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Expats feeling the pinch as GBP sinks to an all time low against the THB


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31 minutes ago, bannork said:

Perhaps he means being told before the referendum that leaving meant freeing up loads of money for the NHS, making new trade deals would be a cinch and would soon be in place. 

Instead the UK is threatened by chlorinated chickens from the US and rumours of a US take over of the NHS. 

There was no answer to Welsh farmers' fears of a 40% tariff on Welsh lamb exports to the EU if no deal Brexit goes through. 

Thank you kindly for replying on behalf of another poster. However, so you think he was referring to a referendum that took place more than three years ago ?


Would that be the same referendum at which the government tried to hoodwink the public by spending nine million pounds of taxpayers money sending a leaflet to every household in the country advising everyone to vote to remain in the Federal State of Europe ?

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15 minutes ago, Pachalan said:

Thank you kindly for replying on behalf of another poster. However, so you think he was referring to a referendum that took place more than three years ago ?


Would that be the same referendum at which the government tried to hoodwink the public by spending nine million pounds of taxpayers money sending a leaflet to every household in the country advising everyone to vote to remain in the Federal State of Europe ?

And is now spending 100 million on leaflets tell people how to deal with Brexit.

"The government will launch a new campaign to inform the whole country about no-deal preparations, with costs expected to run into nine figures."

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2 minutes ago, Pachalan said:

Thank you kindly for replying on behalf of another poster. However, so you think he was referring to a referendum that took place more than three years ago ?


Would that be the same referendum at which the government tried to hoodwink the public by spending nine million pounds of taxpayers money sending a leaflet to every household in the country advising everyone to vote to remain in the Federal State of Europe ?


I have to admit to never having received that leaflet. So for clarity, I will post it here; https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/517014/EU_referendum_leaflet_large_print.pdf


Is there a similar publication from the Leave campaign?  So far, all that I have seen and read is based on fear of being taking over by those bad Europeans. That they are being allowed to set laws that affect us, (as if they are all bad) and a fair few questionable statements.


Let's take a look; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36014941

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22 hours ago, keith101 said:

David id lucky mine has gone from around 50,000 down to just over 36,000 and if it keeps sliding possibly wont make the requirement for immigration the only possible saviour will be the bi-annual increase to the pension in September .

If you are a UK pension receiver and stay out of the country for more  than 90 days you do not get an annual pension increase 

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47 minutes ago, drgoon said:

At 16 to the NZD, I'll be going home lol


And that rate has precedence....19 years ago there was a short period when 1 NZD got 16 baht....and 1 NZD was under 20 baht for a good while I seem to recall.


New Zealand dollar very likely to fall further next week with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand widely tipped to reduce interests rates at their next review on Wednesday of next week.

Edited by mstevens
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7 minutes ago, drgoon said:

yeah, most of them bludgers..  'financial refugees' 

Surely a refugee is a poor soul who left his mothers tongue country due to persecution or other reasons other than financial, if you refer to expats as financial refugees that i don't see, what i do see is expats who due to exchange rates can only have 9 beers and one girl each night rather than the 10 beers and 2 girls

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4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

So Bank of Thailand keeps artificially high interest rates to beget massive foreign bond sales (hot money). Why?  More ChiCom submarines?  Pay for more ChiCom Belt & Road? Does the collapse of the export and tourism industry bother them at all?

I've been getting between 1.5 and 2% for 10 years is that artificially high?  Who tells you this stuff?  

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15 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

Total nonsense. That is exactly what is going to happen. A massive depression. The US$ is propped up by nothing but fresh air and one day the whole house will come crashing down. Every currency that ever existed has crashed when it is backed by nothing. 

aren't all the world's main currencies fiat currencies ("backed by nothing")? If that's the case, then what will the US$ crash against?  The pound, yen and euro are all propped up by nothing but fresh air as well.

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31 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

And is now spending 100 million on leaflets tell people how to deal with Brexit.

"The government will launch a new campaign to inform the whole country about no-deal preparations, with costs expected to run into nine figures."

When you copy and paste you should remove background shading and change all fonts to black. It would also be helpful to quote your source (*∆°‚

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7 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I've been getting between 1.5 and 2% for 10 years is that artificially high?  Who tells you this stuff?  

