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Just had the COVID inspectors around checking on me.

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Maybe 1178 was called, however I am not surprised - can't you all realize the present pro-military Government and "establishment" do not want long term ex-pats living in Thailand any more. Only tourists with mega bucks to spend (after COVID-19) and those ex-pats rich enough to KEEP money in a THAI bank account. Think about all the bureaucratic rules and regulations now mandatory, TM this, TM that, Proof of income, Letter from bank and computer print out, medical insurance, green book, yellow book, blue book any other colored book, to make life as difficult as possible. How many of you have to use an "agent' to overcome this and "present" an envelope (especially in Pattaya/Chonburi)? I will say no more other than I am very glad I left LOS for a neighboring country with its simplicity. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Onrai said:

There are hundreds of articles on the internet specifying washing your hands with soap is just as effective as using hand sanitizer. Look up recommendations on UNICEF website. If you are not going to do the research to inform yourself I wouldn’t blame others. In addition, 2 meters is the recommended distance between people in public spaces in the USA now. 

Is that 2 metres between heads or between stomachs? ????

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, KeeTua said:

And so many Farangs were bashing the Thais for doing so little to stop the spread of the virus and when the Thais do try to  get a handle on it they meet with this kind of attitude.

During WWII the US government tried to get a handle on that pesky Japanese issue and ended up interning 120,000 US citizens who where immigrants from Japan.  The lesson here?  Xenophobia is extremely ugly and leads to inhuman treatment of otherwise innocent people.  And imho, if that kind of racism shows it's ugly head in Thailand?  It's a big, ugly problem.  What the government need to do is check their intentions.  Targeting long-stay foreigners because they are, well foreigners, is not a rational action, it's simply racist.
 The assertion could have been made in 1942 that the police and soldiers were just doing their jobs rounding up the foreigners of Japanese decent.
"Don't give the nice men attitude they're just trying to get a handle on things." 
Not in 1942; not in 2020 - not when actions are motivated by racist intent.

11 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



No.   Soap and water is said to be far better than the hand sanitizers according rUS medical people.   

  • Like 1

Well we had a visit from the nurse in a nearby village yesterday as we are quarantined after returning from Europe.  We weren’t home because we went to Macro in ChiangMai to stock up on farang food.   The wife figures her sister in law called them when she saw us leave our property.  So the nurse called the wife asking what we were doing and she explained I needed to stock up on my kind of food.   That was it.    Locals here are afraid they’re gonna catch it from us or our dogs though we aren’t sick yet.   

13 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



You are  under the wrong immpresion, many sites say the best way to prevent spread /infection is to wash your  hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Doesn't even have to be anti-bacterial soap can be any kind of soap. Soap with water brakes down the fat molecular bond that holds the virus togther and then the water washes it away. In absense of soap and water sanitising gel with at least 70 percent alcohol  can be used but not quite as effective.



Q: WHAT can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of disease?


A:  The primary way to protect yourself is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds regularly and effectively, especially before you eat, and as soon as you come into your house or workplace.

If soap and water is not available you can use hand sanitiser. You should also avoid touching your face, and try and keep a distance from anyone coughing and sneezing around you.



  • Like 1
15 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



How to kill CoronVirus at home on surfaces and hands


  • Like 2
5 hours ago, tlock said:

This morning a thai guy buying street food walking merrily along in my direction made a big show of pulling his t-shirt over his nose and mouth mask style as he got close to me and then immediately undid it after he had passed.  Did make my blood boil a bit.  

That's sad. His government have probably brainwashed him into thinking it is a 'farang' disease. All knowledge that the Chinese are responsible for this with their messing about with animals will be conveniently forgotten to pave the way for their re-entry into the kingdom post-apocalypse. Sad.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Chazar said:

what  happened  to  the  Gestapo  then?

They are being measured for form fitting leather breeches, as we type

  • Haha 1

...as we are quarantined after returning from Europe.  We weren’t home because we went to Macro in ChiangMai to stock up on farang food. 


Jeez, perhaps you need to check what 'quarantine' means:





a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.
a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease.
a system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease.
Could you not get someone else to do the shopping for your 'farang' food?  Perhaps a short term measure would be to eat Thai food that you can get delivered from your locality.
  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Silencer said:

In the USA, on the beaches, in the bars, and on the streets for an extended Spring Break, you will find university kids crammed together partying day and night up til this moment. CV won't be leaving the US anytime soon.

Yes, there will always be a section of the population that doesn’t’t follow the rules. In case you haven ‘t been reading the news 

spring break has been canceled and the airports and beaches shown on CNN this morning are empty.

9 hours ago, Silencer said:

n the USA, on the beaches, in the bars, and on the streets for an extended Spring Break, you will find university kids crammed together partying day and night up til this moment. CV won't be leaving the US anytime soon.

You haven't been reading much about what is going on in the US have you? Place is on freaking lockdown Poindexter. My brother is working from home as is the rest of their office. 


Spring break was starting up and then just as quickly, cancelled. That was news last week. as in Miami beach OFFICIALLY declared no spring break on march 12. Everywhere else did too within two days of that..   You should try reading the news, beats guessing hands down. 

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Infection control 101

Friction running water soap, alcohol as additive (in sanitizers as that is what makes for lack of running water) is good but not necessary and most people do not wash for 20 seconds they do 2 second rub.



