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Leading Thai doctor in dire warning: Deadly Italian strain of Covid-19 now set to wreak havoc in Thailand


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3 minutes ago, guenter said:

Chinese propaganda, simple as that. Thai people are easily bought. Do some research or watch China Uncensored. The chinese government tried to blame the US for the virus, when that failed, as Trump immediately started calling it the China virus, China then started blaming Italy. Watch the several episodes on ccp's handling of the Wuhan virus and you will see how the ccp are propaganda experts.

I don't think so guenter, a chinese academic analysed the genome of the virus and found two strains, he then attributed more aggressiveness to one strain because it was present in bigger numbers. It's an easy mistake to make. He just didn't consider that it could be pure co-incidence.


I very much doubt this was a big propangada effort. Just a scientific error.

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1 hour ago, Letseng said:

What a load of bulldust. Problem in Italy is the social structure (2nd oldest population), too many non-symptomatic young ones live with older family members, social distancing wasn't taken too serious either. A month ago they still had a soccer match with 44thou spectators in Milan. What do ppl expect would happen. Everywhere they close the barn after the horse bolted. Same in Thailand.

With the public statement of this above medic Italians wont be too popular now. 

The UK is on the road to being Italy 2.0
We had a horse racing festival in Cheltenham about 2 weeks ago, where 250,000 people attended. Scotland saw France V Scoland in rugby with many French spectators making the journey. Not to mention most Brits think it's just the flu and are adopting the stiff upper lip approach. Nobody here wears or owns a mask, not to mention you cannot find them anywhere anyway. Yes they do not prevent you from getting it, but they prevent infected people from spreading it. I give it 3-4 weeks before the UK is totally ravaged by this

Edited by Mung
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5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

This is getting out of control.

I agree. Many facets of life here are out control. Horrific roadways deaths are ignored and not a matter of national importance. Corruption on a grand scale gets a lot of lip service, but transfers to inactive posts seem to be the solution for most ills. When amateur, croney, non-credentialed experts are placed in positions of authority, this type of response is the reward. The people get what they allow.

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Strains of viruses are mutating...period. There is more than 1 strain in China and there are many others around the world. There is NO proof that the "Italian strain"is more deadly then the others (there are at least 2 different strains in Italy North to South); why the dead toll in Italy is so high has mainly to do with the poor health system in the country, for example the shortage of thousands of respirators and testing kits.

 And for the remarks on "dirty Farangs", lets not forget where the virus originated from; so did SARS and so did the Bird flu. All out of unsanitary environments in China. PERIOD...

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Yes we know doctor, whatever is devilish comes from abroad. Does this in his opinion imply if Thailand only had to fight the THAI corona virus the situation would be under control since a long time ? Looks like it. Farangs are really bad and dangerous people.

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As far as I know :


1. Not one death of the virus in Italy, was without other underlying chronic health problems.


2. So far average age of those who have succombed to the virus in Italy is 85 years old. 


3. The notion of an asian strain versus a european strain is a theory for which no evidence has been presented.   

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6 hours ago, timendres said:
6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

there are more than two strains of the virus now. the Italian one is different.


and many comparisons to Italy and Thailand now in terms of potential numbers. 

I was not aware of this.



If you read the full article The Ian Jones of Reading University said

The differences between the two identified strains are tiny. In fact, they can’t really be considered to be separate “strains”, says Jones. And many of the genetic differences won’t affect the production of proteins, and so won’t change the way the virus works, or the symptoms it causes, he says. One is not more deadly than the other.

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He's right of course ! - Although it's China's virus and not Italy's.

He's right because not many people wash their hands here.

Go into most Bars, Massage shops and even some Restaurants and the toilet facilities are often disgusting. Even last week at a government owned tourist attraction I had visited. No soap, filthy wash basin and a hand towel that looks like it had been there for about 5 years unwashed. Add to that a complete lack of common sense here and it's a recipe for disaster.

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This is rubbish from the ICU guy in the Bangkok Hospital.


Mortality is linked to the general conditions of the country towards the Corona visrus.


You can't compare a hospital in some Thai provinces to a hospital in Lombardy Italy. The Lombardy region has some of the best health care system in the world and they have a mortality rate of 8.9%.


The Italy strain is the same as the Wuhan Covid-19 strain but countries with a strong health care system can handle it. 


Community transmission has been going on since 26th last month at least and it was part of the 2nd wave of Covid transmission with flights open by Japan, Thailand and South Korea.


The main wave is from Thailand, Korea and Japan and a large number of Thai's returned and they are unaccounted for specially from Europe and East Asia.


The few farangs that come in from Europe now to Thailand is very slim and even two weeks ago the number was small compared to the community spreading that has been gone for the past 3 weeks THROUGHOUT Thailand.


I am worried about Thailand as they are not prepared. BigC is getting closed down and so is Robinson. This only leaves Tesco Lotus to feed the population and 7/11 as markets surely will be shutdown.


