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White House says it will refuse to cooperate with impeachment inquiry


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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

How many Trump supporters are such hypocrites as to care about imagined impeachment precedents but not about the precedent of Presidents releasing their tax returns?


Trump supporters are obsessive about honesty, transparency, conflicts of interest and precedents when it comes to Trump's critics, but don't care at all about Trump's flagrant lies, opaqueness, conflicts of interest and disdain for precedents.

It really is very strange, I think to them it has become a game. Like supporting a baseball team , almost like being a Mets fan. 

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7 hours ago, Monomial said:

I have long since given up trusting the mainstream media to present anything even closely resembling a balanced viewpoint. They are all commercial enterprises now, catering to their audience and presenting only the evidence that is likely to get a warm reception by their readers. So I decided to try some informal research on my own. I already understand the pro impeachment argument, because to me it is quite clear Trump broke the law, but I wanted to understand how Trump supporters viewed his actions.


So rather than go in snarling venomous obscenities about how stupid and racist they are for supporting a demagogue as president, I actully tried something very rare in this day and age...I tried to understand their values and viewpoint. The result was interesting, and I suggest everyone try it rather than hurling insults at people who don't agree with you. It's actually much more productive.


I actually called some aquaintences I hadn't spoken with for a while to catch up and ask their opinion. What I learned from my investigation is that a large number of Trump supporters also agree that he broke the law, but they view this transgression as very minor. Kind of akin to littering. In their mind, had Trump done something truly eggregious, like planting evidence or attempting to frame someone for a crime they didn't commit, that would be a step too far. But Trump was simply trying to bring exposure to the truth, which people feel was being covered up by the establishment. In other words, this whole thing is another example of Trump trying to "drain the swamp", and they think this is a good thing, even if the method he used to do it might be a technical infraction. After all, the laws are written to protect those in Washington from being responsible for their actions.


There is no apetite that I could find in the Trump support base for conviction on this offense, and it is viewed as simply a Democratic smear campaign to denigrate a man trying to expose the hypocrisy that is politics today.


I think this effort was instructive. Unless there is more to this story that hasn't yet been revealed, based on what I heard, the answer is probably no. Trump supporters seem to have a perspective that approves of what he did, rather than disapprove. Of course, the less radical believers want to hear more and don't mind the scrutiny of an impeachment hearing, but the bias is obvious. "If Clinton can commit perjury and not be convicted, certainly Trump shouldn't be convicted merely for overreaching to expose corruption."


So I am convinced he won't be convicted. The blowback from voters would be unacceptable to the Republican Senate. You can disagree. I certainly believe it is in the best interest of the country to see Trump gone. But I don't see any universe in which it happens unless what he did is a lot more serious than what has been accused of.




      I appreciate your sacrifice and analysis, and would probably take your suggestion, but... I no longer know a single Trump supporter. I'm on friendly terms with thousands of Americans, and a small percentage of them (mostly family...) were duped into voting for Trump in '16. Most of those have valiantly attempted to justify that decision (in spite of the overwhelming evidence that they'd been played...) over the course of the past two and a half years, but the last couple of weeks have been the straw that's broken the proverbial camel's back. At this point, I don't know a single American who hasn't come to the realization that the future of our nation is in dire jeopardy, and that this cancer must be eradicated before it's allowed to metastasize. I can't imagine that my situation is unique?


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12 hours ago, metempsychotic said:

amused by the number of people on here down on the "former" junta currently governing thailand who are delighted by similar antics perpetrated in the us 

Leave me out, I have never supported Trump’s corruption of the DoJ, the Judiciary, The Dept of State and the office of President.

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On 10/9/2019 at 5:46 AM, PatOngo said:

Put your hand on your heart's, wrap yourselves in Ol' Glory, make sure your bump stock AR15 is loaded, send a donation to the NRA and God Bless America!

Oh, it's their hearts! I had rather assumed that they were checking to see if they still had their wallets!

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15 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Doesn't take a genius to see that this is an illegitimate and one-sided impeachment ATTEMPT.


Pelosi should take the vote which she will win....and then watch as Trump flattens them all.

Will he then land on the deck of an aircraft carrier under the banners claiming "Mission Accomplished!"?

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

Be patient riclag lol they are still uncovering more crimes and watching the polls as the support grows to get rid of this guy he’s getting so far out there maybe an article 25 would save everyone a lot of hassle and maybe trump a little face

There will have to be a number of deals struck with various agencies first though, won't there?

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58 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

Dude...what does it matter?

Trump and his henchmen issued the "memo" of the transcript (because the call was so "perfect", the transcript has to be hidden away!) and it is already all there!

Word for word!

Wake up!


Actually, it was quite redacted. On the very first page of the released transcript it says "CAUTION:  A memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript"

You can read it all here:  https://www.vox.com/2019/9/25/20883325/transcript-trump-ukraine-president-impeachment

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11 minutes ago, Sujo said:

It just keeps getting better. Add this to the investigation. Get Tillerson in to ask if trump asked him to drop investigation to giulianos client.



And, as Tillerson no longer works for the White House, Trump can't place a gag order on him. The plot thickens!

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On 10/9/2019 at 6:01 PM, Sujo said:

He has no choice. It was republicans that changed the rules.


If he doesnt comply its an impeachable offence.

He has nothing to lose by refusing as everything has to go through the courts. They have been trying to find something to impeach him on for 2 years, so why should he co operate by walking into the lion's den?

What are they going to do anyway? They can hardly sent the sheriff to arrest him 55555555555555555555

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21 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


You won't find the identity by trawling for internet links to cut and paste here. Requires independent 



But if you're in the White House, where all activities are logged, it's not really hard to figure it out, is it?


Here's a brain wave for you:


I would start with getting the names of EVERYone who had anything to do with that call....and see who isnt

coming to work any more. Who has had a sudden family emergency....wedding, funeral, hernia operation etc etc.

Look at CCTV...see who has stepped out for a few hours without official business to attend to. 

Narrow it down from there. I suspect the Don already knew from day one....but they are trying to shield this person

from coming to any harm because it would be pinned on them and cited as intention to cover up.


There's nothing to cover up here. This is just an allergic reaction from the swamp because they know the jig is up.

What it requires is knowledge. For example the knowledge that supposedly the whistleblower was a liason, not necessarily someone who was expected to show up at the White House every day. So, no, your approach to detecting who it was is hardly surefire. 

And if Trump knew, given his remarkably poor impulse control, I think we'd all know at least that he knows who the whistleblower is.  

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18 hours ago, J Town said:

And, as Tillerson no longer works for the White House, Trump can't place a gag order on him. The plot thickens!


Speaking of State, believe pompeo will have to resign. Other than serving as a bag-man for the president there is nothing else he is capable of doing. No countries will trust him. Self-neutered.



This senior aide has supposedly resigned in protest. 


Fiona Hill will be testifying. Hope Ms. Yovanovitch agrees to testify over pompeo's orders not to do so.


Senior Pompeo aide steps down amid impeachment inquiry


A career diplomat who served as senior advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has decided to step down, two State Department officials told NBC News on Thursday, just as foreign service officers find themselves caught in the middle of a confrontation between the White House and Democratic lawmakers leading an impeachment inquiry.

P. Michael McKinley, a seasoned foreign service officer who served as ambassador to Afghanistan, Colombia, Brazil and Peru, has told his colleagues he is resigning, the two officials said.



Edited by mtls2005
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