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Thailand reports 143 new COVID-19 cases, 1 death


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36 minutes ago, wasabi said:

It does not make sense to me there is going to be a sudden exponential explosion of cases in Thailand if there hasn't been already though I'm happy to be proven wrong. Thailand has one of the highest number of Chinese tourists in the world. The virus has been here since the beginning. At first cases were probably misdiagnosed and not reported but I am not seeing proof of exponential growth. I am seeing linear growth and a low death rate.

Warmer climate + Wearing masks + less hugging & shaking hands than a lot of western countries = fewer cases. 

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Interesting discussion

  • A while ago my Thai family suffered from a tickly cough, more in the night, less so in the day, fever, 'not breathe so good', accompanied by lack of appetite for a couple of days, took a while to recover, went though the whole family, baby included. A few visits to the local doctor but it got over all are recovered
  • Sometime later My wife attended three funerals in a week, one old man who had been sick for a long time, one younger 40 -50 who suffered from alcohol dependency, (same family) and one relative who I do not have the detail

I fully accept all this is nothing to do with CV19 which the Thai government has under control, but it gives me comfort that my family have shown the resilience already to survive something similar ???? and people who recently died is just a coincidence due to the recent extreme hot weather


I hope all goes well for you and your families if the virus does arrive

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36 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You're not considering the backlog of patients awaiting test results, which as of yesterday has ballooned to 6673 patients.


But more broadly, there are a whole lot of factors that separate the actual spread of the virus in Thailand vs. the numbers being reported daily by the government of confirmed cases -- lack of widespread testing, restrictive policies on who can get tested, originally a very slow policy on processing and confirming test results that later was changed along the way, and other factors. Government policies and procedures have been influencing and controlling all of this.


For me, the confirmed cases stat is just the tip of the iceberg. 



The virus doesn't care about what numbers are announced. We have never seen the influx of cases from January you would expect in colder countries.

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7 minutes ago, Eibot said:

The virus doesn't care about what numbers are announced. We have never seen the influx of cases from January you would expect in colder countries.


How do you know what you "see"?  You see what the government announces.  What's going on behind the scenes and that that never gets or is not yet reported, at least thus far, you don't see.


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Fully agree that the underlying problem is much bigger than the actual figures show. On the positive side there is a strong acceptance to wear masks. Masks do not offer 100 pct protection, but some form of protection. Unfortunately there are not enough masks available. This will not change if the government confiscates anything above 180 pieces imported, unless you have a license.

My suggestion to the Thai government is, let those regulations go, bring in through the private sector as many as you can get. China got it under control with their masks, so will we.

The US has accepted now Chinese approved masks, Trump and his cohorts buy what they can get. America First! It is time to think about Thailand first.

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6 minutes ago, Ricebarnandrooms said:

Lockdown??? Do you see how many flights arrive today from Hong Kong, Korea And Even China. 

Tell me just how many people were on all those flights that met the Decree requirements.....just because a plane lands from those countries does not mean people are flooding into the country....Many of the flights may be bringing back Thai Nationals, or folks with WP, or diplomats, but I would think that most flights were empty of large numbers.  A friend who works for Delta and has code share flights with ANA, and Korean Air, told me this morning that two flights, which he assisted with last night, and that left the US, had a total of 20 people on each flight.  If you do not meet the decree requirements you are not being let on a flight.  So no tourists are coming into the country Ricebarnandrooms....

Edited by ThailandRyan
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5 minutes ago, Mr Big said:

Fully agree that the underlying problem is much bigger than the actual figures show. On the positive side there is a strong acceptance to wear masks. Masks do not offer 100 pct protection, but some form of protection. Unfortunately there are not enough masks available. This will not change if the government confiscates anything above 180 pieces imported, unless you have a license.

My suggestion to the Thai government is, let those regulations go, bring in through the private sector as many as you can get. China got it under control with their masks, so will we.

The US has accepted now Chinese approved masks, Trump and his cohorts buy what they can get. America First! It is time to think about Thailand first.

Sadly nobody in this govt really gives a damn about the general population of Thailand, the failure to address the road carnage shows that. They exist and have existed since the coup for one reason only: to ensure that the status quo and power structure that privileges and enriches a very small number of people is maintained and not threatened by that mass population. They've done that well to date, with an increasing numbers of Thai people existing in poverty and the wealth of that elite growing at much the same rate. 

Mass testing is the obvious thing to do but that involves spending money and nobody wants to, nor are they competent to do so even if they were so inclined.  Right now there are only 400-700 tests a day. They simply don't care.

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2 hours ago, kevin612 said:

Everyday over 100 cases, it is pretty scary 

Which strikes me as very odd when countries around the world are doubling and tripling cases every day while Thailand remains at 100+ each day. How very ... odd. :dry:

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1 hour ago, totally thaied up said:

Very close to Chiang Mai


If you looked at how quickly things get spread on Twitter and Facebook and how  scathing Thais can be on those platforms, I am sure we would hear of something. Even if the Government tried to shut it down, it would leak somewhere. Last night they made a really big stuff up of the 5,000 baht payment scheme (the server went down) and within moments it was trending on Twitter (like a 100,000 tweets in 30 minutes and people were angry). 


