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Dual pricing: Retirees and expats may be charged more at Thai govt hospitals

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Screw that Dutch Loonie, for his continuing belligerent complaints, .... as now they are just making it Legal across the board !!! possibly for every one ! ... Where as before if you were quiet, and just acted like a Thai, like came from that Government hospitals area, where the hospital was, .... and they would ask you, ... ....  you only were changed the same as them !!! .....


And I know because I always use Government hospitals and with great success !!!   (And pay my Bills also !) ...  Though I do notice they have a pay first policy now, and receive treatment later, which was only the case starting from this year.


 .... Sure the Dutch guy has some grounds for complaint, but well, he was using their hospital a LOT !!! .... and did not relay come from that area either I think ? .... and well, ... when they offed to reimburse him, he just should have taken it,.... and not got all defiant, Loonie, and "European" about it !!! ... Making them all loose face, (And start thinking about new laws !!!) ...


Like with some consideration ? .... This guy has probably just made it worse, (And now probably much worse) for every body else !!!!! .... 


Well, I bet my "Xxxx xxxxxx International" (A Joke the Nurses on Night shift in Casualty, told me one night, as they laughed a lot, ... as they wheeled in the next geriatric customer !!!) .... will still just charge me the same as every one else, for rudimentary treatment, ... as they always have. ? ... Like they ARE juts very good and well, dedicated people also, .... And well, for complicated stuff, I think that they always would have sent me down the road to Rajatani, if I had to have any, sighting the long waiting list at the local district government hospital. .... 


Like "Welcome to the "Xxxx xxxxxx International" ... and piles of good spirited Laughing, ... as You end up taking Selfies with all of the Nurses on night shift in Casualty !!! ... (And finding out who is married ? and who is not ? ... if you can believe them of course !!!) ..... Like there are some things !!! that I Really find Great !!! And STILL just Love about Thailand !!! ..... The new age Money talks, and <deleted> walks Americanism (Trump ? ... ???) world, marching on forward towards us all, .... or not. ... REAL People.


.... Yes Patient Distraction, during Treatment !!! .... Flirting with them is a different switch that I really like the way that the Older Thai Woman ...Dedicated Nurses of course as well, .... can do it !!! 

On 9/6/2019 at 8:54 PM, Mister Fixit said:

For a start there are more than 'a few' countries which offer free health care - pretty well every European country does, as well as Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  

There are no free health care. Somebody is still paying for it unless you're a poor person unable to earn a decent western income (then you pay tax) even after wining the lottery of being born in a Western country. 

There are no free health care. Somebody is still paying for it unless you're a poor person unable to earn a decent western income (then you pay tax) even after wining the lottery of being born in a Western country. 
Free for you if you're not the one paying

There are many thousands in the UK for example that have never had a job or paid any of their own money into the system but still get access to "free" healthcare, housing and benefits

So everything is free to them......

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

Free for you if you're not the one paying

There are many thousands in the UK for example that have never had a job or paid any of their own money into the system but still get access to "free" healthcare, housing and benefits

So everything is free to them......

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

Yes. And getting full pensions. Not like us poor sods who worked, paid taxes and NHS contributions. Served in HM Forces and now living on frozen pensions. 

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On 9/7/2019 at 5:06 PM, Mark mark said:

Screw that Dutch Loonie, for his continuing belligerent complaints, .... as now they are just making it Legal across the board !!! possibly for every one ! ... Where as before if you were quiet, and just acted like a Thai, like came from that Government hospitals area, where the hospital was, .... and they would ask you, ... ....  you only were changed the same as them !!! .....


And I know because I always use Government hospitals and with great success !!!   (And pay my Bills also !) ...  Though I do notice they have a pay first policy now, and receive treatment later, which was only the case starting from this year.


 .... Sure the Dutch guy has some grounds for complaint, but well, he was using their hospital a LOT !!! .... and did not relay come from that area either I think ? .... and well, ... when they offed to reimburse him, he just should have taken it,.... and not got all defiant, Loonie, and "European" about it !!! ... Making them all loose face, (And start thinking about new laws !!!) ...


Like with some consideration ? .... This guy has probably just made it worse, (And now probably much worse) for every body else !!!!! .... 

Never had to pay upfront at my local Govt Hospitals...last 5 day visit was last month. Paid as I left.

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On 9/4/2019 at 10:07 AM, rumak said:

yes indeed.    article says he was charged 250 baht more per visit than a Thai person.   He then launched a "four year campaign for justice".     Let's all send a big thank you to this Farang for standing up to the injustice.   Now we ALL can pay for his campaign.   Hey, but now its written as the law .   

How i wish Farangs would just keep their mouths shut.  But that is probably like wishing Thais would stop eating somtam.

The whole system/culture functions through corruption, inequality and injustice and so, as with the TM30 petition, Thais respond to any criticism of an 'anomoly' exposing this and making them lose face by changing the whole system to fit the anomoly! Foreigners cannot win!




Cultural belief in loss of face, the defamation law, Lese Majeste (Im sure others can give more examples) are all to protect the existing Thai system from change.

19 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Never had to pay upfront at my local Govt Hospitals...last 5 day visit was last month. Paid as I left.

