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"Three things the virus does not like: 1. Sunlight, 2. Temperature, and 3. Humidity,"

Don Chance

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From what I've read, it's more specifically UV radiation that viruses can't handle rather than sunlight. Stay outdoors by the swimming pool for the next few months and you'll be fine, apart from getting five varieties of skin cancer, lol.

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30 minutes ago, zhounan said:

Yes, the test in Italy is free, everyone can go to the hospital and test for free (this is not the same in country with no Free Health Care like Thailand is), and about the region Lombardia the authorities are literally testing randomly.


Many nation don't do test? Many hide the numbers, like Germany are doing, to less damage on their economy

Germany concealing numbers, where's that being reported or discussed?? They've currently reported 1224 plus one extra death today. 

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I think there could be something to this,look it is early march in Europe and Usa,so it is still pretty cold,same as korea and most of china,here we are at the start of summer already it is very hot where i live about bang smack in the middle of the country,so yes i think there could be some truth in this.

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

This guy is part of the team who isolated the original SARS virus, they were working on a vaccine way back when until the funding was pulled when it came under control.


It is mentioned that had the work on the SARS vaccine been completed then it may have accelerated work on the vaccine for this new variant of SARS.


Interesting video interview for anyone who's interested : https://www.dw.com/en/hong-kong-university-sheds-light-on-coronavirus/av-52526237


Don't write off what these guys say - they're experts in their field.

This is also a very good read if you or anyone else is up for it, it's relaxed me a lot, e.g. different times and a lot of facts that we haven't been told about which could help a lot of us to chill worldwide.



Edited by 4MyEgo
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1 hour ago, lockyv7 said:

glad im back in Australia where it's hot, sunny and humid, no chance of anyone getting it here then. 

The numbers back in Oz have steadily been on the up if you keep up with the statistics, e.g. 91 at time of posting, that said the government have done a great job in closing its borders, quarantining people and asking people to self quarantine for 14 days, so to speak ahead of the winter months approaching in June, July, August, now whether that was done to appease the public because of the way they reacted with the bushfires, who knows ?


The above said, the numbers will increase if people don't adhere to what is being told, unlike here in Thailand where it's everyone for themselves, no dunny roll puns ????


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16 hours ago, Susco said:

I don't think the virus Thaivisa cynic brigade likes facts either.

Tell me about it!!! I got trolled over printing some facts recently. Just because some keyboard tappers don't like the facts, it does not make it any less true i???????????????? ????????????????

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17 hours ago, Don Chance said:

This was a bit of mystery as how million of Chinese can come to Thailand in February and there was not mass out break.  Thailand might be a good place to avoid the virus along with other hot tropical countries. Another good point about Thailand is there are lot of private hospitals so if you do get very sick i think you could find service.


"Three things the virus does not like: 1. Sunlight, 2. Temperature, and 3. Humidity," Nicholls said in response to a question about when he thinks confirmed cases will peak.

Two of those, high temperature, 37 degrees celcius +, and humidity you have in the human body, and that not seems to disturb the virus very much. I also advise you to read https://www.newscientist.com/article/2233249-will-the-covid-19-coronavirus-outbreak-die-out-in-the-summers-heat/ Where among others David Heymann at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, points out that the MERS coronavirus has spread in Saudi Arabia in August, when it is very hot. “These viruses can certainly spread during high temperature seasons,” he says.

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2233249-will-the-covid-19-coronavirus-outbreak-die-out-in-the-summers-heat/#ixzz6GHGGrWiO

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1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

I think there could be something to this,look it is early march in Europe and Usa,so it is still pretty cold,same as korea and most of china,here we are at the start of summer already it is very hot where i live about bang smack in the middle of the country,so yes i think there could be some truth in this.

singapore, malaysia have strong sun ... there goes your theory

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13 hours ago, Don Chance said:

No doubt there is some in Thailand but it is nothing like Italy or Korea. It is not multiplying exponentially like other countries. It would have happened by now.


Also look at all the open food markets! You are nuts if you eat anything from trays sitting out in the open. But despite this it doesn't seem so bad, you can't hide it if there are 1000's of cases.

Edited 13 hours ago by Don Chance

Well from the first record of a case of the Corona virus in Thailand the cases of flue have raised from 0 to over 3000, so I am not really sure that it could not be hided.

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9 hours ago, Tayaout said:

So you are getting your facts on accuweather that got it from a leaked document? 

The source is legit, it doesn't really matter how they got hold of it or who wrote the article / how it was published.


This guy and his team are one of the most active virologist teams in the world, they were the first to isolate SARS when it hit, they worked on MERS and now they're working on COVID-19.


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EU health officials have absolutely no referenced proof that this virus flees heat or humidity....how else can one explain that there were people infected in Saudi Arabia ?....and the China areas are highly humid....In such troubled times on such a serious global threat, such .nonsense claims should not be tolerated and plainly deleted.

