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Could this be Dengue fever?

clarky cat

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Since a week ago i've felt like <deleted> (all types of aches and pains around the face/head), and have been self-medicating on paracetamol and tramadol.


2-days ago I thought I had food poisoning, as I threw up after having lunch and had diarrhoea, but no real flu-like symptoms. This only lasted 2 hours before returning back to the same symptoms as previous.


Both today and yesterday I've started to have fatigue, which I thought was down to lack of sleep, but feels more severe than that. Also, halfway through last night I woke up and was unable to move my neck for about 5 minutes.


Today all the symptoms have got stronger and my temperature has got even higher, but it still doesn't feel strong enough to be bed-ridden. I've only just started to question today as it's been over a week now...

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1 hour ago, clarky cat said:

I lasted one hour before deciding I was too sick to wait any longer


I'll try again in the evening when my partner finishes work, does anyone know if clinics can carry out the same blood test? 

This is one of the reasons I wouldn't set foot in a government hospital.

Sick for a week, go to a private hospital now for proper treatment.

Worry about the bill later. According to Immigration expats never pay their bills anyway.

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I was told by my doctor in Malaysia that a quick check for dengue was to run your fingers on the underside of your arm from the wrist to elbow. You should see light red marks on your arm from where your fingers impacted, but these should fade fairly quickly if all is well. If the marks persist it could be for a number of reasons including dengue. Sheryl may have a opinion on the effectiveness of this test.


As others advised get to a doctor/hospital ASAP. There was a young Japanese engineer in my apartment block in KL who died within 24 hours of a dengue confirmation.

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Seriously. There are 4 different families of mosquitoes who can be carriers. If strain A bites you, you get you have immunity for a year but only on strain A. It can last 10 to 14 days and has up to 10 different symptoms. This is why its nasty you get a new symptom every day, so as the fever leaves the chills come. or the horrible behind the eyes headache goes lower back pain becomes so bad. Never had the bleeding under the finger nails having hated two occasions of this fever. You can only rest drink lots of water and take paracetamol for the pain. 

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Every local clinic has advice on dengue fever. Rest, take pain killers as directed, drink water. 


A private hospital will ensure you’re taken care of. They will do lots of tests , prescribe pain killers and ensure you get lots of rest. Bargain B50,000



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20 hours ago, clarky cat said:

I woke up and was unable to move my neck for about 5 minutes.

i think its cool how the op is worried about the lines at the hospital.

if i was bleeding out i would be like that too. "Its nothing. I'm not standing in line. whats for lunch?"


Signs and symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever or severe dengue — a life-threatening emergency — include:

Severe abdominal pain.

Persistent vomiting.

Bleeding from your gums or nose.

Blood in your urine, stools or vomit.

Bleeding under the skin, which might look like bruising.

Difficult or rapid breathing.



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5 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

I had dengue fever and the symptoms were fever, terrible pain in allmy joints and rashes on my body. I understand however, there are up to four strains of DF. Do not delay, go for an anti body test ASAP. 

Yes...four strains of Dengue (a few researchers say five) Apparently when you get Dengue and recover, you have lifelong immunity to that particular strain of Dengue. But when you get hit with Dengue again from one of the other strains, it will be worse. It gets progressively worse each time you get  Dengue. If you survive all the strains...you are then fully immune from Dengue and you won’t get it again. 

   But you go through hell to get that immunity and when you get infected with the last strain on your fourth (or fifth) time...it will be the worst and you will be in hospital and some have died. 

    They are still working and trying to develop a much more effective vaccine. (The one they developed was not that good...for various reasons)

    Take care. 

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1 hour ago, Snackbar said:

Every local clinic has advice on dengue fever. Rest, take pain killers as directed, drink water. 


A private hospital will ensure you’re taken care of. They will do lots of tests , prescribe pain killers and ensure you get lots of rest. Bargain B50,000



Great!  B50,000      Spare Change for most of us.  No problem. 

     Feel sorry for those living in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, India or Philippines pension to pension check and can’t afford heath insurance.

   Oh well....  


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For heavens sake get to a Doctor, I am still getting over what I thought was Dengue but turned out to be chikagunya, equally as painful.

No real treatment for it apart from treating the symptoms, muscular and joint pain from My eyelids to my toes.

The Doctor gave me one injection and two types of tablets for pain which helped greatly and now two months later I only have tablets for fluid retention.

I am still not 100% and feel fatigued very easily , also swollen feet and lack of grip especially opening screw top bottles.

My local pharmacist is a very knowledgeable young lady and she tells me that the symptoms can last for six months or more, age is a factor in recovery and seeing that I have exceeded the three score and ten I can’t complain.

The cost of two visits to the Doctor, injection and initial tablets was 800 baht, further tablets from pharmacy another 120 baht.

Get to a Doctor....Now....please.

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went to a government hospital, they did all the usual checks plus a blood test


my blood pressure is the lowest i've ever seen it but still in the normal category


they've told me all test results are fine and sent me home with paracetamol and ibuprofen

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25 minutes ago, clarky cat said:

went to a government hospital, they did all the usual checks plus a blood test


my blood pressure is the lowest i've ever seen it but still in the normal category


they've told me all test results are fine and sent me home with paracetamol and ibuprofen


Well, if I've ever seen a better reason to self-diagnosis or self-medicate, this is it!


Your symptoms seem to be pretty serious, and not in the category or mild-headache, which is what the medication you were prescribed is for.


Do some research on the internet and find out what's wrong with you.


In the meantime, staying hydrated is a must for a great many illnesses.


Wish you luck!

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