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Dutchman jailed in Thailand for money laundering in NL is released


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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

He never should have been arrested in the first place. It just shows how backwards and corrupt this place is.


Where is all his money and who owns his property/vehicles now?

Dunno, but the gardens of his house on Phoenix golf course are completely overgrown with weeds. They used to be immaculate.


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"...in the Netherlands and was jailed for 100 years in Thailand,..."

I have heard pot can alter perception of time and space... but 100 years?

Image popped into my sober mind of a spider cleaning web, casting husks out after sucking life from imprisoned flies. He has served his purpose, let him go now. Have a nice day:)

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He might be free from Thai jail, but the Dutch government is charging him now. ref. Volkskrant, main Dutch newspaper.

it says quote "Justitie vervolgt coffeeshopbaas voor witwassen ‘via financiële schijnconstructies’ " unquote


which translated  means , Justice dep. accuses coffeeshop-boss for white wassing of money via financial ghost constructions.


For me this indicates he is not free , though he will be not in prison waiting for his trial.

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This is an inevitable consequence of the Thai government's softening attitude towards cannabis. Soon Thais will be able to grow it legally (for processing into medicine) and earn money so keeping someone in jail who had earned money legally from cannabis would not look good. Clinics will also be opening up around Thailand to treat people who can benefit from cannabis therapy. Unfortunately it has been treated as an illegal drug for such a long time that there is a lack of expertise in it's medical use. That is about to change.

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

He never should have been arrested in the first place. It just shows how backwards and corrupt this place is.


Where is all his money and who owns his property/vehicles now?

As my mate Dennis says in Bangkok, every time I visit.


"Thank you for the contribution".


Corruption, lies, deceit, is a way of life for many here.

And sadly they do not see anything wrong with this.


My thai ex used to say, "Farang have, Thais have not, ok to take"...


She had a fair chunk of mine; her and her family...

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15 hours ago, brucec64 said:

If you bothered to read the article, you will see that this was initiated by the Dutch:


Thai justice officials reportedly started investigating Van Laarhoven in 2014 following a letter from a Dutch public prosecution department official, informing the authorities he had earned his money selling marijuana and requesting help in a criminal investigation.


This place is backwards and corrupt, but not in this case. This guy had enough money that corruption should have let him buy his way out, but it's more difficult when foreign governments are involved.

 However, this early release could have been "bought". Usually a prisoner exchange occurs after completing 1/3 of the sentence here. 


Incredibly naive.. 


He committed no crimes here.. The country he came from what he was doing was not illegal.. There was an argument about tax avoidance and the correct declaration of profits... 


Thailand police see someone in multi million usd houses and the word marijuana and simply locked the guy up, without any evidence, charged him for crimes that didnt happen here and are not crimes in his home country, and voila.. Suddenly all those assets and riches fell apart and were 'lost' back to Thailand. What is that if not corrupt. 


Thats the facts of it.. 

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

He never should have been arrested in the first place. It just shows how backwards and corrupt this place is.


Where is all his money and who owns his property/vehicles now?

Maybe--- his wife was jailed also, to prevent her from selling off the spoils.

Maybe, they got some of the spoils now so release him back to NL.

Wife can stay here she wont be jailed in NL he probably will- so, no money no honey-bye bye

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In Holland it’s legal to sell marijuana in cafes therefor it’s not proceeds of crime... Dutch prosecutor request help in a criminal case ? Then I’m reading headlines 100yrs for money laundering Thailand banks been laundering proceeds by monopolizing the baht  haha... will google and get the full story as this snippet of news only the tip of the iceberg ...... 

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