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Emerging infectious diseases expert warns “Time is running out for Thailand”


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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

I bought 40 chloroquinine for 80 baht, there is quite a lot of evidence from China, Japan and Australia that it is effective, not all Doctors are up to date. Nobody claims it prevents or cures, it interferes with virus replication and shortens the illness. I thought it was over the counter medicine in the UK?

Where in Thailand did you buy it? PM me please ????

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4 hours ago, monkfish said:

So how will they decide who gets it? Will it be first come first serve? (as it should be)

Age and ability to pay perhaps

But in extreme times a 70 who less able to contribute on recovery than a 35 year old, and has young family and job, hard ethical decisions

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Don’t let panic overcome where you start  buying tests and medicines that do not work ! Panic will only make you anxious and unhappy. Listen a bit to the worlds specialists on virus and contagion. 
Social distancing, washing hands especially when you come back home , don’t touch your face. If you are ill, have a cough , sore throat, sneezing, do not go out . Get a neighbour to do some shopping for you. This is what we are doing in Europe. Do some home exercise and try to eat healthily. 

  • Thanks 1
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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

So there we have it. One patient requires about 70 tablets. In the worst-case scenario Thailand anticipates to eventually have to deal with about 400,000 virus patients, i.e. stocks of at least 28 MILLION tablets would be needed to treat them.


But.... what did the other clown announce today? (Yes, I mean that incompetent who has the galls of labeling himself "minister of public health" and who thinks that all foreigners are shabby, dirty individuals who bring the virus to Thailand).


The clown said:


  “For peace of mind, we need 50,000 tablets of Favipiravir,” he said. “There are already 80,000 tablets in stock, but we’re going to buy another 120,000 to hold in reserve. If we can get 200,000 tablets, that would be enough for all the virus patients in Thailand.”


Those 200,000 tablets would be just enough to treat about 2,860 patients, i.e. just a little over 5% of the 400,000 cases anticipated.


GET RID OF THAT CLOWN MAN QUICKLY! He evidently is completely unsuitable to hold such an important position.




Where did they find this man. Did he go to school?

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4 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

not sure but i know one thing i always somehow end up at the back of the queue in a government office ????

Bottom of the pile for many things with my thai lady. 




Dogs and cats. 




  • Haha 2
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If numbers climb to levels that some extrapolation algorithms predict there won't be enough medicine for nearly all of us, rich, in power or not! 

Welcome to the reality that life is extremely tenuous and we control nothing, least of all our own fates. 


Here's a few ideas: Get the best (sound reliable) advice you can about Covid19.

Stop travelling around, and congregating in groups (especially with people you don't know at all!) thinking that somehow YOU won't get or transmit this virus.

Stay home, stop travelling (if you have come to Thailand from Europe in the last few weeks practice safe distance protocols and wash and sanitise, if you feel at all unwell get yourself to a hospital ASAP get tested.

Stop all international and essential out of your suburb travel, don't come to Thailand or anywhere else.

Simply put a delay into holiday plans - this might mean you lose money but better that than your life or the life of one you love!

Control, your fearful imaginings and act responsibly and as medical experts ... like WHO advise.

Don't wait for someone else to save you, do the work of an adult and manage responsibly.

Stop writing uninformed, inflammatory, fear feeding stuff on TV for a start.    

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

I bought 40 chloroquinine for 80 baht, there is quite a lot of evidence from China, Japan and Australia that it is effective, not all Doctors are up to date. Nobody claims it prevents or cures, it interferes with virus replication and shortens the illness. I thought it was over the counter medicine in the UK?


I'd also like to know where to get. I will print out image for my local pharmacies. 

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22 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Thailand is being douped same as the US and Europe this CV is a hoax. China is 100% back to work!

Whether it is or not we will see ?

in the meantime, please give "Big Pharma" a chance to make billions, the desperate will buy anything that will give them a chance at immortality, while waiting for the magical vaccine from the same people who "created" the virus.

Remember the last great hope/scam. Tamiflu:- I guess this time it will be different - if you can convince yourself :wink:

"Hundreds of millions of pounds may have been wasted on a drug for flu that works no better than paracetamol, a landmark analysis has said."


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5 hours ago, PatOngo said:

But did'nt he pay for the position?

Probably he’s still thinking it would be free. He’ll see the amount of the bill exactly and precisely around the time when he will figure out what an “escape goat” is. Goes the same for most of his colleagues and superiors...

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This was BREAKING NEWS, this morning, but it is very early yet, so please take with a grain of salt awaiting further confirmations...
Tucker Carlson Tonight, March 18 202, at 44:18, speaking of the drug, Hydroxychloroquine, Gregory Rigano, Stanford Univ Med School Adviser said: "I am here to report that as of this morning, about 5:00 this morning, a well-controlled peer reviewed study, carried out by the most eminent infectious disease specialist in the world, Didier Raoult, MD PhD, out of the South of France, in which he enrolled 40 patients, again, a well controlled, peer review study, that showed a 100% cure rate against coronavirus..." Full story begins at 43:11
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45 minutes ago, rexall said:
This was BREAKING NEWS, this morning, but it is very early yet, so please take with a grain of salt awaiting further confirmations...
Tucker Carlson Tonight, March 18 202, at 44:18, speaking of the drug, Hydroxychloroquine, Gregory Rigano, Stanford Univ Med School Adviser said: "I am here to report that as of this morning, about 5:00 this morning, a well-controlled peer reviewed study, carried out by the most eminent infectious disease specialist in the world, Didier Raoult, MD PhD, out of the South of France, in which he enrolled 40 patients, again, a well controlled, peer review study, that showed a 100% cure rate against coronavirus..." Full story begins at 43:11

Probably this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924857920300820?via%3Dihub




Professor Raoult is an infectious diseases specialist and head of the IHU Méditerranée Infection, who has been tasked by - and consulted by - the French government to research possible treatments of Covid-19.

He said that the first Covid-19 patients he had treated with the drug chloroquine had seen a rapid and effective speeding up of their healing process, and a sharp decrease in the amount of time they remained contagious.


Like the others, helps but not a miracle cure.

Edited by DrTuner
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3 hours ago, Ebumbu said:


I'd also like to know where to get. I will print out image for my local pharmacies. 

That's what I did showed them a pic, tried all the chains like watsons and boots none had. Went to large family one in the end who normally sold it but were out, they ordered for next day

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The authorities in Thailand and ill suited for their jobs. We know that.


All those docs get together and recommend 2 week closures? That's all? And not to close restaurants and malls?




Close all non essential businesses for the near future.

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3 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Yup, those 3,000 dead Italians are just a hoax.


Idiot. Or troll.


The average age of those 3000 dead people is.... 79,5.


Most of them with 1 or several prior illnesses.


It means... most of them would have died during this year anyway. With or without virus.


On the report on march 17... ONLY 17 dead were under 50 years old.


More than 630 000 italians die, each year.


So who is the troll and the intellectually deficient now ?


If you can't grasp the scales... you are brainwashed.


If you want to study more :

-Diamond Princess cruise boat  :


->Perfect environment for the virus to thrive


->And perfect "target population" : old people (they are the main customers for cruises).


Despite those facts... What is the score ?


3500 people on board : 710 infected, 7 dead, 14 still in serious conditions.


Are you able to calculate percentages, or should we do it for you ?

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In Canada, there are many young people in hospital, some in ICU, so commenters who think

that only the old are sick, are sadly mistaken.  Mostly the old are dying, except for some doctors 

in China and other places are not old but have died as well.


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