Nice ! ... Yes, I never did have to pay first either, well until the start of this Year, in my Local Hospital, like the Ampor ... or yes from memory, not in the very big Ayutthaya District Hospital either.


Still, I am happy to pay up front, as I have all the tests that Old People need, and well, I short cut the system, by just going to the Lab, as I know where everything is now, ,,, and then later just go there for the results, ...  and dodge queuing up to see a Doctor, who will just be telling me what I already know !


Like I know what the test results mean, hence probably better that, I pay first ! Like 600b for Cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, kidney and Liver function ,,, and a few others that all fall in the Good, so just ignore them zone,  ....  Like the Good and Bad Ranges are shown on the results sheet, for each test, ... as is last times results, ...  so very easy to follow ! ....  And well I do not think that I would get through the door for 600b in any other country ! ... Like about $30 AUD or 18 E .... Like 5 big beers in a bar there ! .....


You know in the Village clinic at the local Monastery, where they do just Basic stuff like stitches and cleaning wounds, I get charged nothing ! ... Like I pulled my wallet, but they said "No, you live here in our area" .... "So you get it for free, like everybody else". .... Thailand is STILL OK if you ask me. .... And any Complaining, Anal Europeans should return to the dog <deleted>, and horrible stink of stale tobacco smoke and <deleted> and danger, .... In their streets, ..... Of their own over crowded, and basically over populated, over priced for health services, ....and polluted countries ! ... where they probably should be complaining, Right ? 


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On 9/8/2019 at 10:26 AM, onera1961 said:

There are no free health care. Somebody is still paying for it unless you're a poor person unable to earn a decent western income (then you pay tax) even after wining the lottery of being born in a Western country. 

Yes none of the bastards offer me free Health Care !!! ... just usually VERY EXPENSIVE health care !!!!

31 minutes ago, Mark mark said:

Nice ! ... Yes, I never did have to pay first either, well until the start of this Year, in my Local Hospital, like the Ampor ... or yes from memory, not in the very big Ayutthaya District Hospital either.


Still, I am happy to pay up front, as I have all the tests that Old People need, and well, I short cut the system, by just going to the Lab, as I know where everything is now, ,,, and then later just go there for the results, ...  and dodge queuing up to see a Doctor, who will just be telling me what I already know !


Like I know what the test results mean, hence probably better that, I pay first ! Like 600b for Cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, kidney and Liver function ,,, and a few others that all fall in the Good, so just ignore them zone,  ....  Like the Good and Bad Ranges are shown on the results sheet, for each test, ... as is last times results, ...  so very easy to follow ! ....  And well I do not think that I would get through the door for 600b in any other country ! ... Like about $30 AUD or 18 E .... Like 5 big beers in a bar there ! .....


You know in the Village clinic at the local Monastery, where they do just Basic stuff like stitches and cleaning wounds, I get charged nothing ! ... Like I pulled my wallet, but they said "No, you live here in our area" .... "So you get it for free, like everybody else". .... Thailand is STILL OK if you ask me. .... And any Complaining, Anal Europeans should return to the dog <deleted>, and horrible stink of stale tobacco smoke and <deleted> and danger, .... In their streets, ..... Of their own over crowded, and basically over populated, over priced for health services, ....and polluted countries ! ... where they probably should be complaining, Right ? 


Yeah, same for me at the local health center....never had to pay a thing for a few stitches, couple of injections and basic meds when I have needed them over the years. Always offer to pay but always get the same answer, 'you live here, free ok'.

I do like the local center, the staff there are very friendly and in my opinion dedicated and very knowledgeable, takes me back to the local clinics they used to have in the UK that disappeared several decades ago in the name of efficiency.

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On 9/6/2019 at 2:11 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

and you paid seven or eight times more if you will count how much you paid the girls

who gave you that syphilis !!

Oh, you must misunderstand. But it's ok no ones is perfect. Please stay out of Thailand we have ignorant farangs already.

On 9/8/2019 at 10:26 AM, onera1961 said:

There are no free health care. Somebody is still paying for it unless you're a poor person unable to earn a decent western income (then you pay tax) even after wining the lottery of being born in a Western country. 

Yawn ...  You know exactly what I mean.  Free at point of use.


We all know that the 'free' healthcare is funded by taxes, or in the UK's case, a National Insurance scheme which all people of working age pay into.  

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38 minutes ago, SPREX said:

