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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I certainly came out of my military service flexible and adaptable, but perhaps that's because that's in my character. I don't recall anyone specifically teaching me to be flexible and adaptable, unless it was at avoiding the <deleted> that plagued the institution.

Unfortunately, I learned to "dislike" the military as it was full of <deleted> little hitlers that loved to mess people around.


I don't agree with you on much but I sure do in this.  I pay dues to the VFW every year but find it hard to go to meetings.  The little hitlers tried to kill me on numerous occasions.  And I can't bring myself to forget that. 

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8 minutes ago, robertson468 said:


We are all different and you clearly are very different.  But I don't remember too many people toting little mustaches and raising their extended arm in salutes!  You seem to have had a bad experince in your Country's Armed Forces, or perhaps just resent authority. 

You wuz lucky then, or perhaps I was unlucky. It's been a very long time, but the scars are still present.

It wasn't all bad. I got a trade and travelled the world, but in the end it just got to the point I had to resign. I loved the job, but too many people spoiled it for me. 

No, they didn't have little mustaches or extend arm salutes, but they and Hitler could have been clones- not all, obviously, but enough.

15 hours ago, kokesaat said:

The difference being, in Thailand you can go to a garlic festival or a church or a music fest or a school and not worry about being gunned down by someone you don't know.

But beware the Temple festivals in the north east, there it is hand grenades.

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2 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

Just as I thought, very verbose but lacking substance, but long on self importance. Good to see you have some HiSo friends, but others do as well. My friends are or every social level because I don't care. Frankly I've never been to a bar in CM or elsewhere in the past 40 years in Thailand. Usually we go to a nice Thai restaurant and have a drink or two. Mostly we socialize with our Thai, many are professionals and may or may not travel outside Thailand frequently.


Same to you Fred. Good you have a life as well and have spent a good amount of time here to know some people and hopefully something's. And yet you come back stating the same as I have in some respect, so we do indeed have a couple things in common, being common thai friends and HiSO's as you put it... Have a good life.

6 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I don't agree with you on much but I sure do in this.  I pay dues to the VFW every year but find it hard to go to meetings.  The little hitlers tried to kill me on numerous occasions.  And I can't bring myself to forget that. 

Don't know what the VFW is, but assume it's an ex military association. I went to one once in my country, but was ignored, so never went back.

I was never in an actual war situation, so never in risk of life, but they did enjoy making me miserable. The problem with the military is that it allows the power crazed to actually use power over other people.

The pity of it is that it could have been such a great life, but for a few horribles with rank.

I once went to a recruiting stall, and wished I could have been in the military they portrayed, as it was so far from reality, and seemed fantastic- driving tanks and parachuting was all in everyone's everyday life- not so. I did drive tanks when I had to fix them, but I never got to parachute.


I agree some of the hyper-charged attacks on people that have any criticisms of Thailand (or God forbid are considering leaving or have left) and it's visa policies do come off as a strange perverted twist on the Stockholm Syndrome. I've been saying that many many years. Even before we entered the ONEROUS zone more recently where the volume of people being shaken out has visibly increased. 

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30 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Said every annoying & off-putting person, ever. 

I accept this award humbly from you, someone who underestimates their complete obnoxiousness ????


2 minutes ago, jessebkk1 said:

Why should anyone accept to continue to go through what the Thai Immigration is putting long term stayers through without any positive sides to it forever?

The day I will have continuous problems with Thai Immigration I may consider to move somewhere else.


Fortunately for me it isn't the case for me for the last 19 years.


I really hope it will continue this way for me.


At 71 I really don't want to move.



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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I accept this award humbly from you, someone who underestimates their complete obnoxiousness ????


Weird, I dont even remember ever having an interaction with you. Would you be viewing my posts on the politics of my own country and finding them obnoxious? Thats all I really post about, so you are kind of proving my original point.

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2 minutes ago, manchega said:

if you was a gi out here you and your ilk are responsible for many of the problems the region faces now.


