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Iowa Democrats to release partial results after presidential caucus chaos

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1 hour ago, howbri said:

Voting for these incompetent fools to run the country? INSANITY.


Yep. But millions of Democrat voters will prove Einstein's theory of insanity correct again!

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It will all be chaotic, close %'s, unfriendly candidates slagging one another off. How to possibly make a choice to defeat the dark lord Trump?


Stage set to enter the White Knightess???

7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

He’s polling around 40% approval and his health is visibly declining.


He’s a lost cause.

Biden will turn 78 two weeks after Election Day and after one term will be 82 and God forbid after two terms be 86. Sanders will be 79 on Election Day , 83 after one term , 116 after 2 terms lol!! Get it??? Warren 71 on Election Day and if she went two terms just six months shy of her 80th birthday! 
Bloomberg if you care to know will be 78 as well on Election Day and 86 after 2 terms!! Yes before you SCREAM back at us Pres Trump will be 74 on Election Day and 78 if he goes one more term ( that’s all he can do) so potentially for America he is the youngest one of all above if they complete/ survive their max time as president. 
Don’t you and others get this ??? You know his health record ?? Really ? 
as a side note Crazy Nancy Pelosi will need two birthday cakes to hold her 80 candles NEXT month!!!  Maybe she should jump in?? The Dems have had 4 years and I think only Amy is a “ normal “ age for a Pres. Petey is 38 and even though he seems “ nice “ a mayor Of a town ain’t no president.  He would be a great mayor for Indianapolis perhaps. 
Now it’s after midnight in IOWA and still only 71% of results are in!  The rest MAY be in tomorrow! Who knows! This looks very bad for the Dems. Very embarrassing. Notice how the super vocal , Uber political posters on TVF have mostly ran into a corona virus hole on these recent threads. They don’t have the b#%€s to criticize ANYTHING that is going on. They can post link after link about things but in this most important first step of a Dem getting into the White House they can’t comment on what is going on which would mean they would have to comment on Dems in a negative way. WOW!! 

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Q. How many Iowan Dems does it take to count an election?
A. Three—one to remember the date, one to put electors into groups and one to forget to turn on the App.  

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One Iowa Democrat bigwig blamed the "rubes" for fkking up the whole App process!!! 


Typical of the current crop of Dems: if something goes wrong, or if you don't like some result that goes against your own desires, BLAME OTHER PEOPLE.

If you lose a presidential election, blame the RUSSIANS.


And judging by the reactions of the Punditry Class today, if America fails to elect a Dem president next November, BLAME IOWA!!!!

  • Sad 1
7 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

remarkable appeal and rise of Pete Buttigieg...

Sorry, people in the US would never elect a guy with a name like that.


  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, bkk6060 said:

Sorry, people in the US would never elect a guy with a name like that.


That's ridiculous. Ask Barack Hussein Obama. 


Not saying he will be elected. Just that it's not about his name. 

  • Thanks 1

After a thorough recount and undimpling of chads , faithless voters it appears the Democratic nominee is after al  Hilary Raddam Clinton aka pants in anticpation.


She'll face off against Donalski Trumpski of teh glorious Motheland front of the GOP in November if USa hasn't been annexed into the Westbank or Softbank by then.

4 hours ago, Saint Nick said:

If the Democrats choose Major Pete, it will be one more evidence, that the USA has lost their mind!


He's not among my top choices but why exactly do you think picking him would be so bad? 

I do think that he lacks enough experience. 

I prefer Klobuchar or Bloomberg. 


11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's not among my top choices but why exactly do you think picking him would be so bad? 

I do think that he lacks enough experience. 

I prefer Klobuchar or Bloomberg. 


It's is my firm believe, that Bernie Sanders is the ONLY candidate, who stands a chance.

All others have too much baggage, not enough backing and some will just be chosen NOT to pick Bernie.


26 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

It's is my firm believe, that Bernie Sanders is the ONLY candidate, who stands a chance.

All others have too much baggage, not enough backing and some will just be chosen NOT to pick Bernie.


Well you have a better chance of testing out your Bernie theory than Klobuchar or Bloomberg being nominated. 

But I definitely don't agree with you concerning his power to beat 45. I think he'd be red baited ruthlessly. 

