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Minister cites high death toll in seeking more action to reduce road accidents


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4 hours ago, steve187 said:

there is only one way to reduce road accidents, that is for the police to enforce the road traffic laws, jumping lights, driving <deleted> up, no lights on vehicle, driving against the flow of traffic, joining a main road without looking, speeding, etc. etc.

roads re-designed taking out u turns would help as well.

and get serious about driver education / driving behavior, all starting at around M 1 or M2, and with provisional licensing plus a totally new breed of cops who are well educated and serious.

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The hidden cost in this is the injuries. See the WHO report on the matter.


"Every year the lives of approximately 1.35 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury." (WHO:  'Road Traffic Injuries)


To put it bluntly, killing a person in a road traffic crash is cheaper than injuring them.

22,000 deaths in road traffic crashes here means between 15 and 40 times that number with non fatal injuries, ie as much as 88,0000 per year. Many with a life changing disability. The social and financial costs are appalling.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Deputy Interior Minister Nipon Bunyamanee has urged related authorities to step up measures to reduce road accidents and promote road safety.

Don't worry, the transport minister is going to make all vehicles have a GPS system which will be the saviour of thousands of lives each year, when it is proved to be successful and the price has fallen he will roll out the stage 2 and have one inserted up everyones ass at birth so they can micro-analise every detail of what you are doing, where you are doing it and how fast you are going!

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6 hours ago, bdenner said:

Poorly fitting, cheap helmets, what a joke!

The problem is that they don't wear helmets.

It wouldn't make any difference if they were carbon fibre.

At least the plastic helmets offers some protection. 

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Thailand has the laws to reduce the deadly accidents, but nobody enforces them. That´s the main issue. If people of Europe, the US, Australia and so on would know that they can do on the streets what they want, the traffic death would increase also like crazy. But you have the high risk of a hefty fine because there is many police on the streets, so they drive civil. 

I have never been in a country like Thailand with so less police on the streets - and if I see police they give a sh... about the traffic and stupid drivers around them. Infront of schools I saw policemen - and many motorcycle drivers without helmet. If I would drive a motorcycle without a helmet in Germany and see a policeman at the horizon, I would find another street because I absolutely don´t want that he sees me. In Thailand they pass the policemen with a smile.

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And banning cash on the spot fines while paying regular police officers decent wage.

...again PR photo shots & words from government officials will not do anything. There is s simple solution in other civilized countries to reduce traffic fatalities: 1) need to have a culture that respects rules & be educated about driving a car or motorcycle 2) have a police force that actually is seen and giving out ticket violations.
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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:


How can anybody take this seriously? Grown up people have to stand with unusable helmets that gives no protection, in a bid to make people understand the importance of safety. After that 3 woman on the side with the regular thumb up, that is just to be seen as a poor joke.

Really? Is this the best they can do, then they would start to consider not birth regulation to 0 per family. Just because the future is not available.

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10 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

Thank god for airbags in cars. Needless to say it’s motor bike riders that are by far the biggest contributors to the death toll They need to wear body armour not just a helmet. What happened to the ban on pickup trucks carrying loads of people in the back?

A great idea forgotten. What a pity


9 hours ago, Chazar said:

Maybe that was the minister I was  following this  morning at 1  am convoy of 3  with police patrol car at the front.....speed 140kph from Hua Hin to Bangkok all the way except  by the bumpy roadworks on approach to  BKK..all driving way too  close to each other.

Its a shame the minister wasnt with me in KK yesterday he could have witnessed first hand the problem.

i needed to turn right, so check mirror cars following me and saw indicator as in the mirror i see them slowing down, so good so far, i wait for a suitable break in the traffic check wing mirror and clear to turn, bang a motorbike overtaking the 5 cars now sat behind me by crossing the double yellow and unable to stop, dont call the police Mr was his only word muttered , so a call to the bib, ambulance, insurance company, the outcome 1 broken Leg, no licence no helmet not his motorbike no ID card on him, and most important my insurers estimate30.000 baht for 2 new door skins a new sill which was holed when i went over the bike and a wing repair, 5 days plus a lot of running about, his punishment nought because he has suffered enough !! so Mr Minister a bit of practical hands on yesterday whilst you were in KK would have been worth every second as then you can see the problem, if My opinion is worth anything how about the following,

1   Dangerous overtaking      4000

2   No helmet                      1000

3   No insurance                  4000

4   No licence                      1000

5   No sense                             0

the bike has been carted of to the police station awaiting someone to claim it.

The most frustrating thing is

1   He will do it all over again when he can walk and scrounge a bike

2   I missed the first half of England 

     All blacks

         HAPPY DAYS

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9 hours ago, dcnx said:

Zero police enforcement of road rules = the keep on dying.


Let them die. By the 10s of 1000s. Eventually, when enough of them die, they will actually do something about it.

No thats cruel, educate, enforce, penalise, confiscate , fine, prison, it will get through with enough local and national media, but it starts with enforcement and confiscation.

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