Clearly the only truth. as soon as any hospital will have more than 3 cases in a day we will know it, beautiful nurses so happy to video themselves with dying people in the background ????




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1 minute ago, ReLo said:


Clearly the only truth. as soon as any hospital will have more than 3 cases in a day we will know it, beautiful nurses so happy to video themselves with dying people in the background ????





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2 minutes ago, ReLo said:


yes genius, Thailand cases are worst than Italy and USA but we don't know it, right ? so funny you.



Actually, he didn't say that at all or close to it. Maybe read it again slowly. It was a very sensible post. 

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2 hours ago, Mavideol said:

they had been testing around +/- 700 people day and reporting +/- 100 people with virus symptoms, maybe, really maybe, they increase the number of daily tests thus the increase in number of detected cases, just my idea


Seems as though your 700 max number of test results per day was pretty close to the mark, based on the subsequent chart on that subject that I posted above...


But you had the 700 tests a day number before that..... Where did you get that kind of number from?  I'd never before seen any mention of that rate of testing before in any of the public docs on the subject....


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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You're presuming the confirmed case numbers reported daily by the govt reflect the actual spread of the virus in the country... They most certainly DO NOT, as testing remains expensive and hard to obtain. I'm convinced, the spread is far far beyond what the daily officialreport numbers suggest.


So, no, I'm not going to "breathe"...


Very accurate test now available at Chula 300 THB.

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46 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

But it also seems to show that for whatever reasons, the government at present is only able or willing to produce a few hundred actual test results per day... and generally in the 300-700 range per day...  Which is a pretty small number, considering they've publicly said their labs supposedly have the ability to runs many thousands of tests per day.


I stand corrected a bit...  The MoPH recently claimed in a news report here on TVF that they had the ability to handle 20,000!!!! lab tests per day, 10K from BKK and 10K from elsewhere...  And yet, we're getting a few hundred test results reported per day.... Why?





She added that the performance of the labs had been enhanced hence one lab test was deemed adequate.


A lab in Bangkok can test 10,000 samples for Covid-19 daily and 10,000 samples outside Bangkok.



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9 minutes ago, elektrified said:

Very accurate test now available at Chula 300 THB.


You have a source for that?  And one that details just who that test is available to, and what kind of test you're talking about, test for the virus itself or test for antibodies to the virus (meaning past exposure)?


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18 minutes ago, Dap said:

Which strikes me as very odd when countries around the world are doubling and tripling cases every day while Thailand remains at 100+ each day. How very ... odd. :dry:

See what happens after the 5th of April. Thousands who traveled from Bangkok to other areas of the Kingdom on the 22/23 of this month are under order of quarantine. I'm one of them. Can't leave under any circumstances until 6 April.

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1 minute ago, elektrified said:

See what happens after the 5th of April. Thousands who traveled from Bangkok to other areas of the Kingdom on the 22/23 of this month are under order of quarantine. I'm one of them. Can't leave under any circumstances until 6 April.

At some point, it's going to totally explode and the numbers will overload the available hospital facilities regardless of how little testing is done.

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

700 per day is a very, very, very low number. Last week Germany did 500,000 tests. 700 or so per day. So around 10 people per province on average. Well that's not going to be the case. Most of this testing will be BKK. So very little testing outside BKK. Actual numbers must be higher.

Should be last month not last wk. 

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3 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

Say goodbye to the lockdown finishing any time soon.

Some idiot in the entity known as government better start planning for the Red Cross to come in then. Or make a decree that all food, soap, sanitary and utilities will be provided or free. I can see riots in the distance, and the selfish looking down on the disease called poverty. 

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3 hours ago, wasabi said:

We know there is limited testing and thus limited utility in these results. However as I've been saying I have the most faith in the death statistic which is very low. We all know many Thai's will never practice social distancing and sanitary conditions in many places are poor and this will increase infection rates but based on today's results I continue to think that the climate likely makes the virus less virulent.  After the mass exodus out of Bangkok it's obvious these numbers are not going down anytime soon. Flattening the curve is doubtful but herd immunity may be tolerable if the virulence of the virus is low. As long as cases don't grow exponentially and death stays low I believe Thailand remains a relatively safe place to ride this out.

You may well be very disappointed. The MIL is currently in hospital with pneumonia. No matter what happens you can bet you bottom dollar it won't be reported as a covid statistic.

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1 minute ago, emptypockets said:

You may well be very disappointed. The MIL is currently in hospital with pneumonia. No matter what happens you can bet you bottom dollar it won't be reported as a covid statistic.

What does MIL mean?

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