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Return to "normal"...

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Lets forget figures, tables and % of this and that for now...


When do you think we will be back to "normal" ?? Just guesses will do.... 

There is obviously going to be a certain time frame for easing of restrictions.

When do you think unrestricted international travel will be available again ??


I'm taking an optimistic guess at September...



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To normal? Definitely not this year as far as I am concerned. My "normal life" involves 6 or 7 weeks of family holidays during March/April and in October. March/April is gone and these morons are already planning to cancel the October holidays. Normality would also involve being able to enjoy a good meal in a cosy restaurant and be able to stroll around without choking  in a stupid mask drenched in sweat. Also wonder if we will ever be able again to enjoy couple of cold beers while watching near naked nymphets undulating within smelling distance. They may just grab the opportunity to keep those decadent venues closed forever.

Edited by Boomer6969
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It is going to be a new "Normal" and we don't have a clue what it will be !  Will have to wait till next year at least.  Definitely don't want Thailand going back to what was normal 4 months ago !!

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I think soon the term Normal will have a new and different meanings, time will tell what the "new normal" will be...

Normal is thousands of deaths from other causes and nobody cares.


I wouldnt fly overseas til next year. You should be able to drive around in July. Go somewhere nice.

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Just now, fittobethaied said:

I have long believed that there is a cure out there for every affliction on the face of the earth, but as long as healthcare is nearly 18% of GDP in the US (can't speak for other countries), these cures will continue to be suppressed for the long term interests of the big players in healthcare. Surely, researchers have known for years how to eradicate tooth decay, but just imagine the ramifications of putting the entire dental industry out of work overnight if such a cure were announced. Money is king and patients will continue to be expendable in order to maintain the status quo!

Eat calcium. My teeth are great. I eat loads of hi calcium food.


No great secret.

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49 minutes ago, Guderian said:

Life will return to some semblance of normality once an effective vaccine is available and has been given to enough people.

That may happen this year if we're lucky, I hope so anyway, but it may be in 2021 or even later. Just keep in mind that even after decades of research they still haven't been able to find an effective vaccine against the AIDS virus.

Aids is hard to catch though.

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The PTB will be seeking the tourist dollar or whatever at the earliest possible opportunity.


Not back to normal.don't think we will see that for along time, but open for business July,possibly earlier.

Too much pressure from the elites etc loosing money. 

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Domestically a return to near normal within Thailand (I presume you mean't Thailand)

within end of June.But things will be different, still avoid shaking hands, keeping some distance 

in bars, (ensure their glasses are washed well) trains & a massage may not have the intimacy we are used too.

International flying will be a long time resuming as we know it with more expensive tickets

which I agree with as this flying halfway around the world for 12 days holiday is not helping our planet, low cost airlines will be a lot less available & remember where are you going to go ?

You will need to be careful for at least 2 years as I unfortunately see this corona monster

re emerging 


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1 hour ago, Guderian said:

Life will return to some semblance of normality once an effective vaccine is available and has been given to enough people.

That may happen this year if we're lucky, I hope so anyway, but it may be in 2021 or even later. Just keep in mind that even after decades of research they still haven't been able to find an effective vaccine against the AIDS virus.

there are new virus coming up its on the prediction vedic astrology .....there will be ongoing situation dealing with virus

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I know of no one who able to look into the future without the aid of a tinfoil hat. Such requests are pointless except to feed the appetites of TVF magical soothsayers.

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1 hour ago, Guderian said:

Life will return to some semblance of normality once an effective vaccine is available and has been given to enough people.

That may happen this year if we're lucky, I hope so anyway, but it may be in 2021 or even later. Just keep in mind that even after decades of research they still haven't been able to find an effective vaccine against the AIDS virus.

Vaccine for sexually transmitted diseases? i think the natural vaccine is how you behave and protect yourself. Anyway for HIV you can now live a normal life if you take the appropriate medication. The days when you died in in pain with your immune system trashed are gone. 


the vaccine for covid 19 is estimated another 12 months. It is getting ready for testing stages now.


good luck, be safe.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In that case, NEVER.

It is not a hoax.

Why would anyone post such ridiculous misinformation?

I get that nobody likes all the restrictions and there is no doubt governments throughout the world are likely to use this crisis to attack civil liberties permanently, but that doesn't make this virus a hoax.

clouded brains


listen to people that compare death numbers of 2019,2018 with now


600.000 deaths of FLU every year, and not one country ever closed whatever


it is not more contagious or deadly, if you are healthy


if you have 1,2,3 chronic conditions, this might be a wake-up call



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1 minute ago, GAZZPA said:

. The days when you died in in pain with your immune system trashed are gone. 

aids patients, having many multiple sex partners, have many STD also that goes with it


the many antibiotics for these


plus specially the "POPPERS" they took to facilitate their business destroyed indeed their IMMUNE SYSTEM and many died of things like the cold, pneumonia, etc...


Popper is a slang term given broadly to drugs of the chemical class called alkyl nitrites that are inhaled. Most widely sold products include the original isoamyl nitrite or isopentyl nitrite, and isopropyl nitrite. Isobutyl nitrite was also used until it was banned by the European Union. In some countries, to evade anti-drug laws, poppers are labelled or packaged as room deodorizers, leather polish, or tape head cleaner.

Popper use has a relaxation effect on involuntary smooth muscles, such as those in the throat and anus.[1][2] It is used for practical purposes to facilitate anal sex by increasing blood flow and relaxing sphincter muscles,[3] initially within the gay community.


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