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Covid-19: Foreigners spit on the sidewalk after being denied entry to convenience store for not wearing masks


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I've often witnessed Thais spitting into rubbish bins in the building I work in, only for the cleaner to come along and empty it with their bare hands. Disgusting.

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I was in a 7/11 yesterday and there was  sweating ill looking Thai guy standing behind me - no mask on, I pulled him about it and he muttered something and left 


as for these louts - lock'em up for a few days and see how that works - but also Thais are not wearing masks - enforce the rules equally 

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31 minutes ago, seasia said:

I have never seen a foreigner spit on the floor.


Thais yes.

In fact just a couple of days ago a Thai came to less than 1 metre from me and spat forcibly, fortunately on the floor rather than at me.


The racism and xenophobia is rising.

Take a video and send it to the media to do a story on those disgusting people.

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