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Trump condemns white supremacy, vague on gun measures after U.S. shootings


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2 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

Or, maybe it's the press' promoting Trump as such that emboldens these people. After all, they are being told ad nauseam, that this president is on their side.

No, it’s pretty much trump encouraging them all by himself, through his statements and twitter rants. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, Curt1591 said:

You mean rhetoric like

"They bring a knife ... We bring a gun"

"I don't want to quell anger. I think people have a right to be angry. I'm angry"
"Hit back twice as hard"

We talk to these folks.... so I know who's ass to kick"

"Punish your enemies"

"I'm itching for a fight"
"Republican victory would mean hand-to-hand combat"

Barack Obama.


Look up the context of the phrases, you are misrepresenting Obama's words.

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

No I mean trump’s willingness to exploit and use the white nationalist hate present in a disturbing number of his supporters.


He also exploits the less overt blind prejudices of many others of course. 

As I understand it there was one shooting from a right wing nut and one shooting from a left wing nut.  400,000,000 guns in America.  Some one tell me how stopping the sale of the 400,000,001st gun is going to help anything?

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5 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

As I understand it there was one shooting from a right wing nut and one shooting from a left wing nut.  400,000,000 guns in America.  Some one tell me how stopping the sale of the 400,000,001st gun is going to help anything?

It will take away 400 000 000 guns, I’d assume. 


However, I was commenting on the consequences of trump’s exploitation of bigotry and prejudice, not gun control or political allegiances. 


Though i am curious as to how you have concluded one gunman was “left wing”.  

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3 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

Context!?! We don't need no stinking context !?!

How many of the examples of "Trump's hate filled rhetoric" have you taken the time to examine? Most of the examples I have checked are either out of context, simply interpretations, or even outright misquotes. 

Plenty and not via the alt right media. trump is his own worst enemy

Edited by simple1
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1 hour ago, marcusarelus said:

Why not present the context?  

Becaue it's up to the person who produced those quotes to provide the context. Otherwise, as evidence it's worthless. But there are plenty of tweets and videos of Trump that provide all the context that's needed.

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20 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Becaue it's up to the person who produced those quotes to provide the context. Otherwise, as evidence it's worthless. But there are plenty of tweets and videos of Trump that provide all the context that's needed.

In that case, since you brought them up, could you provide some of those "white supremacist / hateful tweets.

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On 8/6/2019 at 7:58 AM, PatOngo said:
On 8/6/2019 at 8:09 AM, RJRS1301 said:

The hypocrisy of the POTUS never ceases to astound me.

He takes days to make a comment, then forgets his own agenda has fed into the feelings on nationalism. The man has no insight at all, and appears to be surrounded by poor advisors.

On 8/6/2019 at 6:28 AM, Bluespunk said:

So when someone commits an atrocity that can be used to forward trump’s agenda, they are radical terrorists, yet when they commit an atrocity that goes against his agenda or worse, reflects it, they have mental health issues. 


Funny old world trump lives in, everything so conveniently reflecting his rhetoric and prejudices.


There is no crime he will not choose to exploit or explain away when it suits his agenda.


Mans a disgrace.   

Yeah, where is a LHO clone when you want one!

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2 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

In that case, since you brought them up, could you provide some of those "white supremacist / hateful tweets.

I was replying to someone who brought up so-called hateful tweets of Obama's. Nothing to do with race. You really want me go produce some hateful video clips and/or tweets from Trump?

Like the one where he volunteered to pay the legal costs of people in the crowd if the beat on a disruptive demonstrator? Or just recently, when he made a joke about shooting illegal immigrants?

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

I was replying to someone who brought up so-called hateful tweets of Obama's. Nothing to do with race. You really want me go produce some hateful video clips and/or tweets from Trump?

Like the one where he volunteered to pay the legal costs of people in the crowd if the beat on a disruptive demonstrator? Or just recently, when he made a joke about shooting illegal immigrants?


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and the obsession with one of the most successful people on the planet continues... this is almost as good as the cnn moderator stating (t)his opinion regarding pres. trump as fact in his query to the democratic hopefuls in the 2020 election... i'll be back in a few moments; i'm heading out to purchase a little more popcorn...

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On 8/6/2019 at 7:16 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

I think this is kind of the point. Even Trump will know that when he tweets 9 times racist comments and 1 time he condemns racism that his supporters will listen to the majority of his tweets. He adds things like this speech that he can always tell somehow: Look, I care and I am not a racist.

