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Who created us and why?


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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

No not at all,

We don't say there is no god , we simply say that you guys are making an incredible claim and the onus is on you to provide credible evidence. We make no claims that we need to defend. Being agnostic is being intellectually lazy , not wanting to examine the available evidence and take a position. 

When I examine the evidence, there are things that cannot be explained by the current state of science. It's difficult, for example, to explain people who heal themselves by sheer willpower, or blind faith. Maybe science will be able to explain those phenomena at a later date. Right now, we don't know. How do you explain prescience? How do you explain an illiterate Arab tribesman in the 6th century AD who could accurately describe the process of conception?

Your assertion atheists don't need to defend anything is your own cop-out.


Edited by Lacessit
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Why questions are an endless rabbit hole... perhaps good answer is "Why not?" and put back on questioner.

More useful question and one that can be investigate is "how?"

How is there life on earth, how was cosmos brought into being, etc

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On 11/4/2019 at 5:20 PM, fanof3d said:

everyone is always talking about GOD

who are these people? nobody I know ever talks much about G-d... 


But since it is a Thailand forum, many years ago, there was pressure on King Narai by all of the newly arriving missionaries to convert to their specific views... each somewhat different.. and equal pressure began from his buddhist countryman not to convert..


His wonderful answer was that - - since G-d is all powerful and created everything, he must have wanted to be worshipped in many different ways... 

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divide and conquer...  kings and queens and princesses and princesses...


go die for your kingdom...farmers and soldiers are plenty to go die for a fake reason


my god better than your god ... let's kill each other over it...



BIG BANG... asteroid hit earth billions of years ago and brought life to this planet, the end


circle / meaning of life :  be born, hopefully get old enough to f. and have your own children, make sure they are old enough to f. and then it is time to die, this was the meaning of life for thousands of years



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Nature and only nature has created us!
Religions tell so many fairy tales that I've stopped believing for years!
My only belief is NATURE!
Religions in general are only based on making money for some privileged people and are not interested in the needs of believers!
They have no respect for anyone, they make noise at all hours without taking into account that many people need peace!
After spending a lot of time studying many religions, I decided to respect nature and see it as my only creator and religion!

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Part of the problem you talk about, how can the God be good and the world so evil, is a several hundred years discussion and is called the "theodicy" problem. It not give any answer, but it rise the question. Me my self believe in evolution as that is the only theory that is scientic and approved to be mostly correct. Your question is about the same as the never ending story "what is the meaning of life" and how to see on that question I have an answer, but it is to long to write here, but if you are interested, contact me and I will send it to you.

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nobody created us ,we are just a part of evolution ,soon we will be gone and either another species will replace us or the world will end ,i once read that if you thought of the world as a lighthouse ,we have been around as long as one coat of paint on the top , not even an eyeblink and thats how long we will last .

i wish i believed in a God and that i would go to heaven and see my parents again ,,but it would be difficult when the ex wives turn up .

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On 11/4/2019 at 5:35 PM, fanof3d said:

I know.  Old people tend not to think too much but they also get left behind.  I mentioned one of the worlds richest men who has access to very sensitive information being that he sends rockets to space (Elon Musk) having an opinion on the topic so hoping that those who can at least grasp what he's talking about can comment....seems your are bored tonight.  Go to sleep.  Sweet dreams!!

..hmmm...so a rich man in a rocket can get closer to the grand architect than me?

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This is such a polemical issue that a great many books, videos, radio & TV programs, have discussed it and are STILL discussing it. Is it right for a forum like this? Well with the aforementioned platforms most of us are the audience and don't get a chance to state an opinion so I guess a forum like this does have its use as opinion vehicle for those with an opinion.

I stopped believing in an 'almighty' at the age of 13 at almost the precise moment I was Confirmed High Church of England.

These days there are many hypotheses, Biocenttric, Holographic, Rare Earth (one response to the Fermi Paradox) all the way to '...very clever young man but...it's turtles all the way down'. Then there is the paranormal where some will claim that 'spirits' are proof of biblical connotations which of course, is not necessarily so.

Or is the whole thing similar to that Star Trek original series episode, Who mourns for Adonias?

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2 hours ago, Parsve said:

Part of the problem you talk about, how can the God be good and the world so evil, is a several hundred years discussion and is called the "theodicy" problem. It not give any answer, but it rise the question. Me my self believe in evolution as that is the only theory that is scientic and approved to be mostly correct. Your question is about the same as the never ending story "what is the meaning of life" and how to see on that question I have an answer, but it is to long to write here, but if you are interested, contact me and I will send it to you.

