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Advice for girlfriends UK tourist visa application

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Hello, my girlfriend is just in the process of completing her application for a UK tourist visa.


Now i understand the chances of being granted one are quite slim as although my gf owns land and assets in Thailand she is unemployed and the only money she gets is from what i send her (very small amounts)


on the VAF it asks if she receives any income - does the money i send her count as "income" or should she declare NO i do not receive any income?



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If she receives cash from you then, in my opinion, she would be better declaring it, though of course with no employment the ECO could be forgiven for assuming that she intends staying in the UK with her benefactor.


If you didn't send her money, how would she survive, how is she intending paying for her trip, how long does she hope to visit the UK, how long have you known herdoes she have any other ties in Thailand, does her land produce in income stream?   

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Yes she has included her bank statements showing the transfers i have made along with copies of my bank showing the remittances. And also agree that the ECO will no doubt assume she intends staying in the UK - even though since our relationship of over 2 years i have spent over 1 year living with her in Thailand as i am financially retired.


In truth if i did not send her any money she would be able to get work to fund herself, but she has not done this previously, as she is so frugal with her spending, and lives on the family farm in issan. We have been together 2 years, but has no other ties to Thailand apart from elderly relative she is the sole carer for, and no her land does not have an income stream, the deeds are all in her name and we intend to build a house in the next few years.


So im not holding out any hope for her obtaining a visa, but still wish to have a go.

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It's not unknown for people in her position to be granted visas, but I think you're right to temper your expectations.


A couple of well drafted covering letters explaining what you've just said, she wants to spend a short time with you on home soil, could possibly swing it, don't make the letters too long, but I agree it's a long shot.


Good luck

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You do not need to demonstrate that she has an income either from you or from a job. Her occupation is a housewife (that's what we stated)

In my experience of being granted a tourist visa, as long as you can prove you have enough money in the bank and you state you will be supporting her, that is enough.

They are more concerned that your relationship is genuine

Give them copies of photos, facebook or other social media conversations, tickets for travel together, bills with both names at the same address.

A friend was refused a visa for his girlfriend of only 4 months because he did not include photos (his reasoning was that photo date stamps can easily be faked) He appealed, included photos with a new application and was granted a visa.

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A covering letter should reiterate the following:-


Yours is a genuine relationship and her reason to visit is genuine (explain details of the latter and evidence of the relationship - your visits to her in Thailand, your financial support to her that enables her to spend time with he4 family.


Financial adequacy. Show evidence of savings +/or income that comfortably covers the costs of her visit. If you have other assets ie property bull up your status in the covering/sponsor letter.


Reasons to return should be satisfied with showing evidence of property assets plus a statement of when and why she will return - if that coincides with your next visit even better.


Paint a picture of your relationship and where this visits sits as a natural development of that relationship. I have used phrases such as “whilst I will eventually retire to Thailand and live together with my partner, in the interim we seek to divide our time together between the U.K. and Thailand”.

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Thanks for your replies. So i have heard conflicting stories regarding including photos etc with the application. But she has just produced a brief timelog of photos/messenger chat etc trying to show our relationship is geniune. also flight tickets together, house rentals etc over the last 2 years Also included my bank statements and self assesment tax details, showing i am more than financially able to support her, along with house deeds for my UK property, a letter showing my mortgage paid off, council tax bill etc.


so im pretty sure ive nailed it showing a genuine relationship and my ability to support and accomodate her during her holiday.


My worry is her lack of financial ties to Thailand, and even though neither of us would want to settle in the UK, im sure the ECO given their quotas of how many they must refuse to keep home office statistics looking rosy, will just say "nah not today thank you"

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You may find this helpful:

UKVI said:

This section provides guidance on the types of documents that are not required to consider your application.

if you are applying as a family/group you do not need to provide multiple copies of the same documents

bank statements or letters issued more than 1 year before the date of application

credit card statements

driving licence

photographs (passport photographs required in section 1) - my emphasis

notarial certificates

business cards

hotel bookings

flight bookings

photocopies of bank cards

certificates relating to leisure activities

evidence of car ownership

travel insurance

sponsor’s utility bills

sponsor’s council tax billseducational certificates (unless specifically listed in section 3)




The ECO's do not have quotas on how many applications they are allowed to approve, if the applicant can demonstrate that they're a genuine applicant whose trip is affordable and on the balance of probabilities is likely to return, it's likely that Entry Clearance will be granted. Unfortunately there's little if any accountability either, so if an ECO "gets it wrong" there's unlikely to be any comeback.   

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I would suggest that you explain who will be looking after the elderly relative while she is away in the application.


One of the problems with her lack of income in Thailand is that her main income comes from you living in the UK. Why would she need to go back to Thailand?

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I have not read all the comments but my buddy works in an Embassy in Bangkok and he said what they look for primarily is evidence that a girlfriend applying for a visa has a reason to return to Thailand like a job, studying in university, a child or if she is a carer? And that if she gets sick she won't be a burden so I guess providing her with medical insurance would help?

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8 hours ago, rasg said:

I would suggest that you explain who will be looking after the elderly relative while she is away in the application.


