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Thai court dissolves opposition party critical of military rule

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9 minutes ago, tomauasia said:

Firstly these are not legitimate legal bodies. There Pinnochio army yes men. Prayut should be in jail for high treason and theft. Prawit also..This has gone to far. Thais need to boycott there own country to remove parasites.

Just at the moment I will believe it when I see it, as 65% is it ? Of the people are still rural ! ? Or maybe 75% ? Or more living rurally. ... So just barricading Prayut and his supporters in Bangkok, still leaves 65% of the people and quite possible a majority of them his supporters, ... (Or Tasking, Shinawattra Family, Haters) .... Outside of what the people in Bangkok can do. .... (And their "Children of the Rich" ??? ...) ...


…. You know the group that kept Taksin in power ! ? Not his family or his Northern supporters, ... it was the small time trades men, and little business owners, the "Talart Nut" (Outside Market) people, that supported him unreservedly !!!  …. As the Shinawatra government was Far FAR better for them, and way WAY less corrupt to them, … and they ALL supported him all over the country !!! ... And that is why he always used to win so convincingly .... As he had these peoples support, NATIONALY !!! …. it was the support of the small time business men, and traders ...country wide ! …. Not his family or Northern Supporters. ... ? Well I think that, having talked to a LOT of these small time people ! ... 


…. So Prayut ??? …. Well I think that these small time guys all over the country probably support him !!! ... So well, .... Good luck for you BKK, intelligence (Read Money here), and children of the rich, Revolution.

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He's the one founded the party , how can he loan to his own founded party ????? He's funding his own party , how is that a loan ????? Ridiculous !!!! But anyway , i think nobody would expact any different outcome . Last news i heard is that a lot of thai now also are thinking big joke is dead . Some people went to become a monk at the same temple were he should have went and nobody heard of him or seen him . 

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Yes all true, …


….  except you lost me a bit at the end ... well as you approached to day ! ? Right. 


I think that Thailand was not colonized because of Geography, it just was too far, and to hard so sail right around, an up the Gulf to do it, … with hostile colonial European nations on either side of it !!! … So they just used it as a buffer state to play off their enemies, and to suite their own interests. Like allies that you could negotiate with, … and not have to fire a shot !!! (Smarter than a lot of Nations, which I will not mention) …


… Nothing to do with them selling out .... Most people do, do that … they only mask it with different Reasons ! … And the Americans do it also !!! ... And it is getting worse over there I think !!! … So let’s just see how the next election there goes, before we start accusing everyone else of selling out ???

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1 hour ago, aj73 said:

You litteraly don't have a clue about what you're talking about with regards to the US Govt and how it weilds it's foreign policy power. A common theme amongst people who watch too many movies and start thinking that's reality.


The CIA's mission in SE Asia is there to push back Chinese influence, intel collection, maintain mutual defense interests through counter espionage efforts, identify hostile targets, training, acquiring HUMINT, persons of interest etc; you know, the kinds of things spies do and have been doing for decades. 


*As for US/Thai relations they've cooled a bit, or rather have been largely neglected since 2014-ish. *That's opinion.


But the US Department of State runs the influence show.


You think Thai Generals are getting rich off US tax dollars?


You think what's going on in South America is driven by the CIA? 


Until you've worked in, or have exposure to that world, you might consider refraining from offering your 007 / Bourne Identity versions of the world.


Since you're into "sayings" here's one for you.. "Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see". Especially before you decide to provide opinion as fact. 


It's not surprising really, I mean we all know you Frenchies love to talk trash about everything that's "not french".. I do admire your commitment to arrogance though! 


The evil empire seems to be doing just fine without the French economy, who knows perhaps you self-proclaimed intellectuals might learn a thing or two when all of this plays out over the next 4-5 years.


Meanwhile, us evil Americans will keep trying to lead you Horses to the water, hopefully y'all are smart enough to drink it...  


Oh I forget, you only drink Champagne, maybe you're too drunk to know any better... ????????????


But seriously, it's niave at best to offer such nonsense as reality. I say that with total empathy...

"Meanwhile, us evil Americans will keep trying to lead you Horses to the water, hopefully y'all are smart enough to drink it..." 


Well, NO, …. …. You will just  Keep on trying to rip us all off more, more likely !!! ... … The Bottom Line Mate ! .... …


Follow the Money Trail !!! … And just at the moment it will just lead right back to that person that I am not allowed to talk about’s pocket, and his family and all of his Chorines. (The now corrupted Republicans) ....


I do see some of your good people trying to stop it, …  but well, ..."Money talks and <deleted> walks, USA” right ? ...They do not have a hope, just at the moment any way.


You will have to lose another War before that can happen ??? Right !!! Har har ….


I am Really trying it out today aren’t I !!! Right Har Har …

Edited by Mark mark
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52 minutes ago, Expat Tom said:

Thailand was never colonized because there was no necessity. It has always been for sale for the highest bidder...currently the Chinese.

That's a good summary of it. Thailand is as many of it's female inhabitants: ready to serve for a few baht. The irony of it is China is using the money it got from the west, through scams like reverse mergers and by exploiting it's own population as low cost work force to become "world factory", to buy Thailand. West should've put in a bid directly. I'm sure the Norwegians would've liked to own a tropical colony, a missed opportunity.

