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Trump suspends all travel from Europe to the United States to fight coronavirus

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13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Fair enough, its the POTUS's job to make sure Hospitals dont run out of supplies 

I'll just send Trump  a message and remind him to get some face masks ordered and some hand gel ......and also some toilet paper as well, just incase people panic buy 


Yes, please send him a note. 

  • Haha 1
23 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Where has it been said that only U.K passport holders will be able to travel to US from U.K ?? 

Please provide a credible link because I can't find one anywhere !!

Watched the live broadcast and heard him say 'won't apply to the UK'.

Later news casts also mention that all who have visited the 7??? high risk countries in the previous 4 weeks won't be allowed to travel from UK to USA.

USA people can do if they have been pre-screened??

17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. 

Haters gonna hate. 

???? Sad... 



Had'nt the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic, yesterday's Trump would damn today's Trump and vice versa. 

Typical of Trump ambivalent statements when under pressure. 

But most importantly to Trump.. "there is no financial crisis"

  • Confused 1
6 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

This from the lips of the man who told us less than a week ago there was nothing to worry about.
Mind you he also said that about the Stock Market. 
Vote for someone you can trust !!  

Dow jones dropped another 1500 points yesterday after he spoke. The DJ futures looking at another 1000 point loss.

  • Confused 1
12 minutes ago, legend49 said:

Dow jones dropped another 1500 points yesterday after he spoke. The DJ futures looking at another 1000 point loss.

The travel ban was most damaging as he didn’t consider nor coordinate with the allies and related industries. Many were caught off guard, unprepared and confuse adding to the Dow & S£P nervousness and uncertainty. 

  • Confused 2

Looks like the CiC has bought into the commie/democrat corona hoax. 


Sean Hannity used his syndicated talk-radio program on Wednesday to share a prediction he had found on Twitter about what is really happening with the coronavirus: It’s a “fraud” by the deep state to spread panic in the populace, manipulate the economy and suppress dissent.

“May be true,” Mr. Hannity declared to millions of listeners around the country.


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/11/us/politics/coronavirus-conservative-media.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

well thats a difference in price in just a few minutes.


Whats your point by the way? 

They are free in NY. You germans are getting ripped off.

How much is a plane ticket to NY to get that free test?

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3 hours ago, varun said:

"Europe" is ambiguous - probably means EU.



Probably looking at a map from 1941.

  • Confused 1
7 hours ago, Elzear said:

Not from UK, hey ...? Sounds like the Echelon is alive and well ! 

The whole thing stinks

I will leave it at that.

2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

If, some years from now, this turns out to be a sinister conspiracy to reverse

globalism, it will go down as one of the most diabolical but effective means

ever drummed up.

Only if he's willing to die for the cause.

2 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

much more serious problem will be this travel ban.

many more lives will be destroyed by it.

trump know it, he knows that there is over reaction to this virus,

he knows that millions of lives will be destroyed, if you stop travel

and block economies like that. riots, violence, even world war can start

just like that, because of few months of blockage.

but he was propably pressed by his advisors and other ministers to

do so.

Presbyterian, Methodist, or Southern Baptist?

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

A creepy half mindless money grubbing goof who doesnt know what day it is.

I still can't figure out which one you're referring to.

  • Confused 1
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6 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

only when you have healthcare, otherwise  $1600.

He asked for a source of this claim. Either you have it, or you are not being honest. Which is it? 

47 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The travel ban was most damaging as he didn’t consider nor coordinate with the allies and related industries. Many were caught off guard, unprepared and confuse adding to the Dow & S£P nervousness and uncertainty. 


International cooperation and coordination, especially with supposed allies, has never been his strong suit.


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