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Opponents of 'no-deal' Brexit defeat PM Johnson, who promises an election


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6 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

QUOTE: The British people voted to leave, but the elites didn't want it.


So Boris & Smogg are not elite?

Please make up your mind.

No they are elites are have the interests of the working class at the centre of their beating cold eton/ oxford educated hearts. 

Image result for bullingdon club

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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2 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Ooooh cutting . Not sure how I'm going to come back from that stinging retort.

Oh I know. If anything I have too much self-awareness; unlike the majority of Brexit fans who have nothing but self- ishness.

Pot calling.....

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6 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

and Roman , French - the fighting Brexit bit comes from the Danes. 


Ancient Egypt


Ancient 'Britain'

Image result for stonehenge

My goodness …. if you compare the last structures against the Pyramids ….looks like Ikea Do it yourself ????

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20 minutes ago, transam said:

Oh yes, usual get out clause, I used SW's words so no confusion...


You are no longer a moderator so lay off that stuff..


You have called me a racist in the past.

That explains the halo in his avatar ????

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

So then, now the English Nationalists are lost for what to do next (or at least their loon websites are). Plan B on these occasions is always to return to banging on about WW2 and Johnny Foreigner. You know the wheels are off when this kicks in.

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You'd have to read back but the topic resurfaced after a remainer comment. 

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2 minutes ago, david555 said:

My goodness …. if you compare the last structures against the Pyramids ….looks like Ikea Do it yourself ????

Thank god the best from other countries had countless invasions to make us the strong, mongrel race that we are. Brexit will pass and then the mob can go back to their bingo. 

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31 minutes ago, david555 said:

And in Central Europe we ae all Franken, Gaulle ,Germanen not forgetting the Romans with many subdivisions from "animal dressing skin times "...probably a touch of Viking too, and later more southern mix ????

So who is what ?....unless difference in culture...but original   we are Caucasians 

We are all homo sapiens, some more human(e) than others.

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26 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

The absolute elite is from German stock......

And weren't they descendants of the Visigoths? I mean, all of these differences are laughable. Small planet in a big universe. People need to focus on things that actually matter.

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56 minutes ago, david555 said:

Free from Europe , we are not responsible for your Boris or any other government keeping you hostage ... ...


BTW  I edited a big part ,you probably missed it ...

Don't worry, I'm sure it won't change our lives. 

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1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Thank god the best from other countries had countless invasions to make us the strong, mongrel race that we are. Brexit will pass and then the mob can go back to their bingo. 

Just because the comparing Pyramids  , "beauty and the beast"  you know ..(wink)

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Yes we do have minimum wages, but then they are so much higher than those available in Eastern Europe. And this is the reason that the multi national have taken advantage, with the help of the Bureaucrats in Brussels, to transfer thousands of British workers jobs to Eastern Europe.

Big secret: Businesses will always produce where it’s cheaper, and they don’t need “Bureaucrats in Brussels” for it, otherwise Apple would produce its iPhone in the US. Do you really think Brexit will bring any of those jobs back, or stop businesses in the future moving production to lower wage countries?


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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Cheap Eastern European labour flooding the country? so how many?


Are people loosing their jobs? just the opposite lot more cheap labour needed for seasonal agricultural work and care work.


Why do people from poorer countries want to come to the UK? because we will not help them develop jobs in their own countries, Britain as a wealthy part of the EU bulking contributing to a fundamental principle of the EU. 


  Obviously you do not live in the U.K. especially in areas that have been heavily affected by this unwanted influx of E,U nationals. 

 Not that we are saying, that there should be no immigration. But what we need is to be in control of who actually comes in. Something similar to the Australian points system. 



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Just now, welovesundaysatspace said:

Big secret: Businesses will always produce where it’s cheaper, and they don’t need “Bureaucrats in Brussels” for it, otherwise Apple would produce its iPhone in the US. Do you really think Brexit will bring any of those jobs back, or stop businesses in the future moving production to lower wage countries?


And anyway automation / ai / robotics is advancing at an enormous pace as is global warming. Brexit will be seen by future generations if they still exist as a pointless national drawn out suicide note from a once great nation. All empires rise and fall , nothing is permanent.

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2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Really? What nonsense. My father volunteered and fought in the Airborne and he wasn't even British.


Also a big supporter of the EC/EU.


Two questions

1/ What was his nationality 

2/ Which army was he in.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Why didn't you do the decent thing and insist on her getting a reasonable wage in the first place instead of the lousy mean spirited minimum wage.


Wasn't she worthy of it?



Oh, she was more than worthy! her cleaning my desk was the highlight of my day.


As I said, she worked for a company that had a contract that covered all of our sites, all over the country. The salaries were set in the contract and negotiated by head office. Well above my pay grade. We did club together and use every excuse to buy her presents.