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36 minutes ago, Surasak said:

Can anyone clearly state and prove when, Thailand last had an honest and democratically elected government?

Pre Taksin Shinawarta's First one, which put the militarily on their back foot. ... from that point onward. ...


.... and the Popolarist power struggle only got worse every year after that.

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

There is no such thing as democracy, anywhere.

Ancient Greeks got close. The current leader is Switzerland, I think. Real, direct, real-time 24/7/365 democracy would now be possible thanks to new technologies like blockchain, but obviously politicians that benefit from the corrupt representational system will fight until last drop of blood to prevent that.


That said, Churchil quoted it well: 'Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others'. He was referring to the representational model.

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2 hours ago, Winky Wilson said:

Thailand and India are the only hope for free asian countries. 

Meh. Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong all have a better chance. All of them need more work, though, especially in cases where they have to get rid of China first.

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2 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Yes, unfortunately, is good advice. Francisca Castro being non-Thai and in the human rights group, I hope will spread the word. Having said that I'm not sure other governments aren't really bothered.



I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are not many places in SEA that could be used by a large western country's government to push back against the Chinese influence. The Philippines are out. China is in quite a weak position economically and politically at present, quite apart from the virus situation.

My reading of the political situation in China is that they have come full circle from the pre Mao days and are back to absolute rule by an emporer. The young people in China may just start pushing back en masse.

I certainly hope so.


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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Both Sections 66 and 72 also prohibit monetary contributions that exceed Bt10 million per year in total, the court noted.

That should read that they "...also prohibit declared monetary contributions..."


The backhanders and graft that remain part and parcel of Thai politics remains hidden and because it's ignored willfully unobserved, the government's appointed corruption czars can declare that if they have not seen any evidence then it simply doesn't exist.


FF were transparent in what they did as, like all other parties, they had to be squeaky clean and be in full compliance of the rules. Their adherence to the rules opened the door for the Constitutional Court to rule that something that FF declared in good faith and full compliance with the rules to be interpreted as being non-compliant. Why? Because for a misinformed government that revels in the hubris of a singularly misguided leader of a party that failed to garner the popular support it thought it had, it's supremely convenient to completely disable the single, independent political party that did get more attention and thus threaten their fragile existence.


...but you knew this already.

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2 hours ago, p414 said:

Democracy is certainly finished in any country where those who have the vote , do not work and rely on government benefits reach large enough numbers to decide who governs....England for example..Where roughly 47% of voters are 'lifelong labour' and the same number are 'lifelong tory'..it does not take too many minorities to be the deciding factor in all elections

Yes you are correct. To paraphrase an old saying 'no representation without taxation'. You don't pay tax then you should have no input into how other people's taxes are spent.

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8 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I wouldn't be so sure of that. There are not many places in SEA that could be used by a large western country's government to push back against the Chinese influence. The Philippines are out. China is in quite a weak position economically and politically at present, quite apart from the virus situation.

My reading of the political situation in China is that they have come full circle from the pre Mao days and are back to absolute rule by an emporer. The young people in China may just start pushing back en masse.

I certainly hope so.


Could be but then China is watched closely by other countries. Thailand would be/is just a country of indirect consequence.

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7 hours ago, seajae said:

looks like the pm is doing a hun sen, removing anyone/party that can challenge him, we may be in for a dictatorship for years to come looking at what the govt is doing, have to wonder how big the cake box sent to the court was, this does not bode well for Thailand


Agree completely. Cambodia was the first thing that came to mind when I read this. 

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2 hours ago, rosst said:

I am disgusted by this overt gerrymandering of the political landscape. 

I wonder why Western democracies like my country Australia are not monitoring this situation and protesting vigorously. 

I am not talking about a little protest letter, a total trade embargo or something that may get their attention. 

Then Aussies would be getting around on pushbikes. No Toyota's for you. Of course they could always buy an Aussie built car..... couldn't they?

Yes I'm an Aussie.

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1 hour ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

He's the one founded the party , how can he loan to his own founded party ????? He's funding his own party , how is that a loan ????? Ridiculous !!!! But anyway , i think nobody would expact any different outcome . Last news i heard is that a lot of thai now also are thinking big joke is dead . Some people went to become a monk at the same temple were he should have went and nobody heard of him or seen him . 

In India?

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11 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

She would have voted for FF, but overseas voting for Thai's requires you visit an embassy or consulate. Her view was paying for a flight to a consulate to participate in a forgone conclusion was flushing money down the toilet

I am not having a go at your wife as her excuse is just another iteration of the general apathy that prevails in Thailand which is not unique to Thai politics. Anyone here any length of time will have observed or experienced how they have a pretty low target before something like putting some air in the slow puncture, to getting the actual puncture properly fixed or even just getting something to eat is easily filed in the 'too hard' basket.


As John Stewart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

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21 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I am not having a go at your wife as her excuse is just another iteration of the general apathy that prevails in Thailand which is not unique to Thai politics. Anyone here any length of time will have observed or experienced how they have a pretty low target before something like putting some air in the slow puncture, to getting the actual puncture properly fixed or even just getting something to eat is easily filed in the 'too hard' basket.


As John Stewart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

Point taken.


My wife isn't typical, she's a coconut, since she grew up in the US.


And I think for many Thai's living overseas she's probably quite typical.


It's not apathy per se, but more a sense of sad resignation that this is just the destiny for Thailand

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