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On August 22, 2019 at 1:32 AM, frantick said:

If you LIVE in Thailand, there's no reason for her to see the ex.  If you don't, she has no guarantee you'll be around. 

Yes, because all farang who LIVE in Thailand are trustworthy and their presence is a guarantee of fidelity.

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My first question is "why would your recently divorced wife cheat on you?" The logical answer is that you didn't take care of her to her liking--whatever that is. My next question is "why haven't you made the new babe a better offer than her steady?" My last question is "why even bother when their are thousands of eligible applicants for the position of Thai girlfriend/wife?" Maybe you should write down and prioritize what you really want. Knowing that you'll never get 100% satisfaction. Companionship? good to stunning looks? sexual prowess? faithfulness? easy on the budget? If you can get 60% satisfaction from one lady, go for it. Otherwise, keep trolling.

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why do you think you can change a bar girls mindset ? Like you say she’s been with somebody for 5yrs. Ask yourself a question,how would you feel if it was happening to you ? My advice is simple don’t waste your time fella. I’ve been back and forth to Thailand for over 15yrs and I’ve seen the lot. I’ve also been involved with bar girls and all there interested in is money * read the book money number one,it’s been rewritten so many times. Could write a book about my past experiences myself ! Was in a 7yr relationship with Thai from buriram - had house built looked after the family,. Normal stuff you would expect. Sadly you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl.... loverly girl until finding out she was cheating on me..... walked away and it’s the best thing I done * took a couple years break from Thailand * met myself a good lady from ubon she’s never worked in a bar she comes from a lovely family and is special....met her on Thai Cupid haha

she’s never asked me for anything she’s always grateful when I send money home,also pay for her sons education and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been * suppose what I’m saying is not all Thais the same .... going back 4yrs ago was sitting in a bar soi bouikow when farang came into bar and knifed a man because he was with his lady ( my advice be careful there’s plenty of fish in the sea ) neither man knew each other - if you trust bar lady especially those who’ve been working for few years in the game you’ve only got yourself to blame when you wake up without a pot to <deleted> in. Walk away and find yourself a loverly lady mate there out there wishing you all the very best ????

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Another great thread from marko.


I had a really grand experience with a 68 year old lady last night. I went to the 'sex for the over 40 Thai lady' topic on TV and it had been closed. I wanted to share my experiences. Gutted!


Right now marko, do a little spying, and find out who this other guy is. Make friends with him and buy him a beer or two. If you like him, suss out if he would be up for a threesome. Take it from there. The good lord didn't give a lady two interesting cavities so close together for nothing.


Report back to the awaiting brethren on TVForum with details.





Edited by owl sees all
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I am stunned that you are actually asking for advice as it has been a few months since you divorced your 'cheating wife'. Talk about 'out of the frying pan into the fire' You certainly are a sucker for punishment of your feelings and your finances.

You need some common sense knocked into that head of yours. You should be relieved you are out of a bad marriage and take some time to taste the fresh air and the look at the vast array of people who are available without being mixed up in a long 5 years relationship. 

If you pursue this I sincerely hope that you will not get your fingers burned again!!!

'A fool and his money' Have you ever read that phrase?


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The OP is confusing P4P with being in a relationship. He should not be emotionally involved with his current fling. He should find other P4P one night stands and wean himself off co dependent relationships.  She does not live him nor will she ever. If she is attractive and child free she will have a Thai male love interest. 

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Another great thread from marko.


I had a really grand experience with a 68 year old lady last night. I went to the 'sex for the over 40 Thai lady' topic on TV and it had been closed. I wanted to share my experiences. Gutted!


Right now marko, do a little spying, and find out who this other guy is. Make friends with him and buy him a beer or two. If you like him, suss out if he would be up for a threesome. Take it from there. The good lord didn't give a lady two interesting cavities so close together for nothing.


Report back to the awaiting brethren on TVForum with details.