Edited by observer90210
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3 hours ago, zhounan said:

Yes, the test in Italy is free, everyone can go to the hospital and test for free (this is not the same in country with no Free Health Care like Thailand is), and about the region Lombardia the authorities are literally testing randomly.


Many nation don't do test? Many hide the numbers, like Germany are doing, to less damage on their economy

How is Germany hiding it?! The numbers are being updated daily and we had the first two reported fatalities, so what are you talking about?

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There are that many experts in this field all around the world and you hear different claims from each of them, so who is right and who is wrong, we will never know. All we know is that there is a killer virus out in the world. All these so called experts still have never found a cure for the common cold or the normal flu but they know all about this virus. As for the numbers infected, no country will ever be able to give accurate figures because of people that live in the remote areas of the countries who do not go to a doctor but instead self medicate the way that their families have for centuries and when some of them die there is no medical examination to find the cause of death but instead they are buried as per their traditional ways. How many are there that are infected here in Thailand that live in the remote villages that only go to towns once a month and then take the virus back to the village that they come from. The true numbers will never be known.

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A lot of misinformation and misunderstanding so far, probably including me also.

First we need to understand that  heat and humidity  slows down the transmission of the virus  because it limits the time it survives outside the body, and changes human behaviour, It does not mean that it will not still transmitted person to person, or that if you already have it , that the hot weather will cure you. Inside the body it survives differently than it does in the outside environment. 

  If we look at a virus case map, is it a coincidence that countries and regions most affected are all northern, colder regions?

  Did people from those regions travel to hot places like Saudi Arabia? (population 30 million, 9 million guest workers) sure they did, did these people stay in air conditioned environments?  did they touch things and cough on people? 

 Is Florida hot? does it have a lot of tourists? do they have air conditioning? Do they touch and hug each other? touch things other people touch?

   I am there now. In Daytona beach is Bike Week, there are bikers from all over the country, right now Daytona is a zoo, we stay away from there. Do you think there will be a spike in cases reported in the next couple of weeks? I think it will , having little to do with weather and how the virus behaves in hot humid weather. 

   So let's put things in perspective.

I think the evidence seem to suggest that hot humid weather slows down the transmission of the decease but does not eliminates it, the fact that occurs at hot places does not mean that it should  not happen , but means that there are other  contributing factors also. I think that as summer comes and it gets hot most places, in combination with other measures the transmission rate will fall to less than 1:1 and will fizzle out on it's own. Hopefully by the time it re emerges in the Fall we will have a vaccine

    Until such time   I hope it doesn't cause structural economic damage , that will take years to recover from.   





Edited by sirineou
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Just now, ukrules said:

It's not summer yet



also 9 million guest workers (one third of the population) that came there from other infected countries, got on planes to get there, and  spend time at airports.

As of yesterday 11 cases reported, mostly in one region. My nephew and his wife are there now, I spoke with him yesterday on skype.

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This virus is new and being so there are many differing opinions from experts:


"David Heymann at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, points out that the MERS coronavirus has spread in Saudi Arabia in August, when it is very hot. “These viruses can certainly spread during high temperature seasons,” he says.


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Hot weather, humidity... it's irrelevant. The virus may not survive long outside, but it will definitely survive inside your body and fluids regardless of the weather. 

If an infected person goes to a supermarket and coughs around to your face and it happens to go into your eyes, mouth or nose, you will most likely get it, regardless of the weather outside. 


Depending on your immune system, you may not have symptoms and still pass around the virus to others.

This is one of the main challenges with COVID-19 where people without symptoms can be carriers and pass it around to older people with weaker immune systems that get sick and die.


Weather may help slow down the virus outdoors, but will do nothing indoors with AC on all day (think bts during rush hour for example). There were some reports in China, that an old grandma, infected the grand daughter within just 5 minutes.


Expert opinions should still be questioned and that's why, in the scientific community, scientists have to have their research reviewed by their peers before it can be accepted. The fact that the major expert says something like this, can be interpreted by the media in many different ways. Furthermore, regardless of who he is, I'm pretty sure that anyone can make a mistake... nobody is perfect.


In my opinion we should take experts advice but judge the logic of it by ourselves.

No point of jumping from the bridge and die, just because some world known expert said it's good for your health.





Edited by peixotorms
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20 hours ago, Don Chance said:

For that reason, he also added that he doesn't expect areas such as Australia, Africa and the Southern hemisphere to see high rates of infection because they are in the middle of summer.

Yeah, it's not like anyone in Australia has ever died from a virus because it's so hot and dry there. ????






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5 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Yeah, it's not like anyone in Australia has ever died from a virus because it's so hot and dry there. ????






Can you please stop quoting facts that put things into perspective as i would like to enjoy the current mass hysteria and fear porn.

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