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Are there any Diet Soda drinks apart from Cola's?


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The only sugar free / diet soda / fizzy drinks I can find in the supermarkets in Pattaya are either Pepsi or Coca Cola.

I like cola, but can't drink much of it, I prefer a diet fizzy lemonade like Diet Sprite / 7-UP etc. 

Some years back, for just a few weeks, Diet Sprite was available in 7/11's in my area, but then stopped.

To be honest, I would rather be drinking beer, but I really need to loose some weight! Water is OK, but I really enjoy more 

a diet fizzy lemonade. I find I can drink that with a meal instead of beer, but cola's have too string a taste to drink much of for me. (in the UK I buy Tesco's own Diet Lemonade which is just right, but not seen that in Thailand).

Does anybody know if a drink like this is available anywhere in Pattaya please? 

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Sprite has been available in sugar free version here in Bangkok but have returned to Coke as not a fan of the taste.  Pepsi has a rasberry version (also not a fan of the taste and cans are sized for midgets (as is Pepsi now).  Sugar free life span has always been an issue in hot climates and Thai have cheap sugar to use so not enough demand it seems.  Remember having A&W sugar free root beer in Philippines 30 years ago.  

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The problem is they replace the sugar with nasty stuff like Aspertame or other unhealthy artificial sugars. I also like soda but they are far too sweet. Here in Thailand I swear they put even more sweetener in as Thais love sugar (have you noticed their sense of taste is the same as a child?)


Nearest thing I ever found to a thirst quenching soda was Schweppes.... have not seen it in ages?


Wish they would make a soft drink with truly no sugar (real nor artificial).

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The green plastic Sprite bottle has a gray cap or a white cap, depending on if it is diet or sugar. Lazada has soft drinks in its grocery section of LazMall, and if your local Tesco doesn't stock it on the shelf you could try having it delivered.





The only convenience store in my (Phuket) neighborhood is a Family Mart, and I don't go there any more because a vicious soi dog now lives inside the store (and sleeps on the food shelves), but a few weeks ago they had the small bottles for about 18 baht, although they regularly ran out later in the day. I have bought cans of Schweppes ginger ale in 7-11s near where I used to live.


"Sprite No Sugar is the perfect drink for people who want same the great taste of Sprite but no sugar"

Edited by dave s
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Sugar free Sprite is in Family Mart in Bangkok, but I've not seen it in 7/11. It tastes dreadful though. I like the raspberry Pepsi (sugar free). Not sure it's very good for me though. Knock back a Singha Soda water instead. Healthy.

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I travel between Thailand and Taiwan and I find the same thing about diet drinks in both places.  But to the OP, you are lucky you are not in Taiwan.  They took all of the diet drinks away except for only one, Coke Zero.  Think Coke paid off the right people there as there is "nothing" else anywhere!! 

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13 hours ago, samsingsong said:

Is Diet Sprite now available in Pattaya?

If yes please tell me where, that's what I'm looking for! 

I don't live in that area.  But I see it in most stores, bigc, lotus, makro, etc...  Look for the labels with a silver band on the label, not yellow.  Image result for diet sprite thailand


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23 hours ago, jaiyen said:

If you want to lose weight the last thing you want to be drinking is <deleted> sugary drinks !  Get serious first.  Buy a Soda Stream and make your own fizzy water and flavour with fresh fruits.

Yes Jaiden. That's why I'm asking about sugar free drinks.

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20 hours ago, DefaultName said:

If you have any British food store near you, look for Robinsons Squash'd.  A few drops of that in a bottle of soda water does nicely, there are many flavours.



Robinsons Squash'd.jpeg

That is a good idea.... 

Now and again, when I fancied a bit of sweetness, I have been adding a bottle of M-150. I was likely adding a load of sugar!

Diet drinks.....when what we mean is substitutes for overly sweet drinks, that the industry has got us hooked on, that have six teaspoons of sugar added! Now they replace that sugar with dubious chemicals and charge more for it! We have been duped..... it would seem simpler to avoid them. 

Edited by jacko45k
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Thanks for all replies. My question was 'is Diet Sprite available anywhere in Pattaya' and it seems that perhaps it is now. I left end of February and hadn't found anything at that time.

Thanks for the water ideas also, and I think I probably will try mixing fruit juice or Robinsons Squash'd. 

When I'm not drinking Beer Chang!

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soda robs your body of nutrients, it is like a diuretic, you will pee out good mineral & vitamins


the "light" versions are pure POISON .... gulf war syndrome could just be:  ASPARTAME cola cans in the desert heat sun, boiled a bit and cooked the brains of the soldiers (that were never in contact with chemicals)  and following  normal civilians in other countries getting DESERT STORM like disease, aka ASPARTAME poisoning .... just look up how it was NOT APPROVED by FDA ... they changed the approval team , added a person in the voting team (industry funded) and suddenly it was granted GRAS status

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