But everybody who watches hum permanently knows that is not true.

I am sure his racist supporters will see it like it is: He has to pretend from time to time that he cares - it's part of his job to pretend.

Here we go again, liberal bashing others. The only racist is the Democratic party, founders of the kkk. Antifa, White Supremacy shall I go on. Have you even bothered to research the El Paso shooter or the Dayon shooter. You had rather spew the same bs as other Liberals do. And when a President has the balls to call a spade a spade you do the only thing you know scream racist. 

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10 hours ago, candide said:

Once again, context.

In these cases, there was an antagonist instigating the encounter. His statements were a heated response. Trump's a NYC scrapper and a smart-a _ _. But, he didn't just pull out of his butt.

"Poke a bear in the eye ... "




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On 8/8/2019 at 6:48 PM, RocketDog said:

Sorry Ramen. The man is a failure.

He's mostly squandered his inheritance, most of his investments are losers. The ones that weren't were illegal or scams.

The man soils everyone and everything he touches. He really has the Midas touch except with excrement instead of gold.

The success story is a false Trump legend among his braindead zombie army.

Open your eyes.

He is a multi billionaire. Check the Forbes list if you’re in doubt. He is the President of the USA; the single most powerful man on the planet. If he truly was unsuccessful, you would not be so invested in calling him a failure. There is nothing else to say on the matter, except that this is as close to a troll post as there is, and I won’t be wound up like a Timex. Have a nice night.

Edited by Ramen087
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On 8/8/2019 at 8:19 PM, MAGA 2020 said:

Here we go again, liberal bashing others. The only racist is the Democratic party, founders of the kkk. Antifa, White Supremacy shall I go on. Have you even bothered to research the El Paso shooter or the Dayon shooter. You had rather spew the same bs as other Liberals do. And when a President has the balls to call a spade a spade you do the only thing you know scream racist. 

You put KKK, Antifa and White Supremacy in one sentence.


How many mass killings or lynchings have people affiliated with Antifa committed?



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5 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

He is a multi billionaire. Check the Forbes list if you’re in doubt. He the President of the USA; the single most powerful man on the planet. If he truly was unsuccessful, you would not be so invested in calling him a failure. There is nothing else to say on the matter, except that this is as close to a troll post as there is, and I won’t be wound up like a Timex. Have a nice night.

You do understand balance sheets don’t you?


Her’s a hint:


There is a reason Trump is fighting tooth and nail to keep his his tax returns and financial dealings secret.




Edited by Chomper Higgot
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I "monitor" a Right wing podcast. About Trumps years late and milquetoast condemnation of white supremacy. Right wingers are ACTUALLY outraged, they see themselves as victims only, of immigrants, of political correctness, and dozens of of wild false narratives. 

Here is Trump posing with a baby whose parents who were both shot to death in El Paso. This vile man is unable to even feign normal  emotion or empathy, and his behavior is completely beyond the pale of any acceptable  human conduct. Once hoped Mrs. Trump was possibly a decent person in a gilded cage but she also appears to be a heartless ghoul as well.


Edited by Date Masamune
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*Deleted post edited out*


Neon , I sympathize with your weary cynicism regarding politics. Surely all politicians are liars, all intent on personal power, and all nearly devoid of ethics or morals.


But it's important to understand that Trump is a prodigal vessel of filth, indecency, unbridled avarice, megalomania, and moral terpitude not seen in a position of such power for generations.


He represents the worst instincts of mankind and appeals to the worst tendencies inherent in humans. He has spent his lifetime perfecting deception and hatred and appears at a time of fear and global uncertainty to present himself as a strong leader who will solve the world's problem. This is an equation as old as mankind.


Too many people have fallen prey to their fear and helplessness to follow him. The most morally corrupt but less accomplished politicians have fallen in behind him hoping to attach themselves to his apparent success in widespread deceit. This is one of the most threatening spectres of his regime.


Do not mistake this man as simply another venal creature of politics with a lust for power.


He is far more dangerous than anybody could initially discern. It is also becoming increasingly apparent that he is declining mentally and psychologically, and losing even the paltry sense of reason and grasp of reality that he may have previously had. In the position of power he now holds this should be worrisome to all people, regardless of where they live.


It is not hyperbole to describe him as a global existential threat to military, social, and economic stability.


If people don't recognize the major danger he represents to the entire world and take action against him it can only get much worse than we can now imagine.


Regarding him as pedestrian  political rabble is a serious mistake.

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