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NASTY small yellow and black checked insect that causes a bad rash???


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Hi all, does anyone know about the #!$&(*&%&%^$!! small yellow and black checked insect about the size of a grain of rice that comes in the house at night and causes a large painful red rash if it stings you or is crushed on your skin?


Just gotten bit by one near my arm pit and has already rashed up with bumps, real nasty %%$#@!#@ bug!




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14 hours ago, katana said:

Looks like a Rove beetle.

They contain a potent vesicant pederin in their haemolymph that will produce a nasty blistered skin rash. Apparently pederin is highly toxic, more potent than cobra venom.
So if you see one, never touch it or crush it with your fingers and get it out of the house using some other object!

It seems it may be the same as a friend encountered in Chiang Mai. He came out in a bad rash over his legs and torso. The doctor diagnosed this as the culprit, apparently, they like damp towels, and left the residue you describe on the towel which was then rubbed into the skin. It took about two months for the rash to heal, but still left minor blemishes.

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On 12/1/2019 at 7:55 AM, Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai said:

Our house bug free since my wife brought  Mr Peter insect devices.

Even our short haired dog sleeps with Mr Peter next to her. No more bites for her.





What is the price for refills?

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1 hour ago, toofarnorth said:

Streuth ! That's not an insect , this is an insect .

IMGP1253 (2).JPG

Amazingly my wife recognises both the insect image posted by the op as a poisonous one and the one posted by you as not poisonous.


she asked if the person bitten is still alive which is always a worry?



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On 12/2/2019 at 12:29 PM, NightSky said:

Amazingly my wife recognises both the insect image posted by the op as a poisonous one and the one posted by you as not poisonous.


she asked if the person bitten is still alive which is always a worry?



Does your wife recognise this one , my wife must of thought it was harmless.



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