bonsoir les
Thaïlandais ont une constitution il semble que systématiquement sur les forums les vues et opinions soient évidemment hors sujet car avant de parler ce serait une bonne idée de vérifier les détails réglementaires dans tout ce qui est inlus celui-ci! évidemment le farang ne connait pas vraiment ce pays das ses lois et son administration parmi d'autres l'autorité médicale exécutive appelée le MOPH
Sous les auspices du comité NSHO qui détermine la politique du royaume en matière de stratégie et qui savent très bien où ils vont ..... Quand dire que c'est le double tarif pour Farang, je vous recommande de ne pas vous contrôler les tarifs dans les détails applicables aux ressortissants +3 groupes étrangers et vous verrez que le coefficient 2 ne s'applique pas sur toutes les étiquettes plus on se rapproche de la gravité donc des soins coûteux comme les cancers et les traitements plus le coefficient diminue de façon réa proportion des moyens financiers, un cambodgien n'a pas le même revenu qu'un farang farang
sous contrat de travail contribue à la santé nationale SSO
Clairement et d'une manière générale les tarifs restent très bas voir peut-être le moins cher des pays avec PIB = et compétence égale
Voici quelques exemples de la compilation de l'annexe de la loi applicable au décompte du 1er octobre 2019 si vous souhaitez avoir les 48 pages de tarifs je place une URL pour récupérer le fichier en PDF
Bref comme d'habitude et quant à la question combien de temps farang rester à Thailang tous les fantasmes sont ouverts sans savoir que la base de l'immigration PIBCIS génère le quantitatif par pays par province et par type de visa raison (clauses) il y a un 47 !!!
par rapports mensuels et annuels, comme le précise la loi, il est encore nécessaire de vouloir récupérer les données en langue thaïlandaise et les données brutes !!!!
Il est désespéré de voir des gens qui ont emmené dans notre pays l'ignorant de l'infrastructure administrative de la Thaïlande, du moins ne sachant même pas comment un S / district s'appelle SAO depuis qu'ils sont sous cette autorité. Bref je suis vraiment très déçu .......

Vous pouvez télécharger ici la totalité des frais de tabulation 48 pages https://www.dropbox.com/s/wf39t65cvir3dwz/Annonce Price table service hôpital for foreigners 2019 T_0004 REV 1.pdf?dl=0

c'est une émission de télé réalité 




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Such a racist <deleted>. 


Why is there always the generalization that every foreigner is rich?

There are rich foreign countries and there are poor one`s.


Someone from camerun or india might not have that income than someone of europe. 


Even within the "rich" countries there will always be rich people, but also people with low income who are just trying to live in Thailand or support their Thai wife/children.


Most of the richer foreigners do have private insurance, anyway. So it effects mostly people with lower income who are just trying just to get around.


Also the price increases are ridiclious. The price difference could have be at least in a moderate range of 10-20 percent. But no, in most cases the price is 50 percent to 200 percent more expensive for foreigners. There is no justification for that. If they want to make it social fair, why not base it on income, instead of visa type.

Also just to be sure, do foreigners married to a thai/supporting thai children with a non-immigrant-o visa also belong in category 3?
Are these prices only recommendations or must they be implemented for the government hospitals?
Are the prices countrywide the same or may they differ e. g. does a government hospital have the same prices as e. g. a government hospital in Khon Kaen?


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On 9/4/2019 at 4:04 PM, 2long said:

this is standard practice and has been for some time. It's not news.

It's been going on for years.  I went to a hospital on soi 4 Pattaya 2nd road.  I agreed with the doctor's diagnosis.  (Most educated farangs know as much about medicine as Thai doctors.)  He sent the bursar over to negotiate the cost of the procedure.  She started at 15,000.  I pointed out I was not a tourist.  She came down.  I pointed out I would try another hospital if she persisted at that price.  We settled on 3000 baht.


Called my local government hospital and my local private hospital and ask about the cost of a CT-Scan. 
The private hospital quoted a 30% cheaper price than the government hospital and that even before the new government prices comes in effect.


Sure the private hospitals will charge additional cost like expensive medicine or handling fees. So the overall the cost in a private hospital might be still more and depend on the hospital itself.


With the new prices of the government hospital, it will narrow the price difference gap between private hospitals and government hospitals and it is worth to compare prices.

The price increase with the government hospital for foreigner will not increase the quality of the service, the quality of the service in private  hospitals will stay the same.


On 9/4/2019 at 7:06 PM, Is this real said:

Is anyone surprised by this?

2 and 3 tier pricing is endorsed by the government.  They don't want you here anyway, but, will make more from you until you leave or die.

I can assure you, there are some D-heads here who beg to differ.

  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 4:15 PM, SammyT said:

Just here for the angry retiree expats who don't get that many Thais pay taxes which actually go toward these hospitals. The response hasn't disappointed. Thanks team. 

80% of Thais don't pay tax on their earnings! why! because they don't earn enough. 350 Baht /day doesn't warrant paying tax.

80% of Thais don't pay tax on their earnings! why! because they don't earn enough. 350 Baht /day doesn't warrant paying tax.
But they are entitled because they are Thai. The state hospitals are subsidised by the state, so why would they extend the low prices to non- Thai, unless they have full citizenship?
Non-Thai should not be surprised if they get fully burdened rate, which this probably is not. Prices overall are still cheap.

Sent from my SM-G965F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

On 9/4/2019 at 3:46 PM, Mango Bob said:

No matter what a Thai government hospital charged I would never use one.  I been to one with my wife  The doctor was an idiot.  I knew more than he did.

Sad but true the level of ignorance , not of medical knowledge but just genral knowledge is staggering.  If you get well jolly good and if you do not, you must have dione soemthing awful in a previous life and now you are payinmg for it, at whatever price.  

If you get sick just hop on a plane now and pop off home - you will be so glad that you did.

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