The solution to the theodicy problem is that  God set life and the universe in motion, giving everyone free will and handed a philosphy of living which establishes right and wrong.  In addition everyone has a conscience and ultimately knows what is wrong. 


When a person does wrong-  human law will handle the situation if caught.  At death, another law will take over and determine whether  the life was lived in a way that established the right to heavon or a hell.


The Kingdom of God is not based upon edifices of brick and stone (churches) but exists in the heart and soul of each person.


In adition, there is such a thing as a Golden Rule- doing to others as one would have want done to them.


The Bible; the Talmud;  the Koran and the teachings of the Buddha were handed down by  real men that actually lived and are very similar in their teachings leading me to believe that these men were insired by a greater power who transpires races; cultures and language.


The greatest problem the World faces as well as individuals within that World is ignoring  things like the Ten Commandments and living life in a selfish and cruel manner causing harm to others and the general population.

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I recall my parents used to send my older sister and myself to Sunday school every week. C of E..

We did this for probably for a year or so, and I realised that (at the age of about 4 or 5 ) what a load of twoddle it was). So I went and told my mum what my thoughts were.  She sort of smiled at me and said well mum and dad thought you might like to hear the stories anyway because some of them are very good to listen to.  She was never religious herself and nor was dad.

I am now in my 70s and my sister is still alive.

I have the theory now that they may have treasured a bit of time alone together, if you know what I mean. 

My sister is not a believer either

Next time I see my sister I will ask her why she thinks we were sent to Sunday school.

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Who created us and why?

Who cares, We're here that's what counts .As for Religion that's all <deleted> and brainwashing ,same as ghosts and Spirits. Just look at all the <deleted> going on here , worshipping/praying /getting lotto numbers for a stupid  trees , 2headed calf and whatever they can think of.???? 

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All I know is that whoever or whatever created us has a lot to answer for. So many species kill to eat which means that those who are to be killed for food live in fear, and die in terror and pain. Thanks a lot whoever or whatever you are.

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God (the Grand Architect, a Higher Power) may, or may not, exist (or have existed; after all, he may be dead now)!  There is a new body of thought, gaining greater acceptance among scientists, that we are the product of "intelligent design", and that evolution cannot possibly account for it.  Dr Fred Hoyle likened "evolution" (I paraphrase) to a hurricane passing through a junk yard and resulting in a shiny new Boeing 747.


Intelligent Design, in part, may be answered by the correctness of a theory that we are living in a hologram, created by superior beings.  The fact that Elon Musk subscribes to the theory is meaningless.  As clever as he undoubtedly is, he is not omnipotent.


Karl Marx likened religion as being "the opium of the masses".  Religion is man-made, and, like a curate's egg, some parts of it are "quite nice". Personally, I believe that the story of Jesus and his miracles are the fairy stories of 2000 years ago, taken by the Romans and massaged into a religious belief as a means of control.  Historically (as opposed to Biblically) there is no proof of his existence, much less that he is the "son" of God.


Fermi's Paradox is still valid.  And if the Universe is indeed billions of years old (itself the subject of much dispute), then life of whatever kind would be much older, and far more advanced, than our own.  Is it not possible that this life-form may have visited out planet aeons ago, and kicked off life here? 


Certainly, the writings of the ancient Sumerians would answer this question, in the account of the orbit of the 12th Planet, Nibaru, coming close enough to earth hundreds of thousands of years ago that the Annunaki "from Heaven to Earth came", and created "Adam", the first man.



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Apart from the truth that we all originate from pirates, and God is a lazy spaghetti monster that only created Heaven with a combined beer and rhum volcano, and a nearby stripper factory, the following statement might be of interest...




And in plain letters for easy readers:


1 In the beginning Man created God;
and in the image of Man
created he him.


2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of
names,that he might be Lord of all
the earth when it was suited to Man.


3 And on the seven millionth
day Man rested and did lean
heavily on his God and saw that
it was good.


4 And Man formed Aqualung of
the dust of the ground, and a
host of others likened unto his kind.


5 And these lesser men were cast into the
void. And some were burned, and some were
put apart from their kind.


6 And Man became the God that he had
created and with his miracles did
rule over all the earth.


7 But as all these things
came to pass, the Spirit that did
cause man to create his God
lived on within all men: even
within Aqualung.


8 And man saw it not.


9 But for Christ's sake he'd
better start looking.

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