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Thailand road carnage: Bodies all over the road in Chonburi horror smash


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9 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Yes, but you haven’t got a ‘Third eye’ and can’t see what TheeEyedRaven can see in his dreams of perfection....  when it comes to quality BS the ThaiVisa 'online perfectionist’ has many beaten hands down.

Wonder how Spec Savers would handle the three eyed one.

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7 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Well yes, same for the car driver and no licence....


If spending 30 seconds to put on helmets (thereby delaying their departure) does not gel with you as to how they might have not been invloved and become  dead.... well you are a lost cause.

If you reckon a helmet on a motorbike will save you life in a head on with a car..... You may be right....but it will end up with a few more in the veggie patch. You may need to consult a medical professional to understand that term . Most bigger hospitals have a vegetable patch..

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7 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Well yes, same for the car driver and no licence....


If spending 30 seconds to put on helmets (thereby delaying their departure) does not gel with you as to how they might have not been invloved and become  dead.... well you are a lost cause.

I see your logic. If they spent 30 seconds putting on their helmets, they would have arrived at the scene thirty seconds later and hence the accident would never have happened. Absolutely brilliant. 

I make sure I leave thirty seconds late every day.

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5 hours ago, Polang said:

Obviously you never have been in the rural Thailand. 

In the majority of the rural areas of Thailand where have families that lives in villages around their farms that are farming rice exc products. 

People are poor and (most of them) can not afford cars....they commute with 30.000 to 40.000 baht motorbikes....schools are 2-4 kilometers away in distance and a member of the family pick up many times 2-3 children driving very carefully in a two-way (straight line) road from the village to school....

I seen this and done this many times. 

It is just how every day life continues to be in the poor rice farm villages. 

The roads are not great but are good enough....have good markings for not driving fast around schools and everybody knows what time people are going to pick up childrens.... and it is literally obvious because you can see hundreds of people picking up children from school and driving carefully back to home. 

It only takes 1 crazy and iresponsible car driver that is speeding and don't care for the situation to head crash to a family with motorbike... This can and will  happen every day if people don't want to care for themselves and the others....it is not an accident it is a way of driving without considering other people's life. 


I see the proverbial 11 year olds three up on a bike everyday going to school in the next big village. Never a problem. Most of the assumed problems come  from westerners living in a city who can't handle the reality of Thaiifestyle. And the reality is there aren't crazy speeding drivers in most villages. At least not where I am.

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Just now, emptypockets said:
7 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Well yes, same for the car driver and no licence....


If spending 30 seconds to put on helmets (thereby delaying their departure) does not gel with you as to how they might have not been invloved and become  dead.... well you are a lost cause.

I see your logic. If they spent 30 seconds putting on their helmets, they would have arrived at the scene thirty seconds later and hence the accident would never have happened. Absolutely brilliant. 

I make sure I leave thirty seconds late every day.

Facetiousness in the face of common sense... 


Obviously wearing a helmet in this case would have made little difference. However, there are plenty of people who would otherwise not be alive and fully functioning if it weren’t for helmets.  

Such an example presented himself on a recent thread about choice of modular helmets [https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/879725-modular-helmet/]


I’m sure you are not implying that helmets are useless, correct? You are just implying that they are not always life savers, in which case Don Mega’s common sense points are valid and you are arguing with him for the sake of argument. 






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2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

I see the proverbial 11 year olds three up on a bike everyday going to school in the next big village. Never a problem. Most of the assumed problems come  from westerners living in a city who can't handle the reality of Thaiifestyle.


The statistics disagree: Road accidents are the most common cause of death for 10-14 year olds in Thailand.


I get that we should not be overzealous in bringing our Western morals to Thailand without attempting to understand the multifaceted cultural issues at hand, however, Thailands road fatality statistics are damning - there really is no excuse no matter how we try and dress up the ‘poverty angle’ that families cannot afford a car, or helmets etc...  people can still be educated not to ride with such disregard for their own safety, laws can still be enforced, families can be spared the devastation. 






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5 hours ago, ToThailand said:

Shouldnt be 4 people riding on a bike in the first place. Thailand should look over laws and regulations and inforce the laws properly. And should attend to drivingschool and impliment longer driving courses so they hopefully learn something

By what logic do you derive at how may people should be on a motorbike?