Compare it with other countries. In the EU you get nothing and in the US close to nothing. 




2% interest is a lot, and will attract a lot of foreign money.



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2 minutes ago, Pachalan said:

When you copy and paste you should remove background shading and change all fonts to black. It would also be helpful to quote your source (*∆°‚

You can see the source if you click on the embedded link where it says nine figures. 

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28 minutes ago, Almer said:

If you are a UK pension receiver and stay out of the country for more  than 90 days you do not get an annual pension increase 

That is not true

As long as the UK is you main residence you will continue to get a pension increase

However if you are regularly staying out of the UK they would question your residency

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22 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

What you get when the nation (UK) gets hoodwinked and taken over by a bunch of right wing lunatics, who have no idea what they are doing and rely solely on hyperbole, bluster and outright bs

yer bring on The Left Wing Loonies...

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40 minutes ago, Almer said:

Surely a refugee is a poor soul who left his mothers tongue country due to persecution or other reasons other than financial, if you refer to expats as financial refugees that i don't see, what i do see is expats who due to exchange rates can only have 9 beers and one girl each night rather than the 10 beers and 2 girls

No idea where you hang in pattaya. I see the 3 Chang crowd, tin cup dining, and a wank back in the room.

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47 minutes ago, Almer said:

Surely a refugee is a poor soul who left his mothers tongue country due to persecution or other reasons other than financial, if you refer to expats as financial refugees that i don't see, what i do see is expats who due to exchange rates can only have 9 beers and one girl each night rather than the 10 beers and 2 girls

I'm not refering to expats... my inference was the Africans and Middle Eastern people along with the many, many from the 'Asian' continent ( Pakistan, Afghanistan etc). I think you know what I mean

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This problem is not just for the Expats, there are millions of potential tourists looking for a bargain

holiday and a good value for their money and really at present time Thailand is not is their books,

also this type of government the invitation to attract them.

Can one shows the exchange rate chart with aud/baht from 6 years ago till today, just for the fun of it.



Quote: You don't become rich by being honest.

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It won't be to long before my currency, the US dollar, dives. $22 trillion in debt and the USA still refuses to turn off the money printing-press. Helicopters continue showering free money from the skies even though unemployment is at record lows and the economy strong.  The current administration is on a mission to devalue in order to help the export sector. The whole world is in a currency war to the bottom. If this continues the last man standing will be Gold.

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23 hours ago, Xaos said:

Brits still thinks european immigrants will be gone after brexit. 

Even after the prime minister has, rightly so, told them they are welcome to stay? If thats what you think brexit is about you dont have a clue.

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5 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

So Bank of Thailand keeps artificially high interest rates to beget massive foreign bond sales (hot money). Why?  More ChiCom submarines?  Pay for more ChiCom Belt & Road? Does the collapse of the export and tourism industry bother them at all?

Have a read:


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1 hour ago, Uptooyoo said:

It won't be to long before my currency, the US dollar, dives. $22 trillion in debt and the USA still refuses to turn off the money printing-press. Helicopters continue showering free money from the skies even though unemployment is at record lows and the economy strong.  The current administration is on a mission to devalue in order to help the export sector. The whole world is in a currency war to the bottom. If this continues the last man standing will be Gold.

wow where to begin with this jumble of words??  let's start with that old trope about debt.  yes, the us debt is huge and growing.  but the us economy is huge and growing faster in  nominal terms.  thus, despite an increase in debt, the debt has in fact become more affordable given the size of the economy.


money printing press and helicopter money.  you're referring to two things here (obliquely):  quantitative easing, which has since stopped in the US for some time now (the process of the central bank buying bonds and other assets for cash); and ben bernanke's comment about directly increasing the money supply by showering money from helicopters (which to my knowledge has not yet occurred).


you raise two points of sunshine, however.  easing during a time of plenty is a bad idea, and the administration does seem bent on entering into a currency war to support exports.


back to the rubbish.  if the whole world is in a currency war to the bottom (your penultimate sentence), then what will the US dollar dive against (your first sentence)?

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