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PM urges all Thais to stop “bickering” and help build the country instead


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has appealed to all Thais, regardless of their political differences and affiliations, to stop bickering and spreading hatred against one another, and make use of the mechanism of democracy to help build the country.

A mechanism which he has dismantled.... people only bicker when they are un-happy.

PM is in for a shock soon, telling people to shut up usually provokes a reaction!

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5 minutes ago, Rhys said:

Whoa.. Stopping Thainess...cooperation, sounds like a foreign influence.. 5555


Looking at the issue objectively and unemotionally you can see why some Thai people dislike foreigners when so many of them call for their government to be replaced.  I wonder how we would each feel if foreigners got together on social media and did the same thing in our home country.

Edited by saengd
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Not a very happy looking man, is he? 

1. He's not taking responsibility, but blaming others for the bickering. You can't blame others for not doing what you want. 

2. Someone should tell him that when you point the finger, there are three pointing back. But then again, he's doesn't want to take responsibility.

3. Someone also has to tell him: "You are reaping what you have sown. What you see in others is just a mirror of yourself."

4. He should eat his Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea.




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2 hours ago, Curt1591 said:


A sign has appeared in our Immigration Office in front of the seating area for "guests". It simply says:-       "BE QUIET!"




That to me is an indication of Thai Immigration/Government policy toward foreigners and Thais alike - basically - "DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!"

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Two observations.  1.   You can work 24/7, but if you do not achieve the necessary aims, all that work is worthless.  2.   The purpose of a Prime Minister is to serve the people, not the other way round as Generals seem to think.  My view as an ex-soldier, they make lousy politicians, because they have an entirely different upbringing, which is based on "do as you are told" as opposed to what do I need to do to improve the lot of the people?

Edited by robertson468
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40 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

If they ever had to get rid of him,he will cling on like a limpet.

and will not give up power easily.if at all.

regards Worgeordie


Hes a yes man for the real guy(s) running the country 

he will hang as long as he can for sure, but when there are tired of him ...hes out!

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

If they ever had to get rid of him,he will cling on like a limpet.

and will not give up power easily.if at all.

regards Worgeordie



None of them will mate. Look at the examples all around the world. All thick skinned, cling on like limpets ability, and once at the trough, will never willingly leave.


One of the biggest scourges on mankind and the world - the Political Class.



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6 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Out here in the countryside plenty of griping to be heard about being unable to afford basic necessities, and how the government doesn't really listen to the people, but bickering, per se? Not so much.


The only price control you have on items are items produced in Thailand itself .Imported items no control and if you don't support the items produced in your own country it can lead to many things. Unemployment, goods rising in price due to low sales so buy the item your country produces. 


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

adding that he has devoted himself for the past 5-6 years to working for the good of the country and the people “without yearning for power”

please, don't tell me he said that with a straight face... good of the country and the people  555

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5 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

Bickering is all thais know including you pm!

all talk no action to better anything. No laws, no trust, no money, no future is the mindset of most thais.


Thais want you out, so go. Its getting creepy already!!????

Stop Bickering, great, the people took no notice of your holiday speech to slow down to 80kpm, not to drink and drive and named himself ching yen , old faithfuls advice was ignored the roads are more crazy than ever ,and now you just stop bickering, go on stop it no bickering you hear me.

Im not going to stand for it.

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Mmmmm, help build the country? I know somebody with a not large piece of land (left to her by a parent). New government land tax = 25,000 Bt. Planted rice, net proceeds from sale of rice = 9,000 Bt. More like help build a never to be used military arsenal.

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Democracy ? Country run by army ?? Doing all he can for the people ??? Wich people ? His own people ? filling up their pockets untill there is nomore pockets to fill up anymore and then give the coumtry back to the people and let them clean up the uncleanable mess he left . From the getgo it was all about him and his ego and nothing else .

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6 hours ago, BobbyL said:

He really has no idea about how a democracy and people's opinion / freedom of expression work. A man with a background of army bootlickers heeding to his every word cannot handle this role and it is becoming blatantly obvious. 

As did the famous Duke of Wellington when he entered politics after his brilliant military career. A life long career of issuing orders and having underlings instantly obey them without question.

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