One of the problems with her lack of income in Thailand is that her main income comes from you living in the UK. Why would she need to go back to Thailand?

Because she has living relative in Thailand, has land assests and maybe a car?  Stop poo pooing the Guys ambition.  He might, or might not get a UK Visa for his Girl, but that is not for you or me to decide, but what we can do is suggest how he can improve the liklihood of achieving it and there is other valuable and relevent advise by others.  Go for it and the very best of luck!

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20 hours ago, cantaloupe said:

Thanks for your replies. So i have heard conflicting stories regarding including photos etc with the application. But she has just produced a brief timelog of photos/messenger chat etc trying to show our relationship is geniune. also flight tickets together, house rentals etc over the last 2 years Also included my bank statements and self assesment tax details, showing i am more than financially able to support her, along with house deeds for my UK property, a letter showing my mortgage paid off, council tax bill etc.


so im pretty sure ive nailed it showing a genuine relationship and my ability to support and accomodate her during her holiday.


My worry is her lack of financial ties to Thailand, and even though neither of us would want to settle in the UK, im sure the ECO given their quotas of how many they must refuse to keep home office statistics looking rosy, will just say "nah not today thank you"

As advised by OG, the photos are not necessary and arguably you are presenting too much. IMO risking bogging down an ECO when you just need to tick the boxes.


The application that my missus put in on 13th January, and was approved yesterday, comprised 6 pieces of our own uploaded documents....... my covering letter outlining  the length and detail of our relationship; my P60 and evidence of other income; my premium bond statement to show adequate funds; copy of her land chanote; list of reasons to return with the comment “there is no doubt that on the balance of probability she will again return to Thailand.......”

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2 hours ago, Nip said:

I have not read all the comments but my buddy works in an Embassy in Bangkok and he said what they look for primarily is evidence that a girlfriend applying for a visa has a reason to return to Thailand like a job, studying in university, a child or if she is a carer? And that if she gets sick she won't be a burden so I guess providing her with medical insurance would help?

The applicants reasons to return have already been pointed out by a number of posters.
I'm sure your buddy who works at the Embassy will have advised you that the UKVI specifically advise not to submit evidence of travel insurance with an application, though clearly she should have it, he will probably have also pointed out that the British Embassy are not involved in the visa application deicision making process, they are considered by UKVI staff located in Delhi. 

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22 hours ago, Jip99 said:

A covering letter should reiterate the following:-


Yours is a genuine relationship and her reason to visit is genuine (explain details of the latter and evidence of the relationship - your visits to her in Thailand, your financial support to her that enables her to spend time with he4 family.


Financial adequacy. Show evidence of savings +/or income that comfortably covers the costs of her visit. If you have other assets ie property bull up your status in the covering/sponsor letter.


Reasons to return should be satisfied with showing evidence of property assets plus a statement of when and why she will return - if that coincides with your next visit even better.


Paint a picture of your relationship and where this visits sits as a natural development of that relationship. I have used phrases such as “whilst I will eventually retire to Thailand and live together with my partner, in the interim we seek to divide our time together between the U.K. and Thailand”.

I dont know if Australia is different to UK but with AU probably the criterior that they put the most emphasis on is proving that the applicant has a valid reason to go back at the end of the visa that being a job so they require a letter from their employer stating that they have granted ...leave from ..date and they must return to work on ..date.Other ties such as family ,children or a business also come into it of course.

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16 minutes ago, wavodavo said:

I dont know if Australia is different to UK but with AU probably the criterior that they put the most emphasis on is proving that the applicant has a valid reason to go back at the end of the visa that being a job so they require a letter from their employer stating that they have granted ...leave from ..date and they must return to work on ..date.Other ties such as family ,children or a business also come into it of course.

In the context of Thailand often, having a job complicates matters. Certainly OK for government/national chain employee taking a month or so off to visit the U.K.


On this forum we are mainly talking about Thai ladies visiting the U.K. to see their partner/sponsor. Their income is typically only from that source. A well worded covering letter should remove any doubt (of the balance of probability) from the mind of an ECO. For belt and braces get a letter of reference from the Poo Yai Ban..... rarely costs more than a bottle of Regency!

The only cases that I have seen, where an application is declined, reasons to return are cited only where an ECO has questioned the genuineness of the relationship ie...he doubts the relationship, ergo he doubts she will return....


Children count for little, just look at how many kids are farmed out to family members whilst the Mums earn a living in Pattaya or Bangkok.

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4 hours ago, robertson468 said:

Because she has living relative in Thailand, has land assests and maybe a car?  Stop poo pooing the Guys ambition.  He might, or might not get a UK Visa for his Girl, but that is not for you or me to decide, but what we can do is suggest how he can improve the liklihood of achieving it and there is other valuable and relevent advise by others.  Go for it and the very best of luck!

Nobody is "poo pooing" the guys ambition, as usual rasg is offering meaningful advice when he suggests that the applicant describes who will be looking after the elderly relative in her covering letter, a number of us have suggested that a well drafted covering letter could do the trick, and rasg has gone a stage further and put meat on the bone.
A plot of land isn't a reason to return and a car certainly isn't, the elderly relative might be, with the extra clarification rasg suggests.
With the risk of being shot down, it's the applicant who has to convince the decision maker that she will return at the conclusion of her proposed visit, the OP can't "get a visa for his girl".

