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Thailand tourism: 40 million will visit "for sure" next year and Chinese for free, minister


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6 hours ago, madmitch said:

Europeans the lowest spenders? Hmmmm.

Too many Cheap Charlie – stay long time and spend less per day – the other nations are better spenders, and Asian tourists stay short time and spend more per day...????

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6 hours ago, Momofarang said:

Really wonder what is so attractive for these people to come to Thailand? Besides the cheap sex there isn't much to speak of.

Are you just sitting at keyboard at home or do you go out? The Chinese hit the malls with those large rolling suitcases and buy up all kinds of stuff ( many of the same product ) Why? They go back and sell a lot of it to the many Chinese that don't have a passport or goods being affected by Trumps tarrifs.

They buy so much stuff that they fill their suitcases so the malls now have suitcase storage areas for them so they can go back and buy another suitcase  continue shopping and then return for stored luggage.  However they don't really go to bars, pick up bargirls, eat at non associated  Chinese restaurants, and shop where they are taken by the flag guys so independat stores/restaurants  don't get any money.

Have also been in condo lobby ( had just bought one) when six Chinese couples were brought in by a Thai lady and one person opened a briefcase full of stacks of US dollars and bought a condo. Didn't stay to see if the others bought any.

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A lot of my friends have been in the Thai tourist industry for 30yrs plus and say this is one of the worst rainy seasons they have seen. I think if you place yourself well and are not too greedy you can keep going on what tourists remain. But the lack of diversity is going to be a big problem.

Looking at the Chinese owned businesses (which are quite a few), it is quite possible they are operating as vehicles for other businesses and facilitating foreign exchange etc.

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3 hours ago, johnsmith8888 said:

The thai govt does not lie. Thai visa fanboys are toothless wonders. No facts just full of bitterness. Prayut has saved this country and he was democratically elected. 

If u like Trump u have to like prayut and I like Trump. 

Thai visa sex mongers and issan eating losers can go off to vietnam. I will stay and honor the red bull kingdom and cheapest liquor in the world.. king power. I love them all. 

eagerly await  your third  posting

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5 hours ago, Yinn said:


One night, support several families, many months?

how many families? How many months? 





Which survey?

Ok I'll try to answer that question. I started coming to Thailand in April of 2000 with 2 friends, later with as many as 5 friends . We came 2 to 4 times a year and stayed for 2 to 3 weeks. I spent between $2,000 to $4,000 USD each trip. My friends sometimes more. That included hotels, bars, tours, shopping, restaurants ( and as Americans we tip ) and of course Thai girls.  A total of 13 of my friends ended up visiting Thailand and 6 of us are married to Thai (3 of us living here now) 

That's where the expression 2 week millionare comes from because Thai would think we were farang millionares becuse we spent so much money in a short time. We made good monney but had  saved it up over time to come here and  treat ourselves .We could not afford to live/spend like that all the time.

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5 hours ago, madmen said:
5 hours ago, madmen said:

master card for one but its ignored because the basher's can't face reality

master card for one but its ignored because the basher's can't face reality


What if Europeans/Americans don't use their cards in Thailand? What if they carry US$5000/5000€ etc in cash for their ten day/two week trip?

How would Mastercard know?


Even if the figures were true, why would people like Yinn imagine that mass tourism is good for the country.

Look at the examples of Chinese pyramid marketing companies, working in conjunction with local government, to bring thousands of 'employees' for a few days, in order to be herded around. Only the very few will profit from these enterprises. It's all about marketing their questionable product and kickbacks....on both sides.


Do you really imagine that these are employees and that it is pure largesse on the part of the company?


Kickbacks galore and more pressure on the local infrastructure. Who loves hundreds of smoke belching coaches on their roads?


Especially when, at a stroke, it can all disappear. Upset China and they will ban the locust tours and the numbers will drop like a stone.  


So don't get excited by large numbers, as if it is always a good thing. 


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So African tourists have the third highest spend per visitor in Thailand. Surely TAT should pursue this market?  But, then again, Immigration seems to be targeting this demographic for illegal activity?


I was reading a few months ago that the Indian market was going to be the saviour for the Thai tourism industry? Is this still the case?


Such statistics raise more questions than answers? Does Thailand have a long term coherent tourism plan or does this change with each Minister and each press conference? Sometimes it is hard to tell. 


There is no doubt tourist numbers to the Kingdom are always trending up. Yet many in the tourism industry are suffering. I can only guess that the changing tourism nationalities mean that people are not going to the traditional places and are going elsewhere.


If you are trying to make money in the industry I guess change is a constant these days and you have to stay on top of the trends. You can't rely on what the government is telling you, that's one thing that won't change.

Edited by Stevemercer
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43 minutes ago, JAG said:

They're not immigrants - they're " not colonisers"!


Thats what I hope - without the "not"!
Those clever chinese will teach the thais a lesson they'll never forget.
Don't need a crystal ball to see that.....

Edited by Peterbilt
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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that market forces including the very strong Baht are discouraging people from coming, not to mention the accident and injury rate, I wonder what he will say if and when the number isn't hit. Most likely he will just do the normal thing and tell barefaced lies. Can't have tourism numbers going down now can we?

Yeah, and the target of 40m+ tourists could already have been a reality if the focus was on improvements rather than just numbers - key words Corruption/Safety/Scam/2 price System/Pollution/Visa rules etc ...

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