Three access points

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I'm going to graciously assume that your post is purely fictional and "intended for educational and entertainment purposes only".


If not then you are in water waaaaay over your head and should drag yourself ashore as quickly as possible and thereafter never go near anything deeper than a puddle.


There be dragons here!

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Marko kok prong   You said: i would like a long term relationship,i don't think she has any other falangs,and she has been honest with me from the start about this, i am just getting to the stage now wether it is really even worth thinking about having a relationship at all with a Thai woman for me it always seems to end badly,and my poor wallet has taken a hell of a thrasing.


You just split with your wife who was a bar girl (hooker) because things were not good.  Now you hook up with another bar girl and say above that you wonder if it's even worth getting  into a relationship with a Thai woman. Sure but with a Thai woman not a bar girl.  Sure bar girls (hookers) are pretty, sexy, good in bed but you don't think those cute little honeys at 7--11 put out. Sales girls at malls or college cuties can't f--- ? Or do you go for bar girls because they are readily available , speak some English and won't reject your advances? Some of the Thai Malls like Central Lad Prao show movies only in English no Thai subs so all the girls in there speak English after the movie go and talk to some. Dress nicely , try to be in shape workout for health and to get better partners. My friend below and I were eating at KFC after a movie and met a Chinese girl who spoke English and was a student at a BKK University. They correspond and he will hook up with her when he comes back over . He will be 60 next year.

 Don't want to make an effort to go with a reg girl then stick with your bar girls but don't expect unconditional love or faithfullness and your wallet better be deep.


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7 hours ago, lensta said:

My question is "How did you get a divorce after only being separated for 5 months"?

The minimum separation time before you can get a divorce in Thailand is 12 months.

I thought both people can turn up at the amphur and divorce if they both agree inside of a year?


The year is for abandonment, I thought.


Three for separation but at fault trial case.

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On 8/22/2019 at 9:50 AM, Isaanbiker said:

Just got divorced, met another bar girl who's great in bed.


     But she's got an English bf who pays her good money not to f...with you, but you do.


   Don't be surprised when the English bf beats the shi_e out of your ar_e!


  Asking people on such a forum what to do is really insane. Are you an adult, or a teeneager?


You sound like a guy who never had a woman before you got married.


   Read My Private Dancer before it's too late. I can send you a copy. 



I am 12 years old but have packed a lot in

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On 8/22/2019 at 10:30 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Ah, surviving "the power of the pussy".


Apologies for being so blunt, but guys like you, who allow themselves to just open up their wallets to women in general, can only expect to be fleeced, i.e. every woman wants money, regardless if she is a bar girl or as others have stated prostitutes, a pretty heavy word in my opinion, although we "John's" use their services regularly, but won't admit it.


Fact of the matter is they need to survive, they play us with the "power of the pussy", and we play them with the money, be it a bar girl or not, they want to be rewarded for the spread that we so desperately desire and we are prepared to pay for it, however if your strong enough to keep it tight, but fair, and focus on what's going on around you, as opposed to being binded by that little pouch, you will survive "the power of the pussy", but that would also mean that you have to shield that heart of yours, because once they know your weak, it's all over, forget the Mills & Boons books or the movie Titanic, it's all created to give you a false sense of security, seriously !


Face up to the fact, if a woman didn't have a pussy, you wouldn't be in interested, some say you would be throwing half bricks at them from the otherside of the street, a bit harsh I know.


You just haven't learned to handle them, yes she is there to be handled, and if your weak, she will gut you, not all, but a lot of them will, it's just a matter of time, oh he is a nice guy, but too soft for me so I will take what I can, it's survival of the fittest, and you only have one thing she wants, "security" be it a better life with a house, car, steady money flow coming in monthly etc etc, lets' face it, if you didn't have any, would she be wasting her time with you, and please don't tell me she is different as I have been around a fair while and been with a few women in my time, they all have one thing in common, i.e. what's in it for me, whereas for us guys it's all about "the power of the pussy".