As with the thousands of others like you do you never think about the ones you betrayed as you pulled out let alone treating people like dogs when you were here in the 70s.


you are scum bags and you continue to teach children your propaganda of being the good guys.


good bye good riddance

Well, I was one of those hippy dippy anti-war protesters back then, but your rhetoric goes way too far.

3 hours ago, Dcheech said:


"Military mindset" BTW there are many that have this mindset and cannot live in large sections of the United States. They have to move to places like Tennessee Or Tallahassee, because they don't fit in other places. OP is lucky he can still live in Boston. Best of luck on your move.



Really, you need to work on your pouch line, that joke fell a little short. Buts here is one for you.

What’s one thing you will never hear someone say?

I am going to retire and move up north!


Have you ever been to Tallahassee or Tennessee? Tennessee is a great state to visit or live. As for Tallahassee, that is one great city/collage town. Been to numerous FSU games there.


As for the military, you will find prior service members as a whole do far better then most when it comes to adjusting to their surroundings. If one thing you learn in the military is stay flexible because things will change. Most military move several times if they stay in long term. I averaged moving every two to three years all over the world.

 Obviously with that state of mind you were never in the military.

17 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Weird, I dont even remember ever having an interaction with you. Would you be viewing my posts on the politics of my own country and finding them obnoxious? Thats all I really post about, so you are kind of proving my original point.

Refer to #139


I was agreeing with you, until you went on the attack.


Guess some are thicker than others as the saying goes, i.e. not seeing it for what it was.


All good I am done and dusted, have to have thick skin to be on the forum.



18 hours ago, FaFaHead said:

555! I left because of Trump, believe me, I’m not looking forward to the noise in that regard again. I was referring to American order, structure, efficiency. I am a military person and those things are important to me and are sorely lacking here. 

You make that sound as if you require your life ordered for you, rather than ordering it your self?

A very narrow outlook, if I may say so?

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8 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Location is everything.

I spend my time now between Thonglor ( Bangkok ) and Pattaya.


2 totally different places from all points of view.


Small changes can have big results in one's life.

3 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

I spend my time now between Thonglor ( Bangkok ) and Pattaya.


2 totally different places from all points of view.


Small changes can have big results in one's life.

Yep and moving to an area that covers and meet a great portion of ones expectations leads to the individual being in a better state of mind thus figuring out the rest. I have been living here both retired and working. I have lived and currently live where the great majority of my expectations are met. But then again I had a long list of what I wanted and needed before I settled in here. Of course having a wonderful wife makes that even that much easier to adapt. 

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16 hours ago, amexpat said:

Well, there's a sample of one.


I met a British jerk once so I know all about the UK. 

I've met a few American jerks, so I know all about the US.

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Seeing I just met a Korean tomboy last night who was interested on me and day before met the waitress who served me lunch yesterday next to my condo at a club 2 days ago and took me home for free ???? I can totally agree Thailand can be such a weird place.

14 hours ago, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

Based on my personal situation vs. yours, most likely. For example:

Went to the dermatologist for a checkup.  She noticed an odd spot on my face and did a biopsy.  Two days later diagnosed as melanoma.  

Out of pocket cost: $40 USD

I had the option to have surgery 4 days later.  The dermatologist suggested getting a second opinion from an unaffiliated pathologist regarding how much tissue to be removed.

Out of pocket cost: 0 USD

Surgery was done a week later over 2 days to remove both the melanoma and some additional non-malignant lesions.

Out of pocket: $40 USD

Out of pocket medicine: ~$15 USD

Every aspect of the treatment was flawless.  The scars on my leg and head are visible but he took extra care on the face and the ~7cm incision is basically inperceptible.

Lets forget cost.  Approximately how long would that diagnosis, second opinion and surgery have taken under your system?

That's very reasonable. Where in the US did you did not get that sort of treatment for that sort of money.


We always hear about the exorbitant cost of healthcare in the US but obviously your healthcare system is not as bad as it is sometimes reported to be nor solely available to only the wealthy.

  • Confused 1

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