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Ding Dong Drinks Ya Dong and Dons a Thong


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One of my best titles ever!


I dont whine, especially in light of guys here who really suffer, but since I am still carrying 20 lbs of lard too many, have athritic knees and some bulgers, plus have a habit of walking long distances with a pack, I tend to sometimes say owwweeeeeeee.


I dont like pain killers and really cant take anything OTC other than weed or Acetomeniphen/Tylenol.


So just as a lark, I bought a bottle of Ya Dong from the lady on the corner with the little cart. Shes very popular, there are folks pounding some down every night.


The stuff tastes like a less syrupy Anise flavoured cordial, or Sambuca, or Raki. Tastes a lot like Raki.


Knocks the hell out of me. Owwwww, my firkin back, slurp slurp and Im in never never land so its a sipper before bed.


So whats in that stuff? Are there different varieties? Whats the alcohol content? Am I gonna die from liver failure or grow a pineal eye or something? Or pull a Van Gogh and slice off body parts while wearing a thong? Should I swear it off?

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I'm not sure about knees, but when I could hardly walk due to hip arthritis, I found cycling to be great exercise.  


There are potential hazards associated with cycling after a skinful, but in the worst of cases, you won't get as far as putting yourself in danger.



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