Do yourself a favour, forget the emotional roller coaster, as some other poster said, there are thousands of girls around, you just have to know what you want and always sleep with one eye open, i.e. NEVER hand over your wallet, finance them or anything else like that, unless you know you are only prepared to lose what you invest.


I am a very happily married guy, sex is great with my partner, but hey, I am human and like a slice of cake every now and again, so I have this little cute thing on the side when I want her, just for sex, no relationship prospects and she understands its just a business deal, that said she has a boyfriend overseas who sends her money every month, it's a normal thing here, i.e. if the farang is overseas and is supporting the girls, they will keep collecting what they can, not all, but others, like this one, like both the money and the sex, and I am not complaining, as she is on tap.


So do yourself a favor, enjoy yourself, study the beasts, learn, and keep them under control, and sorry to say, this one is not for you, i.e. unless you want to be fleeced.

Well i forgot to mention i am rather well off,in fact extremely so,after the gold find in New guinea -read my earlier posts on that.

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9 hours ago, MartiniMan said:

First go and get private thai lessons and learn to understand the language - you will finally understand <deleted> is going on

next hate to tell you but you are being played my friend and there is many fish in the sea so just go fishing with some brand new tackle

If you want to survive here first learn the language then you will really see what is going on in thailand and the mask will be off

Go to the temple and find a good temple girl and meet her family, only date woman who have a religion and some schooling ideally one who has studied abroad for some time

Good luck and dont get too attached - it will only cause a lot of pain

117 posts and your telling me about Thailand,i speak thai,have been here 7 years have a massive house with a pool,and another smaller one ,how you doin buddy?

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14 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

117 posts and your telling me about Thailand,i speak thai,have been here 7 years have a massive house with a pool,and another smaller one ,how you doin buddy?

How's that workin' for you so far?


Sounds to me like you need to get the hell out of Thailand.  At least for a while.  New scenery, change up the routine.  It really does help to refresh your perspective on life in general, and Thailand. 

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 Lets clear a few things up here, she has not worked the bar for 5 years,i agreed reluctantly,for her to say goodbye to this guy who has supported her for 3 years for 15,000 a month, i spend that in week,but if you know me as a lot of posters do,this is not a lot, she lives way out in the country ,has very few friends,she is hardly ever on the phone unlike my ex who was never off it,she is an emotional girl,which i find unusual,she cried tonight because she was worrying she cannot cook falang food for me.


I ain't happy about her going to see this guy but she at least told me and him,he too is upset,but unlike me he lives in the Uk ,still works,has not a great deal of wedge,i have seen a photo of him,is okay but no where as good looking as me[sorry but i am],also wears glasses,i have warned her say goodbye and then we can be together,if i not let her do this it will cause resentment on her side,so she knows who she is better off with,i warned her if she ever contacts him again is finished.


 Guys i ain't hopelessly in love with this girl,sure i like her cos she likes a drink ,we get on well and she is beautiful and fantastic in bed,but if she stays 3 months with him i told her dont bother me again, i will find someone else, and i may be dissapointed but i sure ain't gonna be crying over it, okay life was never meant to be easy,and sure it ain't but at the moment i am happy, she changes her mind maybe i down a bit ,but after all i have been through it ain't gonna kill me, and Charlie my good mate,don't worry i am good, what will be will be i don't worry to much anymore, just so happy i got rid of the last one, she was evil, my first Thai wife an angel in comparison.

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46 minutes ago, marko kok prong said:

Well i forgot to mention i am rather well off,in fact extremely so,after the gold find in New guinea -read my earlier posts on that.

I am waiting for the movie to come out:


"A gold digger in the fangs of a gold digger".   It doesn't get any better than this.

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14 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

How's that workin' for you so far?


Sounds to me like you need to get the hell out of Thailand.  At least for a while.  New scenery, change up the routine.  It really does help to refresh your perspective on life in general, and Thailand. 

You sound and probably are a complete and utter <deleted>

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