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Pattaya: Tram network set to transform resort - less traffic, less accidents, more convenience promised


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I think its a truly great and awesome idea, which would make city look really fun, i only have 4 questions to ask


1.How well does tram operate when submerged 50cm-100cm under water?

2.How will having tram stop people using their cars and bikes when locals ride 40 meters to nearest 7-11 instead of walking for 30 seconds

3. How well will baht bust drivers accept being out of job

4. Where exactly will the tram line fit when roads are narrow as it is to fit 2 cars passing each other

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3 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

Cities are not made for cars, and will accept less and less cars in the future. :cool:

Several big western cities already have plans to nearly get rid of (nearly) all cars. :thumbsup:

This will also happen in Thailand.

China has outlawed ALL motorcycles in many major cities there in order to make it appear that everyone that lives there is well off (social status/no poor folk here!).  You can't even bring a m/c into the city in the back of your truck or it will be confiscated and impounded.  The mindset is that anyone who drives a motorcycle is a poor pheasant should stay out in the sticks where he/she belongs.  Imagine what that would do to traffic here.

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9 minutes ago, MeePeeMai said:

China has outlawed ALL motorcycles in many major cities there in order to make it appear that everyone that lives there is well off (social status/no poor folk here!).  You can't even bring a m/c into the city in the back of your truck or it will be confiscated and impounded.  The mindset is that anyone who drives a motorcycle is a poor pheasant should stay out in the sticks where he/she belongs.  Imagine what that would do to traffic here.

Yes, true, two strokes are largely a thing of the past in Chinese cities but ebikes are ten a penny and everyone who wants one has got one. It's a clean air policy not an exercise in status. You are still a pedestrian on an e-bike according to traffic law in China. Here's a figure for you. In my 7.5m people city 12,500 e-bikes are stolen every month.


You can apply for a motorbike permit but they aren't cheap. I know only two people that have them.

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1 hour ago, Traubert said:

It's a clean air policy not an exercise in status.

Greetings Traubert.  I based my post off a video done by ADV China (YouTube) and that was the angle that they presented. 


If a clean air policy really was their reason it makes no sense at all.  What car or truck puts out less emissions that most 4 stroke mopeds and scooters?  I mean they can pack a whole family on a moped and most cars drive around with only one or two occupants. 


I get the e-bike reasoning but that seems like a very risky means of transportation in a place like the big cities in China!  I've seen how they drive there and they make the Thai driverss look good.



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10 hours ago, wombat said:

now let me pontificate for a moment here, trams,tram tracks, motorbikes and baht bus along Beach Road, throw in the odd drunk tourist or three who isn't used to looking right when they cross roads.
what could possibly go wrong?

It's a proposed tram , not a high speed train. Generally theses things don't go any faster 

than any other road vehicle, so unsuspecting tourists wouldn't be in any more danger.

Edited by shy coconut
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6 hours ago, Number 6 said:

Will have to be a monorail well above the road. When I lived there in early 00s the flooding in central Pattaya was 1.5m easy.


Pattaya doesn't need this. It needs smart people to rethink the traffic flow of the city and set hard rules.


It needs anti flooding and anti crime initiatives. Pattaya total mafia.

How would the traffic flow in floodwaters 1.5m deep, besides the obvious answer being with the current!

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2 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

Greetings Traubert.  I based my post off a video done by ADV China (YouTube) and that was the angle that they presented. 


If a clean air policy really was their reason it makes no sense at all.  What car or truck puts out less emissions that most 4 stroke mopeds and scooters?  I mean they can pack a whole family on a moped and most cars drive around with only one or two occupants. 


I get the e-bike reasoning but that seems like a very risky means of transportation in a place like the big cities in China!  I've seen how they drive there and they make the Thai driverss look good.



Well all the buses and taxis are hybrid or gas now in my little backwater. Trucks in general over 5 tonnes arent allowed into the city before midnight and after 7am except with special dispensation and most of the cars are less than 5 years old so they're low emission. Cars automatically get scrapped at ten years old.


Yeah, well how do you teach 323m people to drive in 10 years, you don't, right? That's why they're all terrible drivers but somehow they muddle along. I would hazard a guess that the traffic systems and police are better than Thailands though. The big Chinese fear is hospitalisation so they tend to be more wary than it seems at first sight, and the camera system nicks a lot of the lairy drivers with a decending points system, i.e. start with 12 and when they're gone, so is your licence.


Here's the wow factor though. It is legal to buy and sell licence points.

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19 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

In addition to the above statement which is quite correct; additionally, this tram service still will not get rid of one the main problems which is the Chinese tourist coaches blocking everywhere and creating havoc.....!!!!

This will not be a ploblem as by the time this is completed the only non Thais here will be Chinese.....

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10 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

You can't even bring a m/c into the city in the back of your truck or it will be confiscated and impounded. 

Add to that outlawing all automobiles and you start to lower the carbon footprint, improve air quality, and actually increase tourism because it is safe and pleasant to visit the Pattaya area.



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49 minutes ago, essox essox said:

me too I remember the pie in the sky idea....did they NOT talk about a monorail TOO >???

I live on beach rd , and I bought my unit 7 years ago to be near the beach, but a year after I bought ,they widened beach rd, and the disgusting smoke belching tour buses arrived and chaos ensued..i am praying the city will do something , either electric buses or a train of some sort,beach rd should be pedestrian only ( in a perfect world) ,walking on the beach and the constant stink of diesel exhaust is wrong ....the Chinese are here to stay and I am ok with that...we can all live and party and holiday together .

Edited by mok199
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2 hours ago, mok199 said:

I live on beach rd , and I bought my unit 7 years ago to be near the beach, but a year after I bought ,they widened beach rd, and the disgusting smoke belching tour buses arrived and chaos ensued..i am praying the city will do something , either electric buses or a train of some sort,beach rd should be pedestrian only ( in a perfect world) ,walking on the beach and the constant stink of diesel exhaust is wrong ....the Chinese are here to stay and I am ok with that...we can all live and party and holiday together .

    Agree.   The first thing they should do is eliminate the street parking--most of it is taken up by parked taxis, buses, and motorcycle rentals. By eliminating the parking they can widen the sidewalk on the shop side of the street, add shade trees, and, if they retain motor vehicles, at least add pull off lanes for tour buses and baht buses to disembark passengers.

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16 hours ago, Traubert said:

Here's the wow factor though. It is legal to buy and sell license points.

Yea I guess they sell Driver's licenses there too (going for well over 1000USD now according to ADV China).  After watching some of their videos it seems that we have nothing to complain about living here in Thailand. 

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5 minutes ago, tifino said:

wait for the first of many accident reports; about motorbikes being skittled ( and filleted) from undertaking a Tram, 'inside' the Left Rail!!

Might deter those damned cyclists too who think rules don't apply to them!

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