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Thai Tourism Ministry considers collecting tourism fees


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2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:


I'm guessing 99.9% of people all around the world don't fly out of their countries to "visit" another country 6 times a year.


Congratulations.  You're obviously in the Super Rich Jet Set economic bracket.


Or Cambodia is still a hardscrabble, lesser developed country than Thailand and doesn't have what you desperately want requiring you to spend your time and savings to obtain here in Thailand?


Just a casual observation.

Take another look and repost to the correct person. Your post comes off pointing this at me. I posted to this person's post. Post # 135 @ 3 hours ago, Thrifty69 said:


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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Bear in mind Pipat, the minister, has absolutely no background in the tourism industry. 


When you constantly raid the bottom of the barrel for talent, this is what you get. 


Thailand is the polar opposite of a meritocracy. 

He's a puppet for his wife, have a look into her!!

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3 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

As for the tax to keep tourist attractions looking good, this is utter BS. If part of it really covers tourists for health costs then great and stop blaming the Expats, but I seriously doubt it and it could be exclusive for Asians as their racist attitude is showing more and more. But the real slap in the face is for the expat long stayers, especially the ones who cannot get coverage under their BS rules.. Just wait as the Non O is going to be surely hit up. Might have to divorce my Thai wife and then go marry a Vietnamese and get a 5 year visa there.

Why do you hate returning to your home country so much that you are willing to divorce your wife and marry another just to continue staying in Asia? The other Asian countries are not going to be any less racist, some might even be more so. 

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3 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I wonder how many farang Mensa candidates still get fleeced by such low IQ, uneducated Isaan princesses. Sort of proves IQ is not a significant factor in survivability or economics.

You can be whipped in any country. At least Issa women and girls are pretty. 

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4 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I wonder how many farang Mensa candidates still get fleeced by such low IQ, uneducated Isaan princesses. Sort of proves IQ is not a significant factor in survivability or economics.

Thinking with the wrong head maybe?

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1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

You guys crack me up. 


You are all over the internet on TVF complaining vociferously about everything Thai and then complain even more when the Thai tourism industry/immigration doesn't like you. 


Simply. Just live here be happy and keep all you pet gripes to yourself. 

My guess is less than ten percent of posters actually live in Thailand.

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After they know they can’t survive, they came up with some super duper idea of how to to cover the loss of the number of  Chinese tourists. Definitely this is  going to kill the  tourism industry here. I am sure the tourists will not be happy about it because they already spent a lot of money to come here and for the  hotel, food and etc. And on top they need to buy insurance nowadays and now they have to pay fees for tours in this country. It sounds like they are really desperate and making more scams to me. I don’t think this will attract many tourists to come here. I rather go to other countries than here. I


Edited by metisdead
Trolling meme removed.
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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

You forgot the PM2.5. I'm looking out to the sea in Samui, visibility about 600m. AQI 97. What's not to like?

Well, it rained and the air cleaned a bit. Enough to see a large plastic garbage patch floating towards the beach. So exotic!

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9 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

There is already a fee included in the ticket price (use to be paid on departure but now collected at time ticket is purchased - 700 baht or something thereabouts).



9 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

There is already a fee included in the ticket price (use to be paid on departure but now collected at time ticket is purchased - 700 baht or something thereabouts).


Ssshhhh. You were meant to have forgotten about that.

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