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Anywhere with more 7-11's than TH ?


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On 10/27/2019 at 7:48 PM, UncleMhee said:

Bangkok must be different then. There are 6 7-11s and 2 Family Marts within a 5 minute walk from my condo. There is only one Thai temple in the same area, assuming the Ganesha Shrine over the road does not count, but even then it only makes 2 vs 8.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My wife told me that whenever someone buys a franchise for a 7-11 and opens in a successful location CP corporation opens 1 as close as possible to try and drive them out of business and take over the area.

Would explain why you see so many and so many close.

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57 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

My wife told me that whenever someone buys a franchise for a 7-11 and opens in a successful location CP corporation opens 1 as close as possible to try and drive them out of business and take over the area.

Would explain why you see so many and so many close.

And where did your wife get that "info"?  I have never seen a 7/11 being driven out. 

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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

My wife told me that whenever someone buys a franchise for a 7-11 and opens in a successful location CP corporation opens 1 as close as possible to try and drive them out of business and take over the area.

Would explain why you see so many and so many close.

I believe the real part of this is that when CP gives a franchise to open a store to someone, they see what that store sells, the profit it makes, the numbers etc. If the store makes a certain number then per their contract with the franchisee, they are permitted to give another franchise to another person to also open a 7/11 close by. Perhaps the threshold for justification to open a new store is very low which results in many being located close to each other as they are all reaching that critical threshold.


I believe that CP have some company operated 7/11 and some franchised. I expect in major cities in prime locations they prefer them to be company operated, but out in 2,3 and lower tier towns and cities i doubt being company operated or franchised would make much difference. Easier for day to day control management to just let other franchises open additional stores rather than come charging in with company owned.

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On 10/27/2019 at 3:41 PM, CharlieH said:

Fun fact .....


"Japan is the largest market with more than 20,000 stores under the name “Seven & I Holdings,” the parent company of 7-Eleven since 2005 [PDF]. America ranks among the top with 7896 locations, along with by Thailand and South Korea with more than 11000 and 7000 stores, respectively."



 Went into a 7 some years back in Tokyo, 3 levels and all with massive footprint, the ground floor had one massive double entrance door, then turn left into 7 or turn right into a Starbucks but no actual diving wall between the two.


Massive display of tray packed meats and tray packed variety of vegetables and fruits and  very large variety of beers, spirits and wines.


And fabulous service, I walked in and in a few seconds an 18 year old nicely presented polite young man asked me in perfect English if I needed some help, I just named what I wanted and he took me to the shelf and my shopping fully completed in no time. Pleasant experience. 

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7/11, tried to invade my state and city back in 71, they failed and closed. Japan however bought controlling interest and basically took over the store chain. Their marketing yes but also Japan and Thailand have good relations dating back to WWII shall we say.  :whistling:  That and a "free Trade agreement" keeps 7 rolling in The Magic Kingdom. 


I pay my electric bill there, buy Air Asia tickets there when my card pukes up. Now if only they would bring Slurpees back.

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