8 hours ago, Skallywag said:

This is why you are a Trump supporter.  Believing everything is "great" with few problems in America. 

True for the wealthiest 2-3% who of course are also Republicans. 

Don't forget there was Republican and Democrat caucuses held in Iowa yesterday.  Trump won the republican caucus, maybe that wasn't legitimate  - 555 


I don't know even a single Trump supporter who thinks there are few problems with America. The vast majority believe the USA is hopelessly screwed up due to the failed policies of the last 50 years. "Drain the Swamp." "Make America Great Again."  These are slogans designed to play to the feelings of anger and betrayal by the American electorate over the direction the country has been heading their entire lives.  Those old enough to remember know they are worse off today than they were as children. They just don't understand why.


So Trump support does not mean "few problems". It means "serious problems" that can only be corrected by someone willing to standup up to the vested interest and status quo. People want radical change. The "change we can believe in" put Obama in office for 2 terms, and absolutely nothing changed. Like it or not, Trump is seen as an outsider. He makes enemies everywhere, on both sides of the aisle.  People like that about him. They believe he will genuinely do something different. The fact that it might actually make things worse is not relevant to their vote. 


The French chopped off the heads of the aristocracy and got Napolean in the bargain. That is where America is headed.


Trump is a demagogue and psycopath. But unless the Democrats stop playing around and field someone equally distasteful to the Washington establishment, he is going to win again.


50 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

The stop Bernie Sanders brigade at it again. Come on Dems, wake up. You are handing the November election to Trump on a plate.

More like nominating Bernie gifts a second term to him. Bernie is the one he most wants to run against. Do you think he wants to lose? 

He's mostly afraid of Bloomberg. 

13 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

The Dems just walked straight into Trump's gauntlet of vitriol, insults and lies. They don't stand a chance against this guy, now. 


It's one state, forgive me, in the middle of nowhere. Yes, it's the first Dem. caucus, but there's a long way to go to the finish line. And by the end, I doubt anyone will much be remembering what happened in Iowa.


On the other hand, the lack of a mainstream Democratic presidential candidate that Democrats overall can feel energized about and unite behind, and who doesn't shoot themselves in the foot regularly, is a bigger issue IMHO.



17 hours ago, Skallywag said:

This is why you are a Trump supporter.  Believing everything is "great" with few problems in America. 

True for the wealthiest 2-3% who of course are also Republicans. 

Don't forget there was Republican and Democrat caucuses held in Iowa yesterday.  Trump won the republican caucus, maybe that wasn't legitimate  - 555 

I'm unaware of any problems with the Republican caucus in Iowa yesterday. If you have any information on it being anything near the catastrophe the Democrats created, I'm more than happy to look at it. Thanks in advance.

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18 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


If Buttigieg can make a good showing in South Carolina he has a chance. Being gay works against him in the black community and his record as Mayor in South Bend is not favorable for that demographic. 


I am guessing Bernie takes down New Hampshire assuming they manage to be able to count the vote. If they don't come up with the other 30% of the Iowa caucus the results are likely to be contested. If any party loves contesting election results it is the dems after all.


Never in a bazillion years. The United States is not prepared for two men sleeping in the same bed in the white house. Furthermore, mayors are never elected President. Third strike is his agenda. He has absolutely no chance and I'll take this wager in any amount. MAYOR Pete is a wasted vote.


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18 hours ago, blazes said:

One Iowa Democrat bigwig blamed the "rubes" for fkking up the whole App process!!! 


Typical of the current crop of Dems: if something goes wrong, or if you don't like some result that goes against your own desires, BLAME OTHER PEOPLE.

If you lose a presidential election, blame the RUSSIANS.


And judging by the reactions of the Punditry Class today, if America fails to elect a Dem president next November, BLAME IOWA!!!!

Best quote of the night on TV.



A collage kid with a case of beer could have run it better!

17 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

The stop Bernie Sanders brigade at it again. Come on Dems, wake up. You are handing the November election to Trump on a plate.

On yes please nominate Bernie, the old commie. The RNC and Trump will have more dirt on him from his days as a hard-core USSR/ communist/ socialist support. The only question will be if its as bad as when RR won 49 states.

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