The only good Thing to come out of this is the local restaurants etc. are learning to (hopefully) wash hands.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, simon43 said:




Jeez, perhaps you need to check what 'quarantine' means:





a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.
a period, originally 40 days, of detention or isolation imposed upon ships, persons, animals, or plants on arrival at a port or place, when suspected of carrying some infectious or contagious disease.
a system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease.
Could you not get someone else to do the shopping for your 'farang' food?  Perhaps a short term measure would be to eat Thai food that you can get delivered from your locality.
It's why they created a thing called a face mask.  Here as most other places essential travel includes trips for food and medicine/doctors.


22 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



Even every brand of alcohol that you can get doesn't have 60% alcohol in them . ????


It seems Thailand has definitely shifted the masses' thinking into this being solely a white / western disease nowadays.


I guess they were probably told by Chinese overlords to not make them look too bad to the general Thai public, à la Anutin's recent outbursts. 


hahahaha, they would have to get past our bang kaew first to even get in the gate, good luck with that. No speak english, they get no where and would be told to go away and get someone that can

  • Like 2
23 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

That is a sad and unsettling story.


It's very unnerving how many people are reacting to this virus, and I think we are seeing the true faces of many raciest and ignorant people now, and it will only get worse.


It is not just here in Thailand by any means though.  


I also live in a small village, but there are a few farangs here.  There is a very small local bar we go to a couple times a week, for several years, and I know the owners and family really well, we all got along great all this time.  But, lately the attitude has changed of the owners there.  The female owner is so scared about the virus and told me we should in isolation in our house for 14 days.  I though she was joking at first, but sadly no.  last time we went back and they are all frantically washing their hands with some liquid soap every 5 minutes, and we did not do it... so they bought the dispenser to us.  


I found myself feeling compelled to do it, even though I read the bottle and it was only anti bacterial soap... nothing to do with viruses and it had only weak alcohol in it.. not enough to kill the virus.  Did I tell them they were all wasting their time using the useless stuff... no... I just played along with it to keep them happy.


It was clear that their attitude has changed toward us... and they are scared to come near us now (the lady in particular now does not chat to us and always sits as far away from out table as she can), because of the rubbish their have been watching on the TV and gossiping amongst themselves.  



Washing you hands with good old ordinary soap for 20 seconds is not just ok it's better than a disinfecting gel. Using hot water. There is science in it, and I read that as I was curious. And antibacterial gel is useless. Must be a gel with 60% alcohol content. Or just use alcohol!


Well, we are all referred to as aliens if we are not Thai, so perhaps we are treated as the "unknown".....:whistling:




I wonder if Thai folk know I was immunised against Hepatitis before I came here, for obvious reasons... 

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, LomSak27 said:


Spring break was starting up and then just as quickly, cancelled. That was news last week. as in Miami beach OFFICIALLY declared no spring break on march 12. Everywhere else did too within two days of that..   You should try reading the news, beats guessing hands down. 

Plenty of beaches remained open until last night, not the 'main' ones but they were out there.


Clearwater Beach was packed full yesterday but they have plans to close it down according to NBC



On 3/19/2020 at 12:07 PM, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



Soap and water and a decent 20-second wash will destroy the lipid (fatty) protein outer shell of the virus without which it easily disintegrates.


The alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the convenient backup alternative since wash basins and soap aren't in abundance in offices, banks and supermarkets.






On 3/19/2020 at 11:37 PM, sletraveler said:

No.   Soap and water is said to be far better than the hand sanitizers according rUS medical people.   


Sorry, maybe you and all the others that quoted my post did not read my first post.  That is my fault.. I should have been more clear. 


Some of the replies were a bit off hand, basically telling me to go educate myself (when they clearly misunderstood my post themselves) and calling me a privileged white male (like they know anything about my life / ethnicity / religion etc).  




They were not using soap and water or washing hands for 20 seconds under hot running water. They were just using a fragrant anti bacterial hand gel... with hardly any alcohol content. 


I read the label carefully to check ingredients and instructions and nowhere on the label did it say it killed viruses, only bacteria. 


23 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

Washing you hands with good old ordinary soap for 20 seconds is not just ok it's better than a disinfecting gel. Using hot water. There is science in it, and I read that as I was curious. And antibacterial gel is useless. Must be a gel with 60% alcohol content. Or just use alcohol!


Thanks, that is what I thought.  

4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:




Sorry, maybe you and all the others that quoted my post did not read my first post.  That is my fault.. I should have been more clear. 


Some of the replies were a bit off hand, basically telling me to go educate myself (when they clearly misunderstood my post themselves) and calling me a privileged white male (like they know anything about my life / ethnicity / religion etc).  




They were not using soap and water or washing hands for 20 seconds under hot running water. They were just using a fragrant anti bacterial hand gel... with hardly any alcohol content. 


I read the label carefully to check ingredients and instructions and nowhere on the label did it say it killed viruses, only bacteria. 



Thanks, that is what I thought.  

Still some miss information. Doesn't need to be "hot" water can be cold or warm.  The soap breaks down the bond that holds the virus together with the water washing it away. Any soap will work doesn't need to be antibacterial or say it kills bacteria/virus  it just does.

Gues you didn't watch the entire video you comented on earlier. In no part does it state you need to use hot water with the soap to kill virus

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