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How has your life been ,good bad ,fantastic?

ivor bigun

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professionally brilliant, personally, rocky at some points. I would like to do it all again, but do it better next time around. Maybe a Buddhist country is just where I need to be to get that second chance. ???? 

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To add to my last; I always think it would be nice to have 3 lives.  One to make all the mistakes, live like an idiot and drink and eat your self to death.  Two would be to follow a dream, any dream.  Third would be tranquillity itself, living modestly and taking in the beauty of life and all things spiritual.  


Actually 4 lives, because it would be great fun in the forth one, to repeat the first one, but that second time, with more money. 

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2 hours ago, Saltire said:

Starting from 18 years old, here is a brief summary of my life so far.


Married 20 years

Single 10 years

Married 8 years

SIngle 6 Years

Married 3 years so far ............. happiest ever right now.



From your track record you will be divorced next year. Happiness ever right now.... the calm before the storm ????

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1 hour ago, GarryP said:

But if you divorced your first wife earlier, your life would have been different and you would not be with the woman you are now with at this happiest time of your life (I assume she is part of the reason for you being so happy). Sometimes you have got to just accept the past, rather than looking back and brooding on what you should and should not have done in years gone by, and just accept the present.


I too have been married for nearly three years now (second time around) and am the happiest ever. But without the <deleted> in my past I would not be where I am now. Not sure if that makes sense, but you get the idea.     

Yep, get the idea 100%. I wasn't moaning but it really is the ONLY regret I have, staying married for so long to a nightmare. And yes I really have found a wonderful, loving caring girl and never really look back much at all.

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Overall been good to me, but hell of a rollercoaster. 


Been skijumping, boxing, skydiving, base jumping, climbing, mountaineering, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, diving, freediving, and motorbiking on three different continents, worked as a skydiver, superviser in international oilservice companies, started some few companies, been fishing, mountain, and kayak guide, now back in oilbusiness, and life goes on better than before. 


Lost quite a few friends in extreme sport (4 good friends, 15 friends, and total with everyone I met more than 60), had some good relationships, some few bad, and one marriage that lasted 6 years, and now a good gf for some few years. Looking back I wasted alot of time to get back on my feet after a few downfall, but overall, I have been doing great and got back on my feet. 


Trying to live simple, boring and healthy now and still many good years to come. My body is weared out, but with decent activities, I can still go to gym, swim, kayaking, sup padling, and work, and that means alot to me, and of course take my bikes out for a blast and also longer trips. 


You gotta do what you have to do with the abillities you got, and still have. 


Thailand have been good to me, and I guess thats why I can still have a decent life doing what I am doing. If I was stuck in Europe, I believe my life quality would have been less than ok. 

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I'd have to say my life 'exceeded expectations' or 'fantastic'. That's not to say that every minute is a barrel of laughs, but for the most part very good indeed. The later stages of my life lived here in Thailand have been the icing on the cake, really.

But I didn't;t get ripped of by my Thai girlfriend.

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I am now living alone, been married twice, but am not altogether unhappy with my own company.  I don't have to skirt around things or be careful that I don't step on a significant other's toes.  Women? Can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em!


I often take time out to remember and reflect on the good times I have had in my life, as they are easy to forget among the welter of life's challenges which have come along.   As life has gone on I have been steadily trying to improve myself financially, educationally, and career-wise, having been born into an extremely modest family just after WWII.  A lot of the challenges which came along were because of business ventures and property dealings I went into; some good, some bad, but great experiences, nevertheless.  I have made and lost a lot of money on numerous occasions, all such events attributable to the good and bad decisions I have made, and no one else.


Along the way, I have traveled a lot of the world, had terrific adventures,  many of which people would find hard to believe, owned and driven some amazing cars, had numerous liaisons with the opposite sex, and achieved many of the things I wanted to, to put on my metaphorical cv.  Not wishing to vegitate in my so-called "golden years" (whoever thought up that ridiculous expression?), I am deep into writing a novel and hope to have it published, one way or another, by Easter next year.


The happiest part of my existence was when I lived in "darkest Africa" for a number of years, close to the Victoria Falls.  What gives me enormous emotional satisfaction and happiness today are the 4 wonderful children I have, which I am proud to call mine.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I never had a new looking car till now. I always had old dungers that I fixed up mechanically but kept the gold diggers away- worked like a charm.


Long time ago when I was young I had a brand new red Porsche Cabrio for a weekend. I enjoyed the car and it was interesting to see how some people reacted. But I have to admit I didn't have any gold diggers chasing me.

And after that weekend life returned back to a normal car and all was alright. I guess that was about the moment when I decided it's nice to drive a Porsche but I wouldn't want to work extra time to be able to really afford one.

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I can say that if the Reaper appeared now and said "times up", I would not be disappointed despite past mistakes - and there's been a few. I try to live by the premise that wealth comes from experience and not riches as im not going to remember the days i spent at work when im on my death bed. 

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5 hours ago, villagefarang said:

My wife keeps getting better, but we have only been together 22 years so perhaps time will tell.

OP asked about "your" life.  But nice to know the wife is getting better  555

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Long story short. I had a read only tough up bringing with not enough positive role models and hence I was off the rails until I decided at 27 to turn my life around. 
In 6 years I went back to school, Re-skilled anf got myself a career, bought my first million dollar home and travelled the world. 
I had 3 very respectable attempts at not making it past 35 but here I am @ 42 living in Thailand without a care in the world.  
Life is fantastic, wouldn’t be dead for quids 

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Highs and lows. Pretty good overall. Thailand a definite plus, even after losing a bundle of money here in the 1997 financial crash. Married 30 years to my lovely Thai wife. Loyal, beautiful, and a great cook. Comfortable town house in Bangkok, and a super country place in Rayong province. Still very happy to be here.

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27 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

It may not buy you happiness ,but by god it can make you comfortable in your unhappiness????

Very true statement, but its better to be unhappy with loads of cash, than no or little! 


Everything is an illution, and whats gets your endorfines to flow, is what makes you happy at least for a little moment of time. 

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