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Victims of 2010 road accident to finally get compensation


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Justice Ministry deputy permanent secretary Tawatchai Thaikyo told reporters he was happy for the victims' relatives who could collect the payments from the court soon.


Hopefully those wonderful people at the Justice Ministry will receive generous commissions....for their selfless dedication and hard work on behalf of the victims.




Edited by Hayduke
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26 minutes ago, nev said:

I hope they make their daughter pay back every Baht send the bitch out to work.

The daughter is only partly to blame, like many kids at this age and into adults in Thailand still act and think like 10 year olds. 

Immature adults produce immature kids as in this case and the court agreed and fined the parents. Further, as for interest being paid, the settlement should have been doubled for a 10 year delay. 


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49 minutes ago, amykat said:

Why pay something today you MIGHT have to pay in 10 years???  You might be dead before then??


Like car insurance, a well educated Thai man said to me once, why would I pay for that if I don’t know for SURE if I will need it???



Bingo, the mia noi who lives opposite me has a newish Camry and her paymaster has a newish Merc, both uninsured so she tells wifey. Her Camry was flooded out on one occasion when visiting her parents down south, cost 150K baht to put right, he paid.


What a mentality......  

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Praewa also was banned from driving until the age of 25. She turns 25 this year.

I hope she gets a personalized number plate and the media lets us know what it is.


This only for the purpose of public safety of course.

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2 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Maybe they thought they could get away without paying

They were banking on it all being forgotten with time, a settlement on time would have saved this girl lifelong stigma after all the recent press

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52 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

Send her and her parents to prison more like.

C'mon you know how it works, the girl gets her licence back shortly and the parents will buy her a nice new car for all the pain she has been through recently .

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after 9 years. why this wait?? glad court ordered them to pay the interest too.

Extra kudos for the court to keep the owner of the car as equally liable for this too.


and i wonder how the family found that 42 plus million baht??

will authorities check the source of that money? bc all i know father is or was a colonel!

and now she is 25, she can be a danger again for the society as she can drive a car now.

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3 hours ago, amykat said:

Like car insurance, a well educated Thai man said to me once, why would I pay for that if I don’t know for SURE if I will need it???


Where was this well educated guy educated? I guess it was prolly at the Bamboo International University for chumps...


Insurance saved my balls more than once. Never have enough, but the problem is the regulations on Thailand. An 8-9 year old car can't be insured first class... even if I have the money to pay for it.

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4 hours ago, HampiK said:

What you think will happen with spoiled person! NOTHING

Wonder if she has a boyfriend or will ever have a bf?


If she was introduced by her bf to other folks who realized who she was, just wondering what reactions there would be? One guess is that it depends on the status level of the girls family, If very high (which I understand it is) then perhaps the very high status level cancels all else? 


A bit like the highly corrupt officials who demand that their staff grovel and give very high wais when they meet the boss.


This all happened a few days after the paymasters first ministers took up their positions, many were well know to be massively corrupt and dangerous thugs. A group of these miscreants complained that when they were walking in the corridors of gov't buildings the staff were not all falling down to the full prostrating (lie on the floor) position with wais way above their heads. 

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