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The getting old curse – How are you dealing with it?


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On 9/15/2019 at 6:20 PM, Pilotman said:

Yes, its been rather a testing time , getting older.  It is very plain to me that the years ahead may be limited (71 now), but I will go through them fighting to stay as fit and active as I can, both physically and mentally.  I take no medications and I am, as far as I know, healthy and capable mentally.  I do indulge in creative writing, historical research and some online teaching, gym regularly, have an active sex life and don't look my age, at least others tell me that I don't. When I do make trips to the UK, (3 times this year), I visit my old flying club and review those hard fought flying skills that came so easily in youth, but get more challenging as one gets older.


Altogether, I am happy enough that life is indeed limited in length and that we must do all that we can to maintain as much vitality as we can as the later years roll by.  I have given up drinking alcohol and I have never smoked, so hopefully I can stay this way for a while yet. One thing I don't do now is any longer term planning for the future.  I may well not have much of one, so no point in worrying about it.  Everyone dies and the dead don't know that they are dead.  That's some kind of comfort to me.   

as long as you steer clear of the


PATTAYA flying club you should be fine

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 One of the thing I avoid is OLD posts, I can't remember the last time I was ill don't take any meds last time I set foot in hospital/Dr's with exception of medicals for work was 25+ years  ago that was for prolapsed disc, I have a 9yo son who keeps me on my toes planing to see him complete his education.

I believe as long as you wake with a purpose in life you will maintain your your young thoughts., 

My old girl lived until she was passed 90 because she wanted to ????????.


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you wish to continue thinking that beautiful young girls go with old men for their muscles, carry on living in Lala land. However, she could have a daddy obsession, which would explain it.

Or they maybe just surfing "buddies" and he happens to be good in bed as a bonus, and takes her nice places ???? ??


Edited by RJRS1301
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On 9/15/2019 at 6:03 PM, giddyup said:

For a start I avoid mirrors at all costs, but I also try not to think about death being just around the corner, it's inevitable anyway and can only cause major depression if you become too fixated on it. At 77 I worry more about being sick and infirmed rather than actually dying.

It's not being dead that's the worry, it's the dying.

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On 9/15/2019 at 6:14 PM, giddyup said:

....... Few of us die in the best of health.

My closest friend died in the best of health.  Motorcycle accident when he was 35.


One family member and two other friends also had fatal bike accidents in their 20's and 30's.


Those of us over 60 are the lucky ones - no childhood fatal illnesses, no fatal accidents - I'm glad and pleasantly surprised that I'm still here.


I think of all the fun (and foolish) things I've done in my bonus years - it has been, and continues to be, a blast.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

I didn't have much fun before age 52, when I moved to Thailand, but by god I've packed it in since then!

Who could have guessed, that life as an old dude would contain so many young women, and so much beer?

How? you live smack in the middle of a rice paddy surrounded by mountains lol. I guess you could get them in via a 4 wheel drive or something

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First off, its good to know the road ahead. Then within those limits you can make and live some great plans.


The final quarter of life - well more like a third these days - breaks into three parts.


First is you're feeling like you always did but now you've got some time to enjoy yourself. Happy enjoy spend stop saving.


Then years later something happens - injury, desease, infection - and alas you find yourself stuck at home. At least you're not breaking your budget now.


Some time later it's the final furlong. Probably delirious under the med.s so no worries there either.


Best to have realistic plans for these phases. Bucket list. Memories. Life insurance.


Keep yu pecker up playmates.

Edited by MartinKal
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48 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Or they maybe just surfing "buddies" and he happens to be good in bed as a bonus, and takes her nice places ???? ??


Mine does calls me Daddy, she loves bedtime with Daddy, we know how to treat them

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If you are scared or worried about old age you ought to take up meditation, it takes time and patience and you have to be persistent. I have practiced it for many years, it makes you detached.

A few weeks ago I had what I call my first awake experience which I attribute to the practise of meditation. I was sitting by the lake after my morning walk and just observing the lush green rice fields and the lake itself, observing but without concepts of what I was looking at and I suddenly split into two so to speak, there were rambling thoughts going on in the background that I wasn't paying attention to, like having a radio playing as background noise in the living room and at the same time a voice in my head saying, "It's busy today isn't it, it can't stop talking, it's what the actor does so let's leave it be", something was observing my thoughts with some amusement, what I could call perhaps the real me, one part was thinking about this and that and the other part was at the same time looking at it without judgement, not taking part. It lasted about 20 seconds, afterwards I felt uplifted.

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54 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

My closest friend died in the best of health.  Motorcycle accident when he was 35.


One family member and two other friends also had fatal bike accidents in their 20's and 30's.


Those of us over 60 are the lucky ones - no childhood fatal illnesses, no fatal accidents - I'm glad and pleasantly surprised that I'm still here.


I think of all the fun (and foolish) things I've done in my bonus years - it has been, and continues to be, a blast.

I was talking about those who die of natural causes in old age.

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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

That was years ago, people now live longer. In the middle ages you were lucky to make it to 30.

Well it doesn't matter that much anyway does it, you run a 100 meters or a 1000 meters when the race has finished it has finished, it's behind you.

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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Well it doesn't matter that much anyway does it, you run a 100 meters or a 1000 meters when the race has finished it has finished, it's behind you.

Then why did you say three score and ten? Not sure what "black book" you are referring to.

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Jeez Louise! You're making me feel depressed!! Listen, I'm a 69 year old English lady living here, alone, with all these beautiful un-lined ladies around me. That's enough to make you depressed, trust me!! But hey! You are looking at you which is not the same as other people see you. Get a toupee. No. Don't!!! I am very active. If people judge me for the amount of wrinkles I have well then, that is their problem...pretty shallow not to open the book and read it. Get some 5k weights From Mr DIY. If you only do 5 weight exercises a day, it's a start. Make yourself take a walk. Not a stroll. A proper walk...stride out as much as you can even if you can only do one lamppost to another to begin with. Endomorphisms are released into the brain. Makes you feel instantly better.  Eat properly. Age, as someone said above, is in the head. I only look in my bathroom mirror. Takes years off me!!! You just got to lighten up, my friend and constantly think good, positive thoughts. Hard to begin with but persevere.  I look forward to reading your very positive post when you turn 80!!!

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How do I deal with the getting old curse?I just ignore it and hope it goes away!I look forward to getting old the same way I used to look forward to Christmas when I was a kid because when you really look forward to something it seems to take a much longer time to arrive,so it seems to me that I've already lived forever and at 58 the hill I'm supposed to be over just seems to be getting steeper and I still seemed to be going up which I'll keep doing till I kick that bloody bucket that's waiting for me a the top! 

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Just now, giddyup said:

Then why did you say three score and ten? Not sure what "black book" you are referring to.

bible? it was just an observation. Yes we tend to live longer these days but a lot of extra years would be due to medical intervention, I don't know if sitting in a nursing home wondering where you are is worth it. People did get old even in the bronze age but the many many child deaths lowered the average age of death, if you got past 15 then you could live to a ripe old age. There are even examples of a Centurion in the Roman army leading his troops into battle on foot at 80, that is of course an exception.

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1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

bible? it was just an observation. Yes we tend to live longer these days but a lot of extra years would be due to medical intervention, I don't know if sitting in a nursing home wondering where you are is worth it. People did get old even in the bronze age but the many many child deaths lowered the average age of death, if you got past 15 then you could live to a ripe old age. There are even examples of a Centurion in the Roman army leading his troops into battle on foot at 80, that is of course an exception.

We also live longer because a lot of fatal diseases have been eradicated and hygiene and nutrition has improved.

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