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Thailand’s PM will take decisive action over COVID-19, but at the right time


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4 hours ago, TheAppletons said:

So...he hasn't really decided when to take decisive action?

No he is waiting for the "magic number" of infections and deaths, before he does that.


One cannot rush these things, after all his Health Minister claims WHO is full of admiration of their actions


Are chin masks the new fashion trend??


Edited by RJRS1301
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2 hours ago, ianezy0 said:

Thailand are doing the same as other countries in the world.

We can never stop the virus so there will be many many thousands who will inevitably catch Covid-19. Once this is understood, the governments must take the necessary steps to slow the spread.


Option 1. If we all carried on as normal there would be a massive influx of people with Covid-19 and the hospitals just wouldn’t cope. Not nice for a Doctor to have to decide who lives and who dies.


Option 2. If there was an immediate lock down of every establishment and everyone had to remain in lock down, then the virus would incubate. When the people would eventually be released from homes, the virus would be more virulent and spread like wild fire. Not to mention the panic!


Option 3. So, option 3 appears to be what the experts are putting forward. If you can’t stop the spread, a gradual slow down is required, so some people will inevitably catch the virus but it will slow down as more restrictions are enforced. This way, the amount of infected people will be spread over a much more lengthy period, which will, in turn, help to alleviate the overcrowding of hospitals.


At least, this is what I understand the reasoning.

Not sure what you mean by the virus will incubate.

My understanding is that's the period betwee catching it and showing symptoms. That happens inside you with any virus.

Or do you mean mutate

( change ) and that can make it weaker or stronger.

Edited by overherebc
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2 hours ago, smedly said:

I don't know - you have an opinion ?


it is about limiting people from close contact with others - treetown in Pattaya was in full swing last night very busy serving many people beer and food - look at the ban in the UK - restaurants were not excluded but could offer a delivery service or perhaps takeaway - just no sitting


some of the little restaurants around pattaya that serve many could be issued with an order - no sitting - takeaway only - that would make some sense IMO


so yes come to treetown and order food to go - no sitting all night drinking 


why is a restaurant selling food any different to a bar selling beer ? this is not an alcohol ban - it is not like a Buddhist holiday, I think there is some confusion

Fair comment. I dont disagree with anything you say.  It was more the case that until they declare a lockdown as such I can’t see behaviours changing. Where they leave grey areas it will just generally be ignored. 

Ive just travelled from the sticks down to Udon. First impressions driving  to and from the airport I see many noodles bars with Thais all huddled up.
I think unless they come out and clearly ban certain practices they will pretty much just carry on as usual.  

I will have a stroll out later and see if there has been any real change in attitude. I was here 2 weeks ago at the weekend so will be interesting to see. 

PS Grab and Panda must be raking in it, or soon will be. 

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

over the New Year, now you can share the bad times too... hope you put some money in  the bank because you're going to need it.

cannot get to the bank to get it, and soon no one will be accepting cash as the surface could carry the virus


Edited by RJRS1301
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9 hours ago, robblok said:

Yea but you miss one points bare are not essential but food is. So get over yourself and stop looking for conspiricies. Some services are essential, like food (plenty of that in shopping centers). Bars on the other hand are not essential. 

Mongers and bar girls would disagree. Never mind, now they are off to Isaan to spread some more.

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Should I be worried that our illustrious leader obviously hasn’t got a clue what to do? Nah, it’s only a deadly virus, mail pen rai eh.


This is the same man who continued to let Chinese tourists in when he should have shut the door.

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3 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

cannot get to the bank to get it, and soon no one will be accepting cash as the surface could carry the virus


Absolutely bang on the money RJRS1301. The virus can stay on a surface for up to 24 hours, IMO this is one of the most obvious ways to pass the virus on.


I'm not sure who is going to advise Cha Cha. The medics know precious little, the TAT team even less and the military have got the commandoes at the ready, but no real plan.


My advice it to only handle money (coin and paper) if you have gloves on. Keep any money in a sealed metal box at home. To safeguard others, tip the money into a ceramic dish (that has had a alcohol wipe) and put them into the microwave for a couple of minutes. Care must be taken when the money has just come out as the coins will be quite hot. And also a word of caution, go easy with the alcohol. Just a smear for anything going into the microwave.

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4 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

.......(that has had a alcohol wipe) and put them into the microwave for a couple of minutes. Care must be taken when the money has just come out as the coins will be quite hot. And also a word of caution, go easy with the alcohol. Just a smear for anything going into the microwave.


To be a little more practical regarding paper money, then iron it briefly at a high temperature and wash hands afterwards as the temperature of the iron will nuke anything.

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