Don't quote your home country rules and regulations.

Use logic.

15kw motor. Built for western fat bastards to ride, say 200 or 250 kg load. Brake capacity to suit maximum expected load. Four or five Thais isn't a problem design wise or in practice.

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2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:
5 hours ago, ToThailand said:

Shouldnt be 4 people riding on a bike in the first place. Thailand should look over laws and regulations and inforce the laws properly. And should attend to drivingschool and impliment longer driving courses so they hopefully learn something

By what logic do you drive st how may people should be on motorbike?

Don't quote your home country rules and regulations. Use logic.

15kw motor. Built for western fat bastards to ride, say 200 or 250 kg load. Brake about to suit maximum expected load. Four or five Thais isn't a problem design wise or in practice.


A valid point, a family of 4 who don’t have access to public transport (many people don’t) can’t be begrudged a family vehicle, in this case a bike. 

4 up on a motorcycle (2 adults / 2 kids) in itself is not the major issue. The major issue is the lack of helmets and the driving / riding standards which are a facet of poor education on road safety. 


Drowning and RTA’s are the leading causes of death for Children in Thailand, both are avoidable, education can bring improvement. 

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5 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

I have been driving in Thailand for 50 years and say little has changed other than many more vehicles on the roads. There is no driving discipline or enforcement so always be alert. 

Only fifty years....lightweight. if some posters are to believed they have learned a lot more than you in a much shorter timeframe.


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2 hours ago, Mung said:

I've seen more than once somebody driving a motorbike with a baby on their knee, driving one handed while cradling the unaware little one. Absolute insanity. If you really loved and cared for a young life like that, something should trigger in your mind when you plonk one on your knee and ride a motorbike around one handed surely 

You need to get out more . I've seen babies being breastfed at traffic lights. Not in Thailand I should stress. There is much, much worse to challenge western sensibilities in other SEA countries..

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Such a tragedy, and yet another data point in the scooter vs car safety debate. 


Regardless of fault, helmets, driving skills, or any other factor, had they been buckled into a 4 wheel vehicle, they'd be at home now with their loved ones.  Maybe a little sore, and with a car repair issue.  But alive.


I have all the empathy in the world for the folks that can't afford a car, and are forced onto scooters (or loaded into the back of a pickup truck) by simple economics.  But if you can afford it...


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11 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Ahhhh, the one with no helmet or licence.... what additional punishment do you think he should be dealt ?

Do not need any additional punishment , moron already killed 2 other people, punishment will not be bringing them back 

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I'm okay with having lots of people on a scooter (saw five plus a chicken the other day). My personal opinion is the biggest impact could be had by more enforcement of speeding laws and things like not riding the wrong way on roads and not riding on sidewalks. The other day on a highway, a scooter passed me with two adults and an infant. No helmets. They had to be going over 90kph. Not a slow village jaunt to school. If they had to swerve, they'd wreck. Also, making people accountable for causing other people to wreck. I see people in cars and on scooters flying across lanes or out into traffic without looking and with no regard for others and this causes others to swerve, sometimes wrecking. 

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20 hours ago, ubon farang said:

4 people on a bike I thought motorbikes were made for 2 people It is just murder on wheels and it goes on day afer day with a useless police force doing nothing to help the situation

Fino seating area is a bit small, a Wave you can get 5 on!

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7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

By what logic do you derive at how may people should be on a motorbike?

Don't quote your home country rules and regulations.

Use logic.

15kw motor. Built for western fat bastards to ride, say 200 or 250 kg load. Brake capacity to suit maximum expected load. Four or five Thais isn't a problem design wise or in practice.

The manufacturer's manual for most bikes says 2 persons max. Some only 1 person if there's no room for a pillion.


You are just being deliberately argumentative now.



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21 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

It never ceases to amaze me that these people can't recognise reckless driving, and driving with undue care and attention,

What about the recklessness of having 4 people on a motorcycle? Seems to me that this reduces the chances of doing an evasive maneuver...

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21 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Without any doubt it was the car driver's fault in not anticipating danger. How do I know? Well, having driven in Thailand for over 5 years, it's become my norm to engage defensive driving at all times - because for the very reason that the majority of other road users could well be idiots.