Sadly, it all came to an end when one of the other guys put her up the duff.

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  Obviously you do not live in the U.K. especially in areas that have been heavily affected by this unwanted influx of E,U nationals. 
 Not that we are saying, that there should be no immigration. But what we need is to be in control of who actually comes in. Something similar to the Australian points system. 
The dozy Brexiteers always thought that borders only faced East and their blather falls apart on the border to the West.

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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20 hours ago, bannork said:

Nobody can give precise figures about the cost of leaving because no country has ever left a trading bloc before but consequences can be foreseen.

With no deal, businesses would not know whether or when there would ever be any sort of preferential trading arrangement going beyond WTO commitments with the EU.

The EU have repeatedly said if the UK is not prepared to accept any of the obligations of Single Market and Customs Union membership, then it can't expect to continue trading on similar terms to those enjoyed by members.

After exit, even the opening of any trade negotiation requires unanimity amongst the 27 members.

On ‘mini deals' the legislation the 27 put in place to govern economic relations with the UK after a no deal exit, there has been no consultation with the UK, let alone negotiations.

EU regulators across many sectors will press firms after a ‘no deal’ to comply with their requirements about location and ownership.

No trade deal with the USA, China and India will ever be agreed without delivering major economic dividends for them.

Much more of our trade is with Europe – notably in services, in which the UK is highly competitive and all cross-border trade liberalisation is immensely difficult, precisely because it inevitably impinges heavily on domestic regulatory sovereignty. What terms will they offer to a country that has just left the bloc?

We export more services to the EU than to our next eight markets put together.

Any ‘no deal’ exit will force us to negotiate from a position of complete vulnerability.


Thanks for your opinion, but its still only that,  No facts again

The markets are declining in Europe, 

how much will it cost to remain in the EU, even say for the next 10 years compared to leaving. ?

We are now the laughing stock of Europe due to the remainers, and now go back to even more <deleted> licking and collecting of scraps that they may or may not give to the Uk losers

I asked about the new Lisbon treaty and how that will effect the uk and at what cost , but still no answers on the either

seems to be way too many opinion of remainers, and way too little facts about both leaving and remaining

All we seem to be doing is making ourselves look stupid to the rest of the world, costing billions and failing the people of the UK, 

Maybe its now time to treat our politicians with the contempt that they now deserve

If we get chance of an election, lets all vote Labour, give the country the sort of politicians they now deserve 




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1 hour ago, david555 said:

Don't you know they did it whole alone by themselves ,nobody else involved , only they died and fought ...no one else !

And don't you dare to call that arrogance from hat group  !!

Lucky to mention there are still normal ones too 


 True, and that included many of your own country folk, well in the WW2 at least. But you don’t have a history of it, think WW1.

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24 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

How is saying that Britain is full of aliens being 'racist' especially when many of these aliens are Eastern Europeans who are of the same race as the rest of us.


Throwing the 'R' word about when it's not an accurate perception of the situation helps render the word meaningless.


It's just like me accusing you of being racist towards myself when you don't even know what race I belong to.

For once I am agreeing with Yogi.

You weren't being racist, you were being xenophobic.

This of course already adds to your established Islamophobia but no, no way are you racist.  

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11 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Two questions

1/ What was his nationality 

2/ Which army was he in.

1. Stateless person.


2. British army


Also, I can tell you that it's a complete misnomer to say that people signed up to fight the Germans during WW2. Completely wrong. Nearly all signed up to fight Hitler and the Nazis. Also Mussolini. They didn't sign up to fight Germans and Italians. My Father's mother was German.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

So then, now the English Nationalists are lost for what to do next (or at least their loon websites are). Plan B on these occasions is always to return to banging on about WW2 and Johnny Foreigner. You know the wheels are off when this kicks in.

Funny you should mention them...


(A reminder that it's Content rather than poster which in this case inc Robin Tilbrook) :

Edited by evadgib
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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


I am not saying you are wrong; I am not saying that there have been no racist comments from Remainers. But it seems very strange to me that those who share my view that we are better in an international community than out of it should be making racist comments!


Perhaps you can provide some examples?


From my memory, all the racist, xenophobic and bigoted comments have come from the Brexit side, from extreme examples I mentioned earlier to less extreme ones like that from @yogi100's recent comment about Britain being full of aliens to the mild 'Johnny Foreigner' insult from @transam above.


According to posts, from some remainers that I have read here on T.V. One of the big advantages of remaining in the E.u. Is that we would not have to accept more dark skinned immigrants from Africa and the East. Instead we can rely on allowing “our fellow” white Europeans in. Now if that is not racialist, I don’t know what is.

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