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Thanks again guys for the advice! so she has submitted the VAF now and awaiting her appointment at Trendy in Bangkok for biometrics and document scanning.


So we have got a copy of her Uncles id card and letter from him (in English) stating he will be taking 3 weeks leave from his job in Bangkok during my girlfriends planned holiday to the UK to come and take over the care of her sick grandmother. Also a letter from gf's mother/father to explain as they work full time on their family farm it means my gf is the sole care provider for her grandmother. Also a letter in English from the hospital stating the grandmothers health issues.


So my gf will write a nice short concise covering letter - emphasing the length/genuineness of our relationship, why she wants to visit the UK, explaining her finances/bank statement, and how she is the sole care provider for her grandmother and must return to Thailand after her 3 week holiday.


If her application does get rejected then i imagine the only option would be to consider a fiancee Visa for her. Can i ask theoldgit is it accurate what i have been able to glean from online sources that a fiancee visa only looks at my situation - and as i have more than the £62500 in my bank (and have for over the 6months and is immediately accessible)

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1 hour ago, cantaloupe said:

If her application does get rejected then i imagine the only option would be to consider a fiancee Visa for her. Can i ask theoldgit is it accurate what i have been able to glean from online sources that a fiancee visa only looks at my situation - and as i have more than the £62500 in my bank (and have for over the 6months and is immediately accessible)

The main differences between a visit visa and a fiancée visa is that a reason to return is not needed. It is a visa to come to the UK to get married and to live here. Her finances are not that relevant and your savings will be sufficient to cover the financial side of things. She will need a TB test and an A1 language test. You must get married in that six month period and then apply for Further Leave to Remain from inside the UK for her to continue living here. During the fiancée visa she will not be allowed to work.

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On 1/20/2020 at 2:13 PM, cantaloupe said:

Thanks for your replies. So i have heard conflicting stories regarding including photos etc with the application. But she has just produced a brief timelog of photos/messenger chat etc trying to show our relationship is geniune. also flight tickets together, house rentals etc over the last 2 years Also included my bank statements and self assesment tax details, showing i am more than financially able to support her, along with house deeds for my UK property, a letter showing my mortgage paid off, council tax bill etc.


so im pretty sure ive nailed it showing a genuine relationship and my ability to support and accomodate her during her holiday.


My worry is her lack of financial ties to Thailand, and even though neither of us would want to settle in the UK, im sure the ECO given their quotas of how many they must refuse to keep home office statistics looking rosy, will just say "nah not today thank you"

Listen to to theoldgit, he knows exactly what he's talking about, if she submits any documents, it's a good idea to have them translated into English. 

Good luck 

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It's not all about your circumstances, a big thing they want to see is that she has reason to return to Thailand. My wife, gf at the time when we first applied for tourist Visa, was denied twice after doing the application ourselves so we decided to use a agency(man who owns the agency works at the embassy) you can figure out the rest, he more or less guaranteed her visa, we've just used him for a partner visa for uk, it was granted. Be careful if you keep reapplying if she fails because after so many times, think its 3, you get a ban for a certain amount of time. 

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13 minutes ago, rasg said:

Nobody can virtually guarantee a visa unless they put a good application together and fulfil the requirements needed to get the visa. They decisions are now made in Delhi. How could that work?


Each visa application is considered on its own merits and there is nothing to stop you applying as many times as you like as long as you don't lie on an application or falsify a document. When a visa application is refused you must address the reasons for the failure of the application in the next application.

The decisions made in Delhi surely are no different to the ones that were made in Bangkok?

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57 minutes ago, roo860 said:

The decisions made in Delhi surely are no different to the ones that were made in Bangkok?

A very interesting question.  One would hope not, as all ECOs are trained the same way and use UKVI criteria when issuing/denying visas.  When the decision was made in Bangkok, I expect the ECOs were well versed in Thai/farang culture and its impact on 'relationships' (for good or bad!) and this may or may not have played a part in their decision.  Now the Delhi based ECOs have to deal with visas from all over Asia (including India!) and one could assume they are under more pressure and (rightly) treat applications from Thailand in exactly the same way as any other Asian country.

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Around 90% of Visit Visas to the UK from Thailand are approved.


You only have to see some of the Thai people on the flights to the UK to know that most aren't exactly the "cream of Thai society" (they are up the front in freebee business seats ????) so it is possible.


Submit a thorough application with evidence showing an "ongoing and subsisting relationship", a genuine "reason to return" and proof of "finances and sponsorship" and your girlfriend will be granted a visa.


Good luck.



Edited by RAZZELL
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well guys, i have had a very good start to Valentines Day. My girlfriend got her passport back this morning, and has been granted a UK Tourist Visa! Took 10 days from her appointment at Trendy to getting her passport delivered to her house, so very efficient service.


She did everything herself, and involved no agents. But i was just so careful to make sure we were completely honest and the submitted documents showed exactly what the VAF had. So thank you all for your help.

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