My way of driving too .  Always expect the unexpected , never believe and indicator signal , special attention at u turns , look L & R when lights turn green same when joining one way dual carriageway as often motor bikes and even cars drive the wrong way against the traffic . The worse has to be night driving especially on unlit roads where all types of vehicles are unlit etc etc . Finally , Thai driving standards are poor and they are selfish and inconsiderate drivers , will never invite you to pull from a side road and join the traffic queue , bumper to bumper stops that . A flash of headlights means after you in the UK but here its out of my way I am coming through . Under age motor bike riders is a massive problem especially when 4 passengers and all texting but who gives a toss in authority ? keep collecting tea money at roadside checks , thats why 

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2 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

The manufacturer's manual for most bikes says 2 persons max. Some only 1 person if there's no room for a pillion.


You are just being deliberately argumentative now.



Think he might be pointing out the bleeding obvious, put 1 or 4 on a bike that is ridden with care is reasonably safe until some crazy car driver crosses to the wrong side of the road and cleans them up. 

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Had a car pull out in front if me yesterday, cuttings g me off. Had to lay over my scooter in order to avoid hitting the car.

Was suprised,  but he car actually did stop to see if I was okay... 

Road rashed up one leg and scratched up some of my motorbike 

.... I guess it could have been worse.

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23 hours ago, ubon farang said:

4 people on a bike I thought motorbikes were made for 2 people It is just murder on wheels and it goes on day afer day with a useless police force doing nothing to help the situation

Yesterday my dear friends I lost power for 3 hours. Why do you ask? There was a car accident on a corner on the main drag . A car did not take the corner and ran off the road and someone was killed plus knocking down the power pole. Hence no power. In the last 6 month there have been 5 accidents on that corner and 4 people have died.  The corner is not that difficult to negotiate. Reason why they run off is because of excess speeding. I walk along that road and those  cars are going well over the speed limit. We all know the limit of Thai driving skills Its very limited and they just cant get around that corner because they are driving way to fast . Authorities reaction to latest accident .I know you are all going to say they  stepped  up police patrols along the main drag to catch these speeding drivers? Wrong. They painted the rails that go around the corner silver  You think that will stop the Thais from speeding around the corner Just more deaths coming up

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1 minute ago, ubon farang said:

Yesterday my dear friends I lost power for 3 hours. Why do you ask? There was a car accident on a corner on the main drag . A car did not take the corner and ran off the road and someone was killed plus knocking down the power pole. Hence no power. In the last 6 month there have been 5 accidents on that corner and 4 people have died.  The corner is not that difficult to negotiate. Reason why they run off is because of excess speeding.

Maybe the reason is ghosts, not speeding.

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I hope they check his phone if he was talking in LINE, calling someone or otherwise distracted with some activity. 


I've been in a car with a Thai driver who video-called her children during driving. Made me quite scared, cause I know I can't focus on the road while calling, so I avoid it at all costs. 

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On 3/7/2020 at 11:00 AM, Kinnock said:

If the car driver was paying proper attention and looking well ahead and scanning all lanes, as experienced driver should do, then the action taken by the driver when the other bike moved across would not be to swerve into the path of an oncoming bike.


The car driver was at fault, and probably the other bike rider too.  Plus were the kids wearing helmets?


Looks like nobody but the kids were innocent here.

Many times motorbikes do sudden movements which car driver can't prevent or predict. So that's that. No matter what's the reason of this accident but you can't blame anyone without knowing the facts first. Come to live at Pattaya so you can see terrible motorbike driving, and also some cars do stupid sht in here too. So I won't blame only motorbikes.

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On 3/7/2020 at 10:53 AM, stephenterry said:

Without any doubt it was the car driver's fault in not anticipating danger. How do I know? Well, having driven in Thailand for over 5 years, it's become my norm to engage defensive driving at all times - because for the very reason that the majority of other road users could well be idiots.

Having driven in here over 3 years now (mostly cars). Come to see how motorbikes drive in Pattaya and 80% they cause them own death because stupid driving. And I never meant that car drivers don't do stupid sht, seen that too, but you can't blame anyone without knowing all the facts. I don't even bother talking to you anymore.

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