The next 2 weeks will be Chaos in Thailand





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8 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

so blame it on the farang yet again.

the asian virus was calm and friendly. 

but the italian one will kill many innocent asian people.

propably another chinese propoganda advice  to thailand, in a desperate

trial to save face and blame it on the west.

Of course, and it was the farangs fault all the people fled Bangkok, just to get away from the dirty foreigners here. Thank you A Nut In, I am sure this will be remembered by many....

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The only way to say for certain that this virus is of a different strain (and is from Italy) is by sequencing the genes of the viruses.   I didn't see where that has happened yet.   If there hasn't been any sequencing, then this is conjecture IMO.  

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35 minutes ago, Phuket Pete said:

He's right because not many people wash their hands here.

Go into most Bars, Massage shops and even some Restaurants and the toilet facilities are often disgusting.

Might be that living in unsanitary conditions builds up immunity (if it doesn't kill you). There is some evidence that children playing in dirt and being around animals / pets is beneficial for their immune system. Plus traditional Thai diet has lots of vegetables and different types of mushrooms that strengthen the immune systems (at least the traditional Northern stuff my wife feeds me, which is like sampling from random foliage in the forest).

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5 minutes ago, TomJoad said:

The only way to say for certain that this virus is of a different strain (and is from Italy) is by sequencing the genes of the viruses.   I didn't see where that has happened yet.   If there hasn't been any sequencing, then this is conjecture IMO.  

It's much more likely the Wuhan strain that was injected into Thailand in January and has been growing under the lid thanks to the coverup operation with testing: https://nextstrain.org/ncov?dmax=2020-01-11&dmin=2020-01-02


Nextstrain will add more once they get sequences from the labs. Click on the "Play" button in the transmissions map to see how it has spread so far.

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7 hours ago, cmarshall said:

It's possible that the current strain of corona is Italy is very different from what's in Japan or S. Korea, but I doubt that that explains the different outcomes.  We don't know much about what has happened in Japan, but we do know they didn't do much testing.  So, maybe their containment efforts were effective or they just got lucky so far or the virus is more rampant there than we know.  But we do know what happened in S. Korea.  The head of the Korean CDC compelled 20 manufacturers of biologic test kits to attend a meeting held in the Seoul train station on Dec. 31, 2019 at a time when there were fewer than 100 corona cases in China.  The companies were ordered to produce test kits at scale, which is what enabled the Koreans to test 10,000 to 15,000 people per day.  They isolated people who tested positive and then traced their contacts, tested those people, and isolated the positives, on and on.


Italy never took any of those steps.  They didn't test widely and early despite the time lag advantage they had over Korea.  And they never traced contacts.


It seems unnecessary to conjecture some more powerful strain to explain the mess the Italians find themselves in.

The secret is to isolate the positive cases. 

In the USA people are being told to stay home when they are sick but not sick enough to get hospitalized.  That only spreads the virus to more people and these shop for food, still work etc..


No containment can be achieved this way 

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3 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Looks as though we are all doomed them.


I'm in the very vulnerable group. Just wrote my will and wishes.


"To my wife:


I leave you everything. The gold is hidden at the farm. There is a clue to its whereabouts on the computer. Go to Google Earth Pro and look down the list of 'saved places' until the place 'gold' is found. Just dig there and you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. Have to hire a digger as it is 10 metres down. The password to the computer is in a box next to the stash of gold. Have a happy life. Remember the cat you threw at me 5 years ago. I've not lost my memory or sense of humour in my suffering. Scatter my ashes onto the pond. No singing, dancing or rejoicing. Good luck.









Thanks I needed that for a good laugh tonight.

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11 minutes ago, SometimezaGreatNotion said:

Might be that living in unsanitary conditions builds up immunity (if it doesn't kill you). There is some evidence that children playing in dirt and being around animals / pets is beneficial for their immune system. Plus traditional Thai diet has lots of vegetables and different types of mushrooms that strengthen the immune systems (at least the traditional Northern stuff my wife feeds me, which is like sampling from random foliage in the forest).

Dont forget eating the chicken feet and rats.....

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2 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

Seriously..  the wrath of God???

I don't believe in the metaphysics of Christianity, but don't discount the fact that God's wrath may be involved.


Recall that God punished the Babelians for trying to build a tower to heaven to avoid another flood (which, it seems, God thought humans deserved and should be ready to be punished again). To foil their project, God made the tower-to-heaven work force speak in different languages so their project failed.


I think something similar might be going on here. Humans have created the Internet to try to be one big communicating hive and rely on each other instead of God. God's punishment is the development of endless conspiracy theories and rhetorical language that results in ignorant people being jerked around by the nose.

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TV family. Its a fact it started in China, point solved. Now were getting the picture, my family is stuck in Thailand and I can not get back for the forseeable future. Stop bickering and isolate, its the only way right now. You should see the chaos in Europe, its <deleted>%&ed


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