.


Best of luck mate.

  • Like 1

Many thanks for all the comments. I've been talking to a few old contacts in the UK and so far it is not looking too favourable. HGV technician jobs seem be paying the same as back in 2008/9. Accomodation is the killer though. Mates saying not go back.

I struck lucky with an old pal who is now in Germany. He might be able to get me a job and the pay is much better than in blighty so folowing that up. Thanks again

  • Like 2
On 7/29/2019 at 6:41 PM, Happy Grumpy said:

You don't need to.


Isaan backwater, head over to Savannakhet and get 1 year multi entry that's good for 15 months.


Become Buddhist and eat like a monk. Done. 

What is and how do you get a one year multi entry?

15 minutes ago, jimballard said:

Many thanks for all the comments. I've been talking to a few old contacts in the UK and so far it is not looking too favourable. HGV technician jobs seem be paying the same as back in 2008/9. Accomodation is the killer though. Mates saying not go back.

I struck lucky with an old pal who is now in Germany. He might be able to get me a job and the pay is much better than in blighty so folowing that up. Thanks again

There are on line house share schemes.

3 hours ago, jimballard said:

Many thanks for all the comments. I've been talking to a few old contacts in the UK and so far it is not looking too favourable. HGV technician jobs seem be paying the same as back in 2008/9. Accomodation is the killer though. Mates saying not go back.

I struck lucky with an old pal who is now in Germany. He might be able to get me a job and the pay is much better than in blighty so folowing that up. Thanks again

Brexit may make working in the rest of Europe difficult ?

On 7/29/2019 at 11:18 PM, CharlieH said:

Rather than renting on your own, you might want to consider sharing, check out somewhere like Cohabitas.

There are jobs around and places like B&Q take on seniors.Local councils too as wardens etc.

If you can get your licence, Taxi driving (private hire) is a good option, flexible etc.

Always jobs for courier/delivery vans too.

Be careful and take time choosing a good area. 


Best of luck !

What great information for the OP...a really helpful post.. Thanking you.


Sorry to hear your story . First thing you need to do is find a bedsit or shared house , next get to a job centre and see what is available you can also go to recruitment agencies see if there is any factory work going forget about your old trade things have moved on since you left the U.K. jobs for the over 60s are difficult to find the likes of Tesco and B&Q or a builders yard think it’s best to stay down South as work is more available you mention Taxindriving but I can tell you you have to pass written tests , police checks of the worst comes to the worse buy some gardening tools and knock on doors or even window cleaning . Good luck I hope things turn out for you I think there are many more who will be following you if things don’t change in Thailand I already know of 4 people who have packed up and returned to their homelands. Register with a local medical centre if you tell them you have moved back on a permit basis you can get treatment straight away rather than have to wait for 3 months .

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16 minutes ago, Udox said:

at aged 62 you are being forced to go back to your country and leave your wife and children here.

Nobody is forcing him to leave his children.

They are British and have the right to live in the UK.

If he arrives back in the UK, homeless and with 2 children, he'll immediately be provided with housing.

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On 7/30/2019 at 12:37 AM, Traubert said:

Get the wife to borrow against the house and go visa agent for your next extension. Buy some time. That 2k you're taking home is almost 80k baht, plus your airfares. It'll vanish quickly in UK and you're chasing again. It will cost nothing like 80k for an agent to get you two more extensions.


I don't know how close you are to 63 but in two years or more you'll get your Government pension and your income will double. I'm 62, I'll get my UK pension at 65.

If you were born on or after the 1st Jan 1956 you won't get your State (OAP) pension until your 66.

  • Like 1
On 7/30/2019 at 4:40 PM, madmen said:
On 7/30/2019 at 4:35 PM, BritManToo said:
What's wrong with the non o multi from Suvannakhet?
5,000bht and no financials, lasts 15 months.

What else do they need to go with the paperwork for that, medical etc

You can also do the same at HCMC.

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I am 64 and suffering much the same. I have been told that I cannot get my UK State Pension until I am 66, so some of TV readers should check as the younger you are the longer you now need to wait. For example, my son is 35 and he will have to wait until he is 70

On 7/30/2019 at 12:29 AM, Mikisteel said:

8 years before retirement age in UK.


You sure you have not got stuff lying around that could prop you up over 400k here?


Seems like you got a bit coming in already each month and your not that far from the 400k requirement anyway.


How's your credit in the UK? 





You are not correct about his retirement age.

if he is 62 now, he will get his pension at aged 66

this is 100% fact.


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You might want to check out overseas contacting. Free housing, meals, etc. Automotive Management Systems is based UK, and is always looking for mechanics. Do one year of overseas contracting, and you will be set. Big money, and 